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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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The best thing ever for me. My daughter with the virus this past 3 weeks, told me she’s felt better the past three days. I believe she’s finally over the hump. Her fever is finally gone. Answered prayers, best news ever for a worried mother.


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On 09/04/2020 at 18:14, gvallee said:

Two good things happened upon waking up today: 


1. Two sales popped up, one of them I really like (the image not the price)

2. I had a friend request on FB from an ex-colleague I used to work with in London 10 years ago. A real nice guy, always happy. He told me once that he could not get angry with people. I asked him how much he would charge to teach me 😃😃 Anyway, he dropped his job in banking to sell food in the street from his van and is loving it. Now that's what I call a change in career. Bless him!!


I agree! I’d like to sign up for lessons with him, too! :D 
I once went from a well-paid desk job (ugh) with an insurance company to a job in a doctor’s office working with patients. On my feet all day. Half the pay, unpaid overtime, but I loved it. It’s all about the fit, isn’t it? Happiness comes with the right fit, and I expect that’s why your friend is doing what he’s doing now.


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43 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thank you Dave and Paulette!


Nice to see you back.  I have been thinking about your daughter and so glad to hear she is on the mend.  A good friend's nephew has it, but his case has been not too bad.  She also has a niece who had a double lung transplant 2 years ago.  She has been having issues and she was back in the hospital but they sent her home with all kinds of stuff telling her she would be safer there than in the hospital until this outbreak is over.


I've rediscovered jigsaw puzzles.




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5 minutes ago, John Richmond said:

Illegitimi non carborundum. 😀


+1 in English.   Don't let the B*****ds grind you down.




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6 hours ago, Jill Morgan said:


Nice to see you back.  I have been thinking about your daughter and so glad to hear she is on the mend.  A good friend's nephew has it, but his case has been not too bad.  She also has a niece who had a double lung transplant 2 years ago.  She has been having issues and she was back in the hospital but they sent her home with all kinds of stuff telling her she would be safer there than in the hospital until this outbreak is over.


I've rediscovered jigsaw puzzles.




A lung transplant....suppressed immune system...yikes!

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3 minutes ago, Ivan Rwatschew said:

We are  still breathing aren't we  what could be better than that.


That reminds me of the Lung Association Commercial:


"When you can't breathe, nothing else matters."

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My British nurse (retired) friend here told me where to get very fresh eggs.  My dog walker knew the place and has been fetching them for me.  They have wonderful perky yolks and I found out today just how fresh they are.  The shop owner has the hens in the backyard.   One of the delights of living here is the country is so close to town that some bits are actually inside it. 


Mangos are developing on the neighbor's tree.   I get the ones that are on the branches overhanging my courtyard.


Also, over the weekend, reconnected by FaceTime with a friend who I hadn't seen (virtually or otherwise) in over twenty years.


So far, so good.  I mask up and put on sunglasses with interchangeable lenses (use the clear lenses) when I got out. 

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12 hours ago, Jill Morgan said:


That reminds me of the Lung Association Commercial:


"When you can't breathe, nothing else matters."


Reminds me of a line from one of the James Herriot stories. For those that don't know, the author, James Alfred Wright, was a vet in the Yorkshire dales.


When a horse died the farmer or otherwise would call out the "Knacker". That was the person who would take the dead animal away to be rendered down.


The knacker man had to give a certificate of death to the farmer which always said the animal had died from "Stagnation of 't lungs."




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I burnt some garden cuttings last night. Went up like a torch just like bonfire night. I couldn't stand within 20 feet of it, so hot there was barely a puff of smoke and at the bottom of the garden I didn't choke anyone. It was also about 6C by then so no-one needed their windows open!

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19 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Baking some banana nut bread today...didn't want waste the overripe bananas I had.


My home already smells good enough to eat!


We've baked a lot of banana bread lately but are now struggling to get eggs so can't make anymore (at least not with my recipe) for the time being.

Edited by Matt Ashmore
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13 hours ago, MizBrown said:

My British nurse (retired) friend here told me where to get very fresh eggs.  My dog walker knew the place and has been fetching them for me.  They have wonderful perky yolks and I found out today just how fresh they are.  The shop owner has the hens in the backyard.   One of the delights of living here is the country is so close to town that some bits are actually inside it. 


Mangos are developing on the neighbor's tree.   I get the ones that are on the branches overhanging my courtyard.


Also, over the weekend, reconnected by FaceTime with a friend who I hadn't seen (virtually or otherwise) in over twenty years.


So far, so good.  I mask up and put on sunglasses with interchangeable lenses (use the clear lenses) when I got out. 

A neighbor scored a dozen eggs for me recently. I enjoy an egg sandwich from time to time, besides baking. Sorry for anyone who can’t get them.

MizBrown, I always found fresh eggs weren’t the best for boiling. Seems the shell stuck on the white more. I always bought mine a week or two ahead for the kids’ Easter eggs.

My good news...I woke up still virus-free. The sun is shining, spring is bursting out all over. Birds are building nests. I envy them their freedom.
I’ve been playing YouTube African Gray videos for my African Gray, and am amused seeing her watch and enjoy them.


Edited by Betty LaRue
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@Betty LaRue, so glad your daughter is on the mend!


My Joy for today: When I spoke with my daughter last week she mentioned that my 19-month-old grandson has decided he wants to help her vacuum, so I found a toy Dyson (that apparently actually picks up bits, if not so well) on target.com and sent him that along with a Little Tykes slide for their yard. It arrived this morning and he spent most of our daily FaceTime "vacuuming" his room, big smiles and giggles, even though it arrived without batteries. Great exercise for the little guy. Love it when I can make him happy which is actually quite easy since he's been a smiley happy kid since birth. What a joy to see him every day even if it's virtually. 


I also sold 2 framed prints this week, either one of which more than paid for the vacuum and slide, so guilt-free grandchild-spoiling. (Not that I ever feel guilty spoiling him, it's my second job 😎)


@Mr Standfast Enjoy your granddaughter's birthday - grandkids are the greatest gift! (And technology is a life-saver right now).

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On 15/04/2020 at 10:18, Betty LaRue said:

MizBrown, I always found fresh eggs weren’t the best for boiling. Seems the shell stuck on the white more. I always bought mine a week or two ahead for the kids’ Easter eggs.

My good news...I woke up still virus-free. The sun is shining, spring is bursting out all over. Birds are building nests. I envy them their freedom.
I’ve been playing YouTube African Gray videos for my African Gray, and am amused seeing her watch and enjoy them.



Ortega finally made an appearance on state TV channels.  My dog walker took a look at my t.v. and said, "El vive" (He lives) and giggled.


The commercial store eggs are definitely better for hard boiled, but I like omelets and stir-fried rice and lentils more than hard boiled. 


One of my friends said that whatever the governments are or aren't doing, we should practice social distancing, wash our hands, and wear masks and eye covering outside.

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My good thing today....I’m “maybe” figuring out how to paint a cat’s face in watercolor. If I practice it enough to get decent at it, I’ll paint my sister’s cat for her from a picture.

@MizBrown, “he lives.....funny! 
I had a fried egg sandwich for lunch. Again.

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