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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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15 minutes ago, BobD said:


Says something about your arrogance that you think Betty owes you an explanation.

Think what you like. I'll do likewise.

I don't think I would, but if I were to write a post about racial characteristics, I wouldn't want it to be misinterpreted, hence the space offered. Have you actually read the posts? I'm owed nothing.

Edited by spacecadet
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I went out to do a bit of shopping and needed some Advocados however by the time I reached where they were my hands were so flippin cold I couldn't even feel them properly to see if they were ripe.  A chap standing next to me was doing the same thing and I happened to mention I was having trouble as my hands were cold so he kindly offered to feel the Adocados for me.  Best offer I had all day😁  In fact the only offer🤣



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37 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

I went out to do a bit of shopping and needed some Advocados however by the time I reached where they were my hands were so flippin cold I couldn't even feel them properly to see if they were ripe.  A chap standing next to me was doing the same thing and I happened to mention I was having trouble as my hands were cold so he kindly offered to feel the Adocados for me.  Best offer I had all day😁  In fact the only offer🤣




WHAT! He did not offer to warm your hands for you?




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Woooo Hoooo!  Another sale came in yesterday while I wasn't looking. Good ££ too.


Sorry Alamy it was not you.  No it was P4M wall art.


Iron bridge on canvas.






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49 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

I went out to do a bit of shopping and needed some Advocados however by the time I reached where they were my hands were so flippin cold I couldn't even feel them properly to see if they were ripe.  A chap standing next to me was doing the same thing and I happened to mention I was having trouble as my hands were cold so he kindly offered to feel the Adocados for me.  Best offer I had all day😁  In fact the only offer🤣




Sounds like a scene from a Carry On movie. 🤣

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18 minutes ago, MDM said:


Sounds like a scene from a Carry On movie. 🤣

🤣 Well actually it didn't end there - about 5 minutes later I bumped into the same chap at the bread counter...he very kindly insisted that I get my harvest grain sliced - medium of course -  before getting his numerous loaves sliced - who said chivalry was dead😁


I then popped into the M & S food hall to get a few bits - no I didn't bump into the same chap, maybe he doesn't do M & S😁However, when I was paying at the checkout, the chap at the till suddenly complimented me on my eyelashes saying how long they were and were they mine especially the lower ones, and asked me what I did to keep them that long😁  I confirmed they were indeed mine😁   I would point out there was no one behind me waiting in a queue ha ha.  



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55 minutes ago, MDM said:


Sausage and mash? 


Absolutely 😄

19 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


M&S Food Hall is where I squeeze my avocados. It's never too cold in there . . . except for the frozen food section.






Yes I sometimes get them in there and correct never too cold in there.  The only thing I won't buy in there again is a fresh cauliflower as the last time I got one in there, when I got it home and cut it open there was an enormous slug in there😮  I know these things happen with fresh food and I'm all for extra protein and all that but now I check them rigorously before buying and tend to get one with less green leaves around it, silly I know but......😄  

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12 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Attention, people!!!


Apple just announced a super new iPad and iPad mini.





Sorry Edo, I can't get excited about Apple products or phones or whatever but the day I can fly my drone like in the clip, I will have arrived!!

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I've been out early lately walking to my cat-sitting jobs in the Village and I see little kids (probably kindergarten age) being taken to school. Lots and lots are being taken by their dads. I do love it when kids have good fathers. Hooray for good parenting.



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52 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I've been out early lately walking to my cat-sitting jobs in the Village and I see little kids (probably kindergarten age) being taken to school. Lots and lots are being taken by their dads. I do love it when kids have good fathers. Hooray for good parenting.



That didn’t happen much in our generation, Paulette. The lines were drawn more sharply.  But I saw my son and my sons-in-law take way more active rolls. Give baths, change diapers, and other things, all the help I wish I could have had.

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41 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

That didn’t happen much in our generation, Paulette. The lines were drawn more sharply.  But I saw my son and my sons-in-law take way more active rolls. Give baths, change diapers, and other things, all the help I wish I could have had.


Standard for the 50s and 60s, my father and my friends' fathers were all pretty much hands off with the kids.  I was much more hands on with my two.  Did as much diaper changing  as their mom, did most of the cooking and laundry and plenty of cleaning....but I would say that most of my childhood male friends were similar to me with doing a lot more then their dads.  I think everyone is better off for it!  Of course one big difference, is that today most wives/moms I know, work full time too. 

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1 hour ago, Michael Ventura said:


Standard for the 50s and 60s, my father and my friends' fathers were all pretty much hands off with the kids.  I was much more hands on with my two.  Did as much diaper changing  as their mom, did most of the cooking and laundry and plenty of cleaning....but I would say that most of my childhood male friends were similar to me with doing a lot more then their dads.  I think everyone is better off for it!  Of course one big difference, is that today most wives/moms I know, work full time too. 

That’s true about working wives. Used to, most women stayed home, the men worked, the line between women’s work and men’s was sharp. Although I knew some wives who worked and the line didn’t waver, she just held two jobs. My mom worked where my dad worked, at that time it was a glass factory that made canning jars, but my dad never helped at home. He was too busy spending his paycheck drinking and gambling. That’s why my mother worked, to feed us three girls. I can remember when she was so down in her back she had to hold on to the back of a kitchen chair and scoot it across the floor to cook our meals. I don’t remember ever seeing walkers then.  She was in her mid 20s. She finally kicked him to the curb when I was 6 and good riddance, although at the time, it was very upsetting.

Nice to know you and other good dads blurred the line.

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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

That’s true about working wives. Used to, most women stayed home, the men worked, the line between women’s work and men’s was sharp. Although I knew some wives who worked and the line didn’t waver, she just held two jobs. My mom worked where my dad worked, at that time it was a glass factory that made canning jars, but my dad never helped at home. He was too busy spending his paycheck drinking and gambling. That’s why my mother worked, to feed us three girls. I can remember when she was so down in her back she had to hold on to the back of a kitchen chair and scoot it across the floor to cook our meals. I don’t remember ever seeing walkers then.  She was in her mid 20s. She finally kicked him to the curb when I was 6 and good riddance, although at the time, it was very upsetting.

Nice to know you and other good dads blurred the line.


My parents were not the typical 50's 60's parents.  Both of my parent's worked from the time I was 6.  No one walked us to school. We walked ourselves.  My grandmother lived with us when I was young and she did a lot of the housework.  My mother did do the cooking and my Dad did the typical man of the house stuff.  But workload was equally shared.  When a bit older, around 10 or so, would come home from school for lunch and make it myself.  Again, no one would be walking me to and from school.  As soon as we all hit our early teens, it was our job to do the housework to earn our allowance.  We had to have the house cleaned by the time my Mom came home around 5.  There were 4 of us, so we alternated doing the dishes every night.  Person who washed wiped down all the tables and the person who dried swept the kitchen floor.  Worked well for quite a few years.  Taught us all responsibility.  

Pretty good childhood actually.



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14 hours ago, Jill Morgan said:


My parents were not the typical 50's 60's parents.  Both of my parent's worked from the time I was 6.  No one walked us to school. We walked ourselves.  My grandmother lived with us when I was young and she did a lot of the housework.  My mother did do the cooking and my Dad did the typical man of the house stuff.  But workload was equally shared.  When a bit older, around 10 or so, would come home from school for lunch and make it myself.  Again, no one would be walking me to and from school.  As soon as we all hit our early teens, it was our job to do the housework to earn our allowance.  We had to have the house cleaned by the time my Mom came home around 5.  There were 4 of us, so we alternated doing the dishes every night.  Person who washed wiped down all the tables and the person who dried swept the kitchen floor.  Worked well for quite a few years.  Taught us all responsibility.  

Pretty good childhood actually.



That's wonderful, Jill. I had that once my mother remarried. Times were simple, and much safer. We lived in a small town of 9,000.  I never saw any parent walking their kids to school or needing to. That was when we walked with friends and a lot of best friend bonds were made.  I had two girl friends who stopped by my house every morning to walk with.  My kids walked to school also. 
Once my mother remarried, she didn’t need to work outside the home. I came home to waxed floors, starched curtains, and delicious cooking aromas. We kids did the dishes, swept the kitchen floor, washed woodwork twice a year, cleaned our room, changed bedding and helped with the ironing. We raked leaves in autumn back when we could burn the piles, and pulled lawn weeds! Ugh.

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