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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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6 hours ago, Bryan said:


Sadly, not sure that the NHS agrees 


I don't read that NHS report as anti-butter. It suggests limiting the amount of butter and all saturated fats, which is a good idea. I only use butter in scrambled eggs, which I eat three times a week. I don't put butter on bread or toast because I eat no bread. Hard cheese is a problem for many Brits. Ice cream is my problem. I eat avocado, spinach, salmon, olive oil, and walnuts regularly.


I've had gout attacks in the past two years but I just had a blood test for that and my uric acid level is fine. Gout calls for a different diet. I also had a general blood test and nothing seems to be amiss. 

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4 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


I don't read that NHS report as anti-butter. It suggests limiting the amount of butter and all saturated fats, which is a good idea. I only use butter in scrambled eggs, which I eat three times a week. I don't put butter on bread or toast because I eat no bread. Hard cheese is a problem for many Brits. Ice cream is my problem. I eat avocado, spinach, salmon, olive oil, and walnuts regularly.


I've had gout attacks in the past two years but I just had a blood test for that and my uric acid level is fine. Gout calls for a different diet. I also had a general blood test and nothing seems to be amiss. 

I love ice cream, too, Ed. It doesn’t love me since I’m lactose intolerant. Occasionally I break down and indulge, knowing I’ll pay the price. It’s worth it if only done rarely.

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I was walking into Washington Square Park and a young man in colorful shorts and t-shirt did a series of gymnastic moves across the plaza... flips and turning around in mid-air in a spectacular way. I thought he was putting on a show for tips but he just sat down at the fountain. Just his exuberant way of getting around on a beautiful day. Such joy.



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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

I love ice cream, too, Ed. It doesn’t love me since I’m lactose intolerant. Occasionally I break down and indulge, knowing I’ll pay the price. It’s worth it if only done rarely.


As you probably know, there are now lots of really good nondairy, plant-based ice creams. I'm especially fond of ones made with almond milk. Some of the best gelato that I've ever had -- as tasty as the real thing IMO -- was made with tofu, which may sound strange to some people. Unfortunately, I can no longer find any.

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4 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


As you probably know, there are now lots of really good nondairy, plant-based ice creams. I'm especially fond of ones made with almond milk. Some of the best gelato that I've ever had -- as tasty as the real thing IMO -- was made with tofu, which may sound strange to some people. Unfortunately, I can no longer find any.


Yes, If you have a Trader Joe's near you Betty, they have an outstanding non-dairy cherry ice cream.  Also, I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and takes pill that will counteract the effects of the lactose, when he wants to indulge occasionally. 

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I’m allergic to dairy, but will sometimes indulge and pay the price, too. I also indulge occasionally by having Ben & Jerry’s almond ice cream, but find the high sugar count keeps me awake at night. Sometimes it’s just easier not to eat any ice cream at all.

Edited by Cecile Marion
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2 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes, If you have a Trader Joe's near you Betty, they have an outstanding non-dairy cherry ice cream.  Also, I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and takes pill that will counteract the effects of the lactose, when he wants to indulge occasionally. 


I'm hooked on French Vanilla. Not all brands of nondairy ice cream are created equal. I find you have to experiment a bit. We do have a Trader Joe's in Vancouver, but I've never shopped there. Fortunately, I can also eat regular ice cream -- no problems with lactose.

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3 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes, If you have a Trader Joe's near you Betty, they have an outstanding non-dairy cherry ice cream.  Also, I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and takes pill that will counteract the effects of the lactose, when he wants to indulge occasionally. 

I do have one in Wichita, but it’s about 25 minutes away. I should make a run and stock up. Thing is, I always buy Black Walnut ice cream. The brand that is the best here is Braum’s. I get black walnut malts there, too. That is, when I know I’m going to be home the next day. It’s been 6 months since I indulged.

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4 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


I'm hooked on French Vanilla. Not all brands of nondairy ice cream are created equal. I find you have to experiment a bit. We do have a Trader Joe's in Vancouver, but I've never shopped there. Fortunately, I can also eat regular ice cream -- no problems with lactose.


Yoghurt flavour ice cream or a dollop of fat free yoghurt on top of vanilla is my top pick, but hardly non dairy. Our latest grandchild and his mum are both lactose intolerant so we have to be careful to read the labels when shopping for them.


Now for a bit of indulgence that is actually good for you, apparently two squares of dark chocolate per day can have health benefits. Also briefly mentioned in that broadcast is a suggestion that my favourite tipple, red wine, can be beneficial, although I think that, sadly, the evidence against is pretty strong in that instance.

Edited by Bryan
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It seems there are quite a few of us lactose intolerant people out there. A shame…much needed source of calcium. I do love chocolate!

My daughter is a chocoholic. When she had a hysterectomy, the doctor told us there was a lot of free old dark blood in her abdominal cavity. When she woke up from the anesthesia, her dad, my husband, told her the doctor found a lot of chocolate pockets in there.

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12 hours ago, Bryan said:


Yoghurt flavour ice cream or a dollop of fat free yoghurt on top of vanilla is my top pick, but hardly non dairy. Our latest grandchild and his mum are both lactose intolerant so we have to be careful to read the labels when shopping for them.


Now for a bit of indulgence that is actually good for you, apparently two squares of dark chocolate per day can have health benefits. Also briefly mentioned in that broadcast is a suggestion that my favourite tipple, red wine, can be beneficial, although I think that, sadly, the evidence against is pretty strong in that instance.


Lactose-free dairy products seem to be readily available here. Also, there are all kinds of dairy milk alternatives -- soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, etc. -- in grocery stores. Vegan cheeses (even yogurt) are improving all the time as well. I've convinced myself that, based on extensive personal research, red wine is definitely good for you. 🍷





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Yes, give it no more thought -- red wine is good for you. And my own extensive personal research has proven beyond all doubt that beer is good for you too. You don't think so? I have a beer now and then and next November I'll be 87 years old! I would drink more beer and probably get more healthy if it weren't for gout. 🤪

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How about brandy? Brandy is good, right? I've become very found of brandy.


I'll tell you how I arrive at my opinions. I take a little semi-scientific info (very little), add some wishful thinking, and top it all up with a thirst for alcoholic beverages, and the desire to be right. 😉


Edited by Ed Rooney
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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

How about brandy? Brandy is good, right? I've become very found of brandy.


I'll tell you how I arrive at my opinions. I take a little semi-scientific info (very little), add some wishful thinking, and top it all up with a thirst for alcoholic beverages, and the desire to be right. 😉


One of my grandmothers lived until 96. A lifelong Baptist the only alcohol she drank was brandy 'for medicinal reasons'.  A quarter bottle lasted her many months, maybe a year. 

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As I have got into bird photography, the blue jays and I have developed a bit of a relationship,  Every morning when I fill the flat feeder I always put a handful of peanuts on top for the Blue Jays (and a nuthatch I call Bond cause he thinks he is a secret agent).  If I am slightly late in delivering their high protein snack, they squawk up a storm until I get out there.


This morning I got a bit occupied on the computer and could hear the little devils screaming, so decided I had better feed them.  Well one little bugger was really pissed off that his snack was missing and he was literally right on my front porch, 2 feet from the front door screaming away. I got the message and quickly went out and put out the peanuts. Made my day.



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6 hours ago, zxzoomy said:

One of my grandmothers lived until 96. A lifelong Baptist the only alcohol she drank was brandy 'for medicinal reasons'.  A quarter bottle lasted her many months, maybe a year. 


The only brandy in our house is half a bottle that has been around for a few years. All it gets used for is adding to cakes made for special occasions.

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Last night I visited a friend of my wife to meet her two Shih Tzu dogs as today I will be letting them out into the garden midday for a wee. My wife and her friend will be at the Southern Wool Show, no dogs allowed there. The two dogs were quite soppy, both competing to sit on my lap and be stroked. Last time I met them some years ago I was growled at.

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12 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Yes, give it no more thought -- red wine is good for you. And my own extensive personal research has proven beyond all doubt that beer is good for you too. You don't think so? I have a beer now and then and next November I'll be 87 years old! I would drink more beer and probably get more healthy if it weren't for gout. 🤪


My father in law liked a pint, but was also partial to Pernod. Along with this he consumed a fried bacon and egg breakfast every morning.  He made it to 90, when the fumes and dust absorbed during a lifetime welding in the shipyards (in the days when they used asbestos and before health and safety, fume extraction etc) finally caught up with him. I guess it's in the genes, got the right ones and you can do much as you please.

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17 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Yes, give it no more thought -- red wine is good for you. And my own extensive personal research has proven beyond all doubt that beer is good for you too. You don't think so? I have a beer now and then and next November I'll be 87 years old! I would drink more beer and probably get more healthy if it weren't for gout. 🤪


Red wine, white wine, beers, lagers, spirits, cider, etc, etc, etc, are ALL bad for me if they contain any ALCOHOL. Gives me migraines. 


Yes please, but NONE alcoholic thanks.




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