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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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Carol, Dear -- I think your space heater-info is not up to date. Here the one I bought: 




I don't see that that could be improved on -- it's small, it's electric, it quiet, it cost me just £30, and it's keeping me warm. I owe Allan a slap-up lunch. 


Paulette, Dear -- don't fret about that multicoloured dove. After all, you spent time hand-washing those Polar Bears before getting them to pose for you.


Tio Edo

Edited by Ed Rooney
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On 11/02/2022 at 19:31, Ed Rooney said:


John, can I point it at the barman? 


Today a barman at a fancy bistro at Liverpool ONE did not charge me for the martini I ordered. Amazing! I told him that it was the first martini I had in 40 years, which is true. I drink beer, wine, and maybe a brandy these days. Yesterday, the pizza chef at Rudy’s on Castle Street did not charge me for my pizza. I must be oozing charm. Or was it the S&W .357 on the bar?

Ya felt lucky, punk Ed.

What I think of as a space heater looks like a jet engine on wheels and consumes butane at an alarming rate. In your house, not the thing. It would take the paint off the walls.

Edited by spacecadet
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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Carol, Dear -- I think your space heater-info is not up to date. Here the one I bought: 




I don't see that that could be improved on -- it's small, it's electric, it quiet, it cost me just £30, and it's keeping me warm. I owe Allan a slap-up lunch. 


Paulette, Dear -- don't fret about that multicoloured dove. After all, you spent time hand-washing those Polar Bears before getting them to pose for you.


Tio Edo

Yes you are correct Edo, I'm definately not up to date on space heaters.  Many thanks for the link I've made a note should I need one, it's always good to go on recommendation...


I think I was thinking along the same lines as Spacecadet😄. I prefer to keep the paint on my walls😁


Thanks again for the info.....



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Always my pleasure, Carol.


And when I got back from food shopping this afternoon -- BINGO --  the heat and hot water were back on!


But I love having the space heater for back up. Little victories are better than little failures.


People! If you're lucky enough to have a romance, have a great Valentines Day. 😀

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7 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


Always my pleasure, Carol.


And when I got back from food shopping this afternoon -- BINGO --  the heat and hot water were back on!


But I love having the space heater for back up. Little victories are better than little failures.


People! If you're lucky enough to have a romance, have a great Valentines Day. 😀

Wow that's excellent news Edo 😁



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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:


Always my pleasure, Carol.


And when I got back from food shopping this afternoon -- BINGO --  the heat and hot water were back on!


But I love having the space heater for back up. Little victories are better than little failures.


People! If you're lucky enough to have a romance, have a great Valentines Day. 😀


Great news Edo!  I'll take heat and hot water over romance, most any day!  But romance ain't bad either.

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:



And when I got back from food shopping this afternoon -- BINGO --  the heat and hot water were back on!




Good to hear Edo, enjoy !


Meanwhile our builders are threatening to knock down the outside wall tomorrow as they continue to construct our extension, while the pesky electrician is insisting that he needs to change our consumer unit from a plastic to a metal bodied unit, so no electricity for a while. (I've checked the regs. - apparently they now do have to be metal bodied to reduce the fire risk.)


We may well arrange to be out when all of this takes place.

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6 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Always my pleasure, Carol.


And when I got back from food shopping this afternoon -- BINGO --  the heat and hot water were back on!


But I love having the space heater for back up. Little victories are better than little failures.


People! If you're lucky enough to have a romance, have a great Valentines Day. 😀


Now you're a warm gringo! Excellent news.

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13 hours ago, Bryan said:

I've checked the regs. - apparently they now do have to be metal bodied to reduce the fire risk.)

Plastic ones don't have to be replaced. Could be they've put in a new circuit though. A clue might be that the electrical work has to be inspected, but as I read it, the existing consumer unit doesn't have to be tested if a new one is attached to it. Only the new work has to meet the current regulations. If you are being quoted a substantial extra sum this could be gold-plating.

Edited by spacecadet
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48 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


Interesting stories. I've been called a gringa in every country of South America I've visited.

Especially in Brazil, a gringo/a is any foreigner.

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There's a kangaroo as big as a cow outside!! Hubby aghast. We're camping in a rural location, in fact it's on a bush golf course by a tidal river. Roos love golf courses and golf courses love them because they keep the grass short. Early this morning, about 5am, I looked outside, this time there were masses of big red roos, much taller than me. OK it's not difficult, still... Very impressive. Dozens and dozens of them.


At the end of the week, we'll start another farmsit assignment. We went there yesterday to meet the owners and for detailed instructions. Gee!! What a place! The farmhouse has panoramic windows all around, overlooking gorgeous countryside and a beach. And hectares and hectares of land, as far as you can see. The dog we have to take care of is a kelpie, an Australian sheep dog. They are the most amazing intelligent dogs. They can manage on their own a whole flock of sheep. 'Take them to the dam' order and they'll do it on their own. 'Split them up' if a car is coming, and they will free the road. They are super energetic. He will be a handful. Instructions we were given are 'you can't tire him out, so use the ute, drive a few kms, he'll run behind'. We've very excited about the new adventure. We still have a dozen eggs from the last farmsit. Luckily no chickens this time!! 





Edited by gvallee
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3 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Plastic ones don't have to be replaced.

Yes, they don't need replacing. Bye the bye, a very good electrician that I know told me that the reason they have gone back to metal casings for new installations was at least partly down to the installation of smart meters. The poorly qualified installers of the smart meters were disturbing the tails that go into the consumer unit and not checking them properly, leading to an increased incidence of fires.

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6 hours ago, gvallee said:

There's a kangaroo as big as a cow outside!! Hubby aghast. We're camping in a rural location, in fact it's on a bush golf course by a tidal river. Roos love golf courses and golf courses love them because they keep the grass short. Early this morning, about 5am, I looked outside, this time there were masses of big red roos, much taller than me. OK it's not difficult, still... Very impressive. Dozens and dozens of them.


At the end of the week, we'll start another farmsit assignment. We went there yesterday to meet the owners and for detailed instructions. Gee!! What a place! The farmhouse has panoramic windows all around, overlooking gorgeous countryside and a beach. And hectares and hectares of land, as far as you can see. The dog we have to take care of is a kelpie, an Australian sheep dog. They are the most amazing intelligent dogs. They can manage on their own a whole flock of sheep. 'Take them to the dam' order and they'll do it on their own. 'Split them up' if a car is coming, and they will free the road. They are super energetic. He will be a handful. Instructions we were given are 'you can't tire him out, so use the ute, drive a few kms, he'll run behind'. We've very excited about the new adventure. We still have a dozen eggs from the last farmsit. Luckily no chickens this time!! 





You are having wonderful adventures that you’ll never forget! How nice. And the Roos you spoke of, I can’t imagine how big they get. Imagine being kicked by one…they can kill you! Can’t they?

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6 hours ago, gvallee said:


Interesting stories. I've been called a gringa in every country of South America I've visited.

Especially in Brazil, a gringo/a is any foreigner.


Ed's link was to what does seem to be the verifiable origin with Greek-speakers coming into Spain as the Turks were expanding in Eastern Europe.


USAnos being pissy about being called a Gringo outside the US should worry if Gringos in Nicaragua start getting called Yankees again

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7 hours ago, gvallee said:


Interesting stories. I've been called a gringa in every country of South America I've visited.

Especially in Brazil, a gringo/a is any foreigner.


Canadians are considered gringos and gringas as well if that's any consolation.


We're usually considered somewhat more benign than US gringos, which may or may not be true depending on the gringo. 🤠

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12 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Plastic ones don't have to be replaced. Could be they've put in a new circuit though. A clue might be that the electrical work has to be inspected, but as I read it, the existing consumer unit doesn't have to be tested if a new one is attached to it. Only the new work has to meet the current regulations. If you are being quoted a substantial extra sum this could be gold-plating.

Yes a new circuit is to be installed, a series of sockets within our extension and a new lighting circuit. I don't know if this makes any difference, but we have solar panels, so a further complication. I checked the electrician's quote with our builder, who is a relative, and he thought it reasonable. The building inspector is involved, not sure if he also checks electrical work. 

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7 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


Canadians are considered gringos and gringas as well if that's any consolation.


We're usually considered somewhat more benign than US gringos, which may or may not be true depending on the gringo. 🤠


I don't mind at all being called a gringa. While living in Manaus, any foreigner regardless of nationality was called gringo/a. Nothing disparaging about it.

However, it made me realise that it would sound weird if I was called a gringa in Australia! Or when I lived in the UK! Nothing bad, just weird. 

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8 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

You are having wonderful adventures that you’ll never forget! How nice. And the Roos you spoke of, I can’t imagine how big they get. Imagine being kicked by one…they can kill you! Can’t they?


There are many species of marsupials in Australia: wallabies, euros, kangaroos. Most of them are smallish. Of the 4 species of kangaroos, the Red Kangaroo is the biggest. An adult male reaches over 1.80m (5ft 10") and can weigh up to 90kg (198lb). They leave you alone if you don't harass them but there has been 60 deaths over the past 9 years.

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13 hours ago, gvallee said:


There are many species of marsupials in Australia: wallabies, euros, kangaroos. Most of them are smallish. Of the 4 species of kangaroos, the Red Kangaroo is the biggest. An adult male reaches over 1.80m (5ft 10") and can weigh up to 90kg (198lb). They leave you alone if you don't harass them but there has been 60 deaths over the past 9 years.

Wow, I would respect them, for sure!

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Looking forward to a day trip to Suffolk next Monday, then back again 5 days later for 3 nights AirBnB. Hoping the weather is acceptable for both trips. I hate rain but snow would be nice as long as I can drive through it.

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Catchup on my recovery. I’m in the process of weaning off the pain pills.  For instance, I’ve been 7 hours without one, and hopefully the rest of the day I won’t need one.

The bone stimulator caused a huge setback, big-time pain. I’ve finally gotten back to where I was before. But I’m supposed to call the guy about using it again, possibly at a greatly reduced time. Like 20 minutes instead of 2 hours at a time each day. I’m terrified it will cause more pain, yet I feel I need the bone stimulator to achieve a good fusion. I have donated bone pieces in my disc spaces, and over the next year, it needs to harden and fuse with my own bone.

I’m doing physical therapy now, and also have exercises to do at home. Mostly to strengthen my legs and core. 
I can’t seem to gain weight. I’m 7-10 pounds less than before surgery, and I need those pounds back.

My legs are very weak, especially my right leg. I think the left is ok, but don’t know for sure. It’s like my right leg isn’t getting the message from my back nerves. I’m trying to concentrate on it.

I gave up the walker today except maybe for times when I’ve pushed too hard and  I’m very tired. I have 2 canes, which will force me to use my legs properly, and make me walk more upright.

I put on a pair of grey fashion jeans yesterday. I loved it until I couldn’t keep them up. I’m too skinny. I have probably 10 pair that are now too big for me. Where’s the fattening stuff to eat. Until then, back to the exercise pants with elastic waists. The sweatshirts are a given until spring is here.

I gave Echo a shower in the kitchen sink this morning. She loved it and I finally felt capable of doing it.

I have felt NO pain all day and I think I might be getting a taste of what this surgery has done for me. I truly find it hard to imagine a future without the kind of pain I’ve lived with for so long.  I might need to brush up on dancing to “Staying Alive” and a Texas two-step like “Tulsa Time”.

The day I can walk with no assistance devices, I’ll let you know. Because that will be the day I have my life back. Done and out for now.

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9 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Catchup on my recovery. I’m in the process of weaning off the pain pills.  For instance, I’ve been 7 hours without one, and hopefully the rest of the day I won’t need one.

The bone stimulator caused a huge setback, big-time pain. I’ve finally gotten back to where I was before. But I’m supposed to call the guy about using it again, possibly at a greatly reduced time. Like 20 minutes instead of 2 hours at a time each day. I’m terrified it will cause more pain, yet I feel I need the bone stimulator to achieve a good fusion. I have donated bone pieces in my disc spaces, and over the next year, it needs to harden and fuse with my own bone.

I’m doing physical therapy now, and also have exercises to do at home. Mostly to strengthen my legs and core. 
I can’t seem to gain weight. I’m 7-10 pounds less than before surgery, and I need those pounds back.

My legs are very weak, especially my right leg. I think the left is ok, but don’t know for sure. It’s like my right leg isn’t getting the message from my back nerves. I’m trying to concentrate on it.

I gave up the walker today except maybe for times when I’ve pushed too hard and  I’m very tired. I have 2 canes, which will force me to use my legs properly, and make me walk more upright.

I put on a pair of grey fashion jeans yesterday. I loved it until I couldn’t keep them up. I’m too skinny. I have probably 10 pair that are now too big for me. Where’s the fattening stuff to eat. Until then, back to the exercise pants with elastic waists. The sweatshirts are a given until spring is here.

I gave Echo a shower in the kitchen sink this morning. She loved it and I finally felt capable of doing it.

I have felt NO pain all day and I think I might be getting a taste of what this surgery has done for me. I truly find it hard to imagine a future without the kind of pain I’ve lived with for so long.  I might need to brush up on dancing to “Staying Alive” and a Texas two-step like “Tulsa Time”.

The day I can walk with no assistance devices, I’ll let you know. Because that will be the day I have my life back. Done and out for now.

I wish I could donate some of my excess weight to you!  Though my body seems pretty dead set on keeping it. 😬


So glad you continue to improve.

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18 hours ago, gvallee said:


I don't mind at all being called a gringa. While living in Manaus, any foreigner regardless of nationality was called gringo/a. Nothing disparaging about it.

However, it made me realise that it would sound weird if I was called a gringa in Australia! Or when I lived in the UK! Nothing bad, just weird. 


I'd say that "gringo" and "gringa" still have negative connotations (understandably so) in Mexico and parts of Central America, but not so much in South America. As you say, it's just a bit odd, by our standards anyway. Mind you. I've been called worse in Canada. 🙃

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