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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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25 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:

Just for something different to do I have changed my Christian name by deed pole.


You can all call me "Hayu" now.





Alright, true story. At some stage during pioneering days in Australia, there was a fashion for Irish names. People were changing their names by deed poll.

There was even a guy named  O'Smith. Someone asked him 'o'Smith!! Where did you get your name from?'. He replied 'Same place as the opossum'.


I love my old books where we can laugh at a joke told over a hundred years ago.

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9 minutes ago, John Morrison said:

I've had gout for a week (take my advice... don't ever get it. The pain is excruciating).


I just walked from one side of the room to the other, forgetting to use my crutches.


I must be on the mend! Hooray!!

Too much port and shellfish.....chance would be a fine thing. Or not.

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2 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


If gout wasn't so painful, and I was more mobile, I'd come over and give you a slap... 😎

 I'll consider myself mildly chastised🤪

Goodness me, I'm finding emojis I never knew existed............

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47 minutes ago, John Morrison said:

I've had gout for a week (take my advice... don't ever get it. The pain is excruciating).


I just walked from one side of the room to the other, forgetting to use my crutches.


I must be on the mend! Hooray!!

Been there John, no fun, up there with some of the worst pain I have ever experienced.  Since being put on a gout medicine, I have not had a flair up in 3 or 4 years!  It’s called Allopurinol, it has worked for me.

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4 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:

Been there John, no fun, up there with some of the worst pain I have ever experienced.  Since being put on a gout medicine, I have not had a flair up in 3 or 4 years!  It’s called Allopurinol, it has worked for me.


Allopurinol... me too. Supposed to prevent gout... rather than treat an attack. So it had to be plan B: Colchicine. It takes a few days to calm things down... but it works.


Gout is thought by some to be a bit of a joke ailment... but only by people who've never had it!

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56 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


Allopurinol... me too. Supposed to prevent gout... rather than treat an attack. So it had to be plan B: Colchicine. It takes a few days to calm things down... but it works.


Gout is thought by some to be a bit of a joke ailment... but only by people who've never had it!

Yes, I took Colchicine when I had attacks but now take Allopurinol as a maintenance drug and it seems to work, at least it has for me.

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I don’t want gout. Never had it. One of our popular hosts on sports talk radio gets attacks and has voiced how intense the pain is. I’ve had kidney stones, does that count in besting you? :lol:

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On 01/04/2020 at 04:21, Marianne said:


knowing we have the bidet is a positive. (It's a seat you attach and they say it takes about an hour, so you don't need a plumber)



An hour!!!! I'll stick to using paper, that only takes a few seconds . . . 😉


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I called my friend who is in the Old Actors Home now. He has memory problems and they are not allowed visitors for obvious reasons so he has not talked to anyone about what is happening. He was aware of the virus but he doesn't use a computer or, I guess, watch the news and was continually amazed by what I told him. He hadn't realized it is all over the world. When I described the empty streets and no theatre, no movies, no museums, restaurants closed, he  kept being surprised and kept saying he is glad to be where he is. I am glad too and, for once, I didn't have to feel bad that he is no longer in the City. It was so nice to talk to him and it cheered me up.



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Just having some Rochefort 10 Trappist beer. 11.5% ABV🤪

Yes, I know, it says 10 but those are Belgian degrees. They're bigger😀

Here's some at home in the town- only about 2 food miles on this bottle. Santé.


A glass of Rochefort 10 Trappist beer, La Gourmandise bar restaurant, Rochefort, Belgium Stock Photo
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6 minutes ago, geogphotos said:

Son is cooking for us.


Elderberry wine x 2  bottles all ready.


Warm fire going.


All safe and sound.

We're having home-made pizza (it's Friday after all) but I'm pretty envious.

Shall we swap photos- we both have 5 star QC (well hopefully)!

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53 minutes ago, geogphotos said:

Son is cooking for us.


Elderberry wine x 2  bottles all ready.


Warm fire going.


All safe and sound.

You are very smart with the elderberry. Good for you!

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1 hour ago, NYCat said:

I called my friend who is in the Old Actors Home now. He has memory problems and they are not allowed visitors for obvious reasons so he has not talked to anyone about what is happening. He was aware of the virus but he doesn't use a computer or, I guess, watch the news and was continually amazed by what I told him. He hadn't realized it is all over the world. When I described the empty streets and no theatre, no movies, no museums, restaurants closed, he  kept being surprised and kept saying he is glad to be where he is. I am glad too and, for once, I didn't have to feel bad that he is no longer in the City. It was so nice to talk to him and it cheered me up.



 That is your good heart, not forgetting old friends. ❤️

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8 hours ago, dustydingo said:


An hour!!!! I'll stick to using paper, that only takes a few seconds . . . 😉



LOL. I am suffering from insomnia and clearly not expressing myself as clearly and precisely as I should be 😎

it only takes an hour to install...

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My neighbor just called and offered to pick up chicken breasts and a bag of Echo’s mixed vegetables that I steam for her. She was going to pick up some things for herself and thought of me. She’s my daughter from another mother. 

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9 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

You better watch out. I’ll send my teeth across the pond to chomp you. 😡


Not if my teeth reach you first.😷




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Two good things happened upon waking up today: 


1. Two sales popped up, one of them I really like (the image not the price)

2. I had a friend request on FB from an ex-colleague I used to work with in London 10 years ago. A real nice guy, always happy. He told me once that he could not get angry with people. I asked him how much he would charge to teach me 😃😃 Anyway, he dropped his job in banking to sell food in the street from his van and is loving it. Now that's what I call a change in career. Bless him!!


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