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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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10 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

By the way . . . I had no side effects from the two jabs I had on Saturday. None. I convinced my old friend in Florence to get her booster. She was going to skip it.


My upgrade to Monterey on my M1 MacBook Air seems to working out.


My wife had her booster jab last Saturday too. She had a painful arm and felt grotty, but that cleared up by Monday. Was the same with previous Pfizer jabs. I have have had no issues.

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4 hours ago, sb photos said:


My wife had her booster jab last Saturday too. She had a painful arm and felt grotty, but that cleared up by Monday. Was the same with previous Pfizer jabs. I have have had no issues.


Pfizer jabs (all three) did not cause me any bother at all. Just a slightly sore arm for a day. But then all jabs do that to me including flu jab.




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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Pfizer jabs (all three) did not cause me any bother at all. Just a slightly sore arm for a day. But then all jabs do that to me including flu jab.




I have my Pfizer booster booked for this Sunday, then my Flu jab early next Saturday. It will be nice to be up to date.

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22 hours ago, sb photos said:

I have my Pfizer booster booked for this Sunday, then my Flu jab early next Saturday. It will be nice to be up to date.

They have brought the booking window forward for us younger codgers so I will get the booster exactly one day early- 181 days.

Flu vacc on Tuesday invited by text and done within 2 hours.

Edited by spacecadet
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46 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


And yet over-worked and under-paid people in the NHS are getting abuse from the public.  🙁


Those members of the public should be flogged.


Sorry but that is how I feel.




I do not usually advocate violence but could in some cases even to the extent of bringing back the death penalty.




Edited by Allan Bell
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My daughter and son-in-law took me out for a Mexican cuisine lunch today. Then we stopped by a shop for a quick pick up of an ordered item, and stumbled on a lingerie sale, where necessary items normally priced at $35-$42 were on sale for $14.99, plus another 15% off with coupon. BONANZA! For both of us.

Then I stopped by a guitar store. I bought another capo, a package of picks and four 30-minute guitar lessons. I’ve come along decently on my own, but am learning in a scattered way. So I hope lessons will show me what to concentrate on the most before moving on to the next thing, in order of importance.

The lessons won’t begin until January or later, also depending on whether I have surgery or if I do, when. That’s why I started with only 4.

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On 05/11/2021 at 06:46, sb photos said:


My wife had her booster jab last Saturday too. She had a painful arm and felt grotty, but that cleared up by Monday. Was the same with previous Pfizer jabs. I have have had no issues.

Had my booster a couple of weeks ago with no ill effects other than a mildly sore arm the following day. My wife received a text message on Friday from our GP surgery inviting her for the booster jab. She has booked a slot and I'm driving her there this afternoon.

Edited by Dave Richards
corrected text.
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52 minutes ago, Dave Richards said:

Had my booster a couple of weeks ago with no ill effects other than a mildly sore arm the following day. My wife received a text message on Friday from our GP surgery inviting her for the booster jab. She has booked a slot and I'm driving her there this afternoon.

My booster jab went ok. Only a small fraction of the vaccination kiosks in  use compared to when I had my second. A few hours later there was a little discomfort when I tried to reach up high. All’s fine now.

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On 06/11/2021 at 17:20, Allan Bell said:


Those members of the public should be flogged.


Sorry but that is how I feel.




I do not usually advocate violence but could in some cases even to the extent of bringing back the death penalty.






Simple solutions for complex problems. But flogging will only cause further overload of the NHS  -  the queues for A&E are getting longer and longer. I was about 2-3 hours waiting in the ambulance when I was admitted back in mid-September and it is apparently way worse now. And the courts are overloaded as well so sentencing those to be flogged could take years - presumably you are not suggesting kangaroo courts (did someone mention kangaroos?) And the undertakers are overloaded as well so what to do with all those dead bodies? Burning at the stake? More C emissions. And there is the problem of housing those on death row for all those years as they exhaust their appeals. I think all that money would be better spent on the NHS.

As for what to do with those who abuse NHS staff? I think denial of free health treatment would be a better solution - hit them where it really hurts - in the wallet.

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I understand over here in Ireland the vast majority of those taking up hospital beds and clogging up A&E depts with Covid are those that have chosen not to be vaccinated. Personally I would just ask those choosing not be vaccinated to sign a disclaimer stating they do not wish to be treated if the catch the virus and present at hospitals. 

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1 hour ago, aphperspective said:

I understand over here in Ireland the vast majority of those taking up hospital beds and clogging up A&E depts with Covid are those that have chosen not to be vaccinated. Personally I would just ask those choosing not be vaccinated to sign a disclaimer stating they do not wish to be treated if the catch the virus and present at hospitals. 


I think there have been more and more doubly vaccinated people hospitalised recently here in the UK as the effectiveness of the vaccine wanes over time as well as the fact that the vaccination programme started earlier here. There is now a big emphasis on booster jabs which are essential. This is going to go on and on without any doubt as it will be necessary to have regular boosters, moreover as new variants arise. 



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2 hours ago, MDM said:


I think there have been more and more doubly vaccinated people hospitalised recently here in the UK as the effectiveness of the vaccine wanes over time as well as the fact that the vaccination programme started earlier here. There is now a big emphasis on booster jabs which are essential. This is going to go on and on without any doubt as it will be necessary to have regular boosters, moreover as new variants arise. 



I guess we need to resign ourselves to the fact that this virus is not going to go away any time soon, if ever. Those who can should do whatever is required to minimise their risk and risk to others.

Edited by Dave Richards
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I`m going to the dentist this morning just for a cleaning.... not sure that`s a good thing thou... haven`t been since the start of the pandemic... I`m a little nervous about putting myself in that position, even though they claim they have protocols in place to keep me safe.:(

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1 hour ago, Dave Richards said:

I guess we need to resign ourselves to the fact that this virus is not going to go away any time soon, if ever. Those who can should do whatever is required to minimise their risk and risk to others.

For whatever it’s worth, I’ve read reports that say someday, this virus may get milder, and become just another more or less normal illness the world faces, like flu.

I’ll believe it when I see it, but I do hope that idea has teeth.

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20 hours ago, Sharon said:

I`m going to the dentist this morning just for a cleaning.... not sure that`s a good thing thou... haven`t been since the start of the pandemic... I`m a little nervous about putting myself in that position, even though they claim they have protocols in place to keep me safe.:(


Went for a check up last week, first since Covid.  They wouldn't do any cleaning at that time because they needed to be more fully kitted out with PPE, booked a follow up session for the purpose


Re good things, we've booked our booster jabs locally for next week. Our first and second jabs involved travel. 

Edited by Bryan
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16 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

For whatever it’s worth, I’ve read reports that say someday, this virus may get milder, and become just another more or less normal illness the world faces, like flu.

I’ll believe it when I see it, but I do hope that idea has teeth.


I think this is based on the idea that the more virulent variants that tend to kill their hosts are less likely to survive in the longer term than less virulent variants that just make the host ill. The most successful variants are probably those that cause only mild or no symptoms - one of the main reasons that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has been so successful to date, as there is a high proportion of cases that are entirely asymptomatic.

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My bit of good news is that I just booked three nights at a mountain ridge cabin, in mid December, in the Appalachians of Virginia.  I have rented this place before. It is one of the most serene places I have ever been.  I am taking my daughter and three of her old high school friends and two dogs.  Lots of hiking trails nearby and a town 15 minutes away for groceries.  If I do nothing for three days, that will be okay with me!  A bit of an early Christmas gift to myself.


This is a view I shot a couple years ago, the last time I rented the cabin. Sunrise.



Edited by Michael Ventura
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Sounds like a wonderful treat, Michael. It’s always fun to have an adventure planned for the near future. Something to look forward to and make the more mundane days fly by quicker. While I used to spend a lot of time in the North Carolina Appalachians, I’ve only driven through the mountains of Virginia a couple of times. I remember awesome beauty and wonderful views. 

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Got an email today from National Geographic Films wanting to license a photo of mine for a documentary and they wanted to know if $400 was okay!  So rare I get a direct stock sale these days!! And in case anyone at Alamy was concerned that they saw the photo on Alamy, no, they saw it in the magazine for which I shot the portrait of a well known chef and humanitarian, Jose Andres.


This will be helpful to pay for my mini vacay in the Appalachian Mountains

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All my American relatives and friends seem to be moving to Virginia or Florida


I got my old friend in Tuscany to get her booster and flu jab. She was being told by a "friend" not to do it. I'm so pleased! She's a German Jew who was a child in the Nazi era. I've never pressed her for her story. Not sure I want to hear it. She's a good person and has 2 fab sons. She speaks 7 languages. I don't want to lose her. We lost her husband a few years ago.

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1 hour ago, Michael Ventura said:

Got an email today from National Geographic Films wanting to license a photo of mine for a documentary and they wanted to know if $400 was okay!  So rare I get a direct stock sale these days!! And in case anyone at Alamy was concerned that they saw the photo on Alamy, no, they saw it in the magazine for which I shot the portrait of a well known chef and humanitarian, Jose Andres.


This will be helpful to pay for my mini vacay in the Appalachian Mountains

Wow that's fantastic nice to have some good news....



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I was away from my desk so could not report this good thing on the day but here goes.


I met up with Andy and Kumar in Cambridge last Monday. Asked Andy to keep my presence secret as I wished to surprise Kumar with my appearance. He was and seemed pleased to see me. His first comment was, "What have you done with your hair?"  I was a bit slow and should have replied, "Likewise!"


We three had a great time together and it was laughs all the way.


Thanks guys.




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