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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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7 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

My sister, who is a retired RN, came storming north from Oklahoma to Wichita yesterday when I told her on the phone how bad my vitals were. Oxygen hit 70 at one point, where if it stays it causes organ damage.

She had a friendly conversation with the nurse and found out the results of my blood work from several days ago. I’m severely anemic. If it goes any lower, I’ll have to have blood transfusions.

I’m getting worse. Not better.


Very sorry to hear this Betty, it is so great to have a nurse in your corner to help you with your recovery!  Keep up the fight!

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Yes, Betty, keep on fighting. Surgery is a major attack on the body. I remember somebody telling me it was like being stabbed. Well not really, and I didn't have anything as intrusive as your surgery. I know you are going to get better. You have a great spirit.



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23 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes it is and we pay the most for it, in the long run


The US certainly does spend a lot on healthcare.  It also offers some of the most advanced facilities and treatments in the world. The problems seem to lie elsewhere. Canada's system limps along. I've had good luck with it so far, but I know people who haven't. That said, healthcare is stretched to the limit everywhere these days, especially with the pandemic, as you know from firsthand experience.

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Thanks everyone. 
First off, I’m in a rehab hospital, not a regular one. Their business is taking people who have had surgery and getting them strong enough to go home. Part of that is physical (PT) and occupational (OT) therapy. That is their focus, and controlling pain falls by the wayside along with other medical issues. As far as other hospitals go, I’ve always had stellar care.

My BP fell dangerously low and these people ignored it.

My blood oxygen, same thing. Ignored results, that is if they bothered to take them in the first place.
Medicare pays for this 100%, but I couldn’t have stayed in the hospital this long under Medicare. 
I feel better today. Yesterday, I wouldn’t have taken the odds I would survive this. They were sitting on the results of my anemia without tell me. I was walking long distances with my walker, pushing myself with legs shaking, lightheaded and feeling a failure when I had to say I couldn’t do anymore. When all the time it was the anemia and low blood oxygen.  Thank God for my sister.

My family went to the top guy who runs this place, and I’m finally getting the care I need, for the most part. Still needs some work. My sister told me and also dragged it out of the head nurse that one more minus number on my anemia blood work, and I would need blood transfusions. My coloring is very pale with a gray cast.

I so appreciate your caring, people. 🥰

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Good to hear that your family is on the case Betty, and that improvements are taking place.


You're fortunate to have family close enough to get involved. At one time families stayed in the same neighbourhood, but these days we live many miles apart. Where my wife grew up she had three aunts and their families  living within 100 yards. My grandparents lived in the next street etc. Today our sons and their families live 100 plus miles away, we stay in touch via WhatsApp etc. 

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thanks everyone. 
First off, I’m in a rehab hospital, not a regular one. Their business is taking people who have had surgery and getting them strong enough to go home. Part of that is physical (PT) and occupational (OT) therapy. That is their focus, and controlling pain falls by the wayside along with other medical issues. As far as other hospitals go, I’ve always had stellar care.

My BP fell dangerously low and these people ignored it.

My blood oxygen, same thing. Ignored results, that is if they bothered to take them in the first place.
Medicare pays for this 100%, but I couldn’t have stayed in the hospital this long under Medicare. 
I feel better today. Yesterday, I wouldn’t have taken the odds I would survive this. They were sitting on the results of my anemia without tell me. I was walking long distances with my walker, pushing myself with legs shaking, lightheaded and feeling a failure when I had to say I couldn’t do anymore. When all the time it was the anemia and low blood oxygen.  Thank God for my sister.

My family went to the top guy who runs this place, and I’m finally getting the care I need, for the most part. Still needs some work. My sister told me and also dragged it out of the head nurse that one more minus number on my anemia blood work, and I would need blood transfusions. My coloring is very pale with a gray cast.

I so appreciate your caring, people. 🥰

Betty, I rarely visit this thread, so have just been reading about your hellish time. I'm so sorry to hear how unwell you are, and send all my very best wishes for a turnaround. Hugs to you from Australia. xxxx


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55 minutes ago, Bryan said:

Good to hear that your family is on the case Betty, and that improvements are taking place.


You're fortunate to have family close enough to get involved. At one time families stayed in the same neighbourhood, but these days we live many miles apart. Where my wife grew up she had three aunts and their families  living within 100 yards. My grandparents lived in the next street etc. Today our sons and their families live 100 plus miles away, we stay in touch via WhatsApp etc. 


One hundred miles would be considered next door in these parts.


Interesting map here that compares the size of BC with the UK.


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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thanks everyone. 
First off, I’m in a rehab hospital, not a regular one. Their business is taking people who have had surgery and getting them strong enough to go home. Part of that is physical (PT) and occupational (OT) therapy. That is their focus, and controlling pain falls by the wayside along with other medical issues. As far as other hospitals go, I’ve always had stellar care.

My BP fell dangerously low and these people ignored it.

My blood oxygen, same thing. Ignored results, that is if they bothered to take them in the first place.
Medicare pays for this 100%, but I couldn’t have stayed in the hospital this long under Medicare. 
I feel better today. Yesterday, I wouldn’t have taken the odds I would survive this. They were sitting on the results of my anemia without tell me. I was walking long distances with my walker, pushing myself with legs shaking, lightheaded and feeling a failure when I had to say I couldn’t do anymore. When all the time it was the anemia and low blood oxygen.  Thank God for my sister.

My family went to the top guy who runs this place, and I’m finally getting the care I need, for the most part. Still needs some work. My sister told me and also dragged it out of the head nurse that one more minus number on my anemia blood work, and I would need blood transfusions. My coloring is very pale with a gray cast.

I so appreciate your caring, people. 🥰


Betty, is there a way to get your primary care doctor involved in this? It seems you are having problems that this rehab place is not capable of handling. Maybe you need to be back in the hospital for a bit.



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18 hours ago, Bryan said:

Good to hear that your family is on the case Betty, and that improvements are taking place.


You're fortunate to have family close enough to get involved. At one time families stayed in the same neighbourhood, but these days we live many miles apart. Where my wife grew up she had three aunts and their families  living within 100 yards. My grandparents lived in the next street etc. Today our sons and their families live 100 plus miles away, we stay in touch via WhatsApp etc. 

I know what you mean, Bryan. I’m lucky to live a few miles away from my youngest. My oldest lives 2 1/2 hours away, but she’s driving it every few days and staying at my house, along with my son who came from 800 miles away. My sister lives 60 plus miles away, about an hour’s driving. She can’t be here often, but if she thinks something is wrong with me, she’s here. My kids pretty much are here with me every day until kicked out when visiting hours are over. They comb my hair, rub lotion on me, and fix the gnarls I make out of my covers. They bring food in hopes of finding something I can (or will) eat. They take my dirty laundry home, wash it, and bring it back. They’ve refreshed my water what seems like a hundred times. I am so lucky.

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6 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Yes I am fortunate Allan, and I never take them for granted, but thank them constantly.

You had me worried there for a bit, Betty.  Glad you've bounced back a bit.  Don't push yourself too hard.  Take your time.


Family is everything.  The rest is just stuff.



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On 30/01/2022 at 18:21, NYCat said:


Betty, is there a way to get your primary care doctor involved in this? It seems you are having problems that this rehab place is not capable of handling. Maybe you need to be back in the hospital for a bit.



That’s sort of been an ongoing discussion with family. My sister thinks I should go home, see my primary and let home health monitor me.

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9 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

That’s sort of been an ongoing discussion with family. My sister thinks I should go home, see my primary and let home health monitor me.


I would certainly want to contact my primary doctor if I was in your situation. No possibility he or she could see you there? I have a new doctor now (after  the same doctor for 30 years) and he seems to want to always be informed of how I am doing, vaccines, Pt and anything that comes up. I don't think I would feel so free to do it if I was calling but I have a (confusing) "portal" online that lets me contact him by email. I think for something as serious as your situation I would feel fine calling.




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I practically do not go into this topic, so I missed a lot.
Betty, I'm very worried about your health. I wish you strength and good health in order to recover as soon as possible and return to your usual life, the care of loved ones and qualified medical personnel. 

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I feel a bit bad to post a light-hearted post after Betty's health issues but perhaps Betty, it will raise a smile? You deserve one.


We have just completed a couple of pets/farm sittings. We registered with a few websites, specifically mentioning our interest in caring for animals. 

What happens next? We're contacted by someone who's starting a meat goat project.

Our role, should we accept it, would be to care for 300 goats, especially keeping an eye on their health, in particular scouring, i.e. diarrhea.

An emphatic no thank you!!!!

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5 hours ago, gvallee said:

I feel a bit bad to post a light-hearted post after Betty's health issues but perhaps Betty, it will raise a smile? You deserve one.


We have just completed a couple of pets/farm sittings. We registered with a few websites, specifically mentioning our interest in caring for animals. 

What happens next? We're contacted by someone who's starting a meat goat project.

Our role, should we accept it, would be to care for 300 goats, especially keeping an eye on their health, in particular scouring, i.e. diarrhea.

An emphatic no thank you!!!!


That sounds like duties that should be performed by people getting paid.   More than a few animals, you get paid.  

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Finally, Good News, what this thread is about.

The past couple of days I have steadily felt better, like I’ve turned that mystical corner, the one I kept chasing. I’ve been out of bed for 2 hours, with my brace on. I have to put on the back brace every time I leave my bed. It’s cumbersome, straps here and there that sometimes confounds me.

I’ve brushed my teeth and done the usual toiletries. There were days all I wanted to do is roll over in bed, if the pain allowed me to roll over.

I told the people here that I am ready to go home. Sitting in a hospital room doesn’t motivate me to get moving, where at home I’ll have to move from bedroom to living room or kitchen. I’ll see my pretty home I’ve worked so hard to make pretty.

So, barring a backset, I might go home on Friday. We’re in the middle of a snow event, and the roads need time to be cleared.

My daughter, Kim, doesn’t agree with me, nor do I think my other two. They would prefer I stay another week. If I leave, I’ll alienate them a bit. They are afraid I’m not strong enough and am a fall risk. I can’t see another week changing that.

That said, Kim has gotten me an appointment to see my family doctor a few days after discharge and we’ll be trying to set up physical therapy with my therapist I’ve used before.

I actually applied makeup yesterday, and turned some heads. I saw my surgeon’s nurse, who removed all of my staples. No more bandages that were allowed to stay on beyond their time by the rehab hospital and infect me.

Good news all around.

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28 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Finally, Good News, what this thread is about.

The past couple of days I have steadily felt better, like I’ve turned that mystical corner, the one I kept chasing. I’ve been out of bed for 2 hours, with my brace on. I have to put on the back brace every time I leave my bed. It’s cumbersome, straps here and there that sometimes confounds me.

I’ve brushed my teeth and done the usual toiletries. There were days all I wanted to do is roll over in bed, if the pain allowed me to roll over.

I told the people here that I am ready to go home. Sitting in a hospital room doesn’t motivate me to get moving, where at home I’ll have to move from bedroom to living room or kitchen. I’ll see my pretty home I’ve worked so hard to make pretty.

So, barring a backset, I might go home on Friday. We’re in the middle of a snow event, and the roads need time to be cleared.

My daughter, Kim, doesn’t agree with me, nor do I think my other two. They would prefer I stay another week. If I leave, I’ll alienate them a bit. They are afraid I’m not strong enough and am a fall risk. I can’t see another week changing that.

That said, Kim has gotten me an appointment to see my family doctor a few days after discharge and we’ll be trying to set up physical therapy with my therapist I’ve used before.

I actually applied makeup yesterday, and turned some heads. I saw my surgeon’s nurse, who removed all of my staples. No more bandages that were allowed to stay on beyond their time by the rehab hospital and infect me.

Good news all around.


So glad things are improving and if you do leave by Friday, I hope your kids will support you on this decision.  I also hope that, in the long run, you will feel that this surgery was well worth the additional pain you have been going through.  Maybe you already do.

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