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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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Woke up. Had breakfast. Went to the paper shop and bought newspaper. My name did not appear in the deaths column.




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23 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Me, too, Steve! And a neighbor is going to share a large order of toilet paper with me mid-April.

After 30 years I've only just realised that as we have a bidet we don't strictly speaking need toilet paper🤪

Pleased to have about a fortnight's worth though.

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1 hour ago, spacecadet said:

After 30 years I've only just realised that as we have a bidet we don't strictly speaking need toilet paper🤪

Pleased to have about a fortnight's worth though.

Shhhhh! You might get a long line of us wanting to use your facilities!

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11 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Shhhhh! You might get a long line of us wanting to use your facilities!

I'll get the floor tape ready.. you'll all be 2m apart. Let's see, Kansas City to London is 6984km, so I reckon there'll be about 35 million in that queue. I'll put out a VIP line for the forum, but even so, you'd better get in quick, Betty.

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5 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I'll get the floor tape ready.. you'll all be 2m apart. Let's see, Kansas City to London is 6984km, so I reckon there'll be about 35 million in that queue. I'll put out a VIP line for the forum, but even so, you'd better get in quick, Betty.

Will do! 😂

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1 hour ago, Steve F said:

Just been to Waitrose today and there were copious amounts of toilet paper AND handwash. Yay, partial resumption of 'normal life' (highlight of my week 😅)


Yesterday I dropped into a Sainsbury's on the way home from where I've been contracting. Yes, loo rolls, tissues, anti bacterial hand wash, bread, and at last cat litter. My wife saw similar today in Morrisons when she shopped for eggs, the only item I could't get yesterday.  If it continues no need now to travel between supermarkets searching for unobtanium, still far from normal life though.

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After a friend up in Waverley, Rhode Island who was up at her house for needed repairs has a state cop and and National Guardsman show up at her house (neither wearing masks), simply because her car has NY license plates, I received a very nice letter from the year-round resident head of our beach association at our summer house in Connecticut, just 20 minutes south of the Rhode Island border, expressing support for all residents (summer and year-round) discussing how they were trying to work out how things will work this summer so we can all enjoy the beauty of our surroundings and stay safe. My siblings and I were supposed to be up there opening the house for the season this weekend, but have delayed that indefinitely at this point, but with all the New York bashing going on in certain parts of the US (you'd think we invented this horror - it would be nice to see some sympathy towards fellow citizens - something that all we human need for each other right now. I was beyond angry and miserable to be an American yesterday and the letter really gave me hope in my fellow citizens. 


I also found a great recipe for cinnamon coffee cake and I have everything I need in my increasingly bare pantry. Hope my sharing it here makes your day! 

Sour Cream Cinnamon Coffee Cake


Being on this forum gives me faith in my fellow humans and my fellow Americans. You are all the best. #InThisTogether 

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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:

After 30 years I've only just realised that as we have a bidet we don't strictly speaking need toilet paper🤪

Pleased to have about a fortnight's worth though.


I bought one online for the upstairs bathroom and it arrived just before my husband got sick, so we haven't installed it yet as I'm currently living downstairs, using the half-bath and only venturing upstairs to bring him food and use the only shower. But he is on the mend (after a televisit with the doctor, our MD has concluded it's bronchitis). His surgery is meanwhile delayed indefinitely, but at least we have enough toilet paper to get us through until he gets better, and with improvement each day, hopefully that will be fairly soon. Out of an abundance of caution, I haven't been to a shop since he got sick, and the few items I managed to order from Amazon pantry (no lysol spray or wipes, TP or even peanut butter) won't be here for at least 3 weeks, knowing we have the bidet is a positive. (It's a seat you attach and they say it takes about an hour, so you don't need a plumber). Just FYI. 😎


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Did you all hear about the 101-year-old Italian man, who was born during the Spanish flu epidemic? After being hospitalized he recovered from Covid-19. 

A bright spot in all this. 

Edited by Marianne
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The coffee cake sounds scrumptious. I haven’t baked since all of this has started, but the last time I made crust for a pie, I made an extra single and froze it. 
it’s calling me to use it for a coconut cream pie, or possibly a custard. I’m leaning toward custard because it is much lighter and less filling to eat. I can easily put away a fourth of a pie without turning a hair for lunch or dinner. A glass of iced tea with it and that’s all I’ll eat for a meal, so I’ll still keep my girlish figure. (If you believe that....)

In the end, I’ll have to eat the whole thing. What a shame. But I believe I’m up for the task.


Edited by Betty LaRue
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Not ONE but TWO great things happened to me today, and it's only 8:30 a.m.


1. First of April is always a memorable date for me: 35 years ago to this day, I left my 'dear' country. Best thing I have ever done in my whole life.

2. Now that I've shocked you all, the second good news is that, as reported in the Sold Images thread, I licensed a picture of the pub where David Bowie filmed part of the clip 'Let's Dance'. I am thrilled because it was a mini-expedition just to get there. The pub location in Australia is remote, accessible only via dirt roads which become impassable when wet. We went after a big rainfall and the 'road' had just re-opened. There were huge pools of standing water on either side, the ribbon of the road getting narrower and narrower. We just about made it in between without having to swim. The pub was fun inside, it had been chosen because it sits at a cross-road, one of the boxes to be ticked. It was a small sale but the good recollections and fun we have from that trip make it acceptable!  Other pictures inside the pub were here and here.  


Wish you all lots of joy today.

Edited by gvallee
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About a year ago I filled out the application for our senior center so I could check out their classes. I tried a couple but they weren't right for me so I haven't been for a long time. I am in the database, though, for the Department of Senior Services and a woman called me today. She will check on me every few days. She asked about my health, could I get food, did I have my medications, etc. Quite nice to be looked after. There are some exercise videos on their website that I might try out.



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We have just had a virtual lunch with friends which lasted 3 hours and several bottles. It recalled one we had in Gent about 18 years ago with said friends just after the switch to the euro, when the restaurant couldn't remember the conversion rate from Begian francs. I think we benefited but it's hard to be sure; that 4-hour lunch became legendary in our circles and is still remembered.

Note for fans of Zoom virtual backgrounds- if you're too close to the wall weird stuff happens.

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This morning I took a piece of meat out of the freezer to thaw. I thought it was a nice, thick ribeye steak. After it thawed I was getting ready to sear and braise my steak, when I saw on the package, “roast” in my handwriting. This obviously was part of a larger beef roast I had divided and cut up the first piece to make beef stew.

I threw it in my instant pot and 30 minutes later I had roast with my sweet potato. Turned out well, so a good thing. 😁 (I had my mouth set for steak, though)

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11 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

This morning I took a piece of meat out of the freezer to thaw. I thought it was a nice, thick ribeye steak. After it thawed I was getting ready to sear and braise my steak, when I saw on the package, “roast” in my handwriting. This obviously was part of a larger beef roast I had divided and cut up the first piece to make beef stew.

I threw it in my instant pot and 30 minutes later I had roast with my sweet potato. Turned out well, so a good thing. 😁 (I had my mouth set for steak, though)


You mean you had put your teeth in?🤨




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Just for something different to do I have changed my Christian name by deed pole.


You can all call me "Hayu" now.




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