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How was your April 2019?

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One dropped in last night. Pint of beer just. Not complaining, just grateful that a five month drought is over. Alamy measures chart flatlined and not even a defibrillator would have helped,  I thought. Who to blame? Me. I seriously need to retag most of my images in a different way, not just the recent uploads.


One sale per thousand images? (Oh Lawd, I'd sell your grandmother and her little dog to reach those dizzying heights of success.)




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7 minutes ago, Krisken said:

One sale per thousand images? (Oh Lawd, I'd sell your grandmother and her little dog to reach those dizzying heights of success.)



As there is no such thing as a typical contributor I can't see how that was ever true except for maybe a small subset of contributors. Maybe it applied to the 'average' contributor once upon a time.

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11 hours ago, wiskerke said:

26 for 1195.


## 3.5% under 2018 average

$$ 2.5% under 2018 average




Maybe this will cheer y'all up: Adobe creative test. (via dpreview, PetaPixel)

edit: OTOH these may not: f-stoppers; youtube. Both called The Truth About...


You may say I'm a Dreamer! (not unexpected!)...


...kinda lucky with just one distributor licence at $43 gross! 😂 Have known about the licence for the past month and a half.


Another one waiting in the wings that I found in an online Aussie newspaper (article from Dec 2018, hidden behind a paywall) that they had neglected to report to Alamy - so will hopefully have at least one next month, even if this is a dry spell...

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43 sales of which 10 were distributor and 2 affiliate.  Two $$$ some $$ and some $.  Happy with the volume but, as everyone is saying, values are sinking way too low. Having said that it was 4th best month for volume and 3rd best for gross revenue in the rolling year.



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34 minutes ago, losdemas said:


You may say I'm a Dreamer! (not unexpected!)...


...kinda lucky with just one distributor licence at $43 gross! 😂 Have known about the licence for the past month and a half.


Another one waiting in the wings that I found in an online Aussie newspaper (article from Dec 2018, hidden behind a paywall) that they had neglected to report to Alamy - so will hopefully have at least one next month, even if this is a dry spell...


I was scored as a "Dreamer" too....not surprising for as well


Thanks Wim for posting! Fun.

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50 times less than April last year. Dead duck for me this year and the 60% kick in the teeth makes it seem pointless. Last year and the year before we both excellent. Time to just sit on the port and put no effort into it me thinks.

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23 sales for a dismal $363 gross. $146 net.


My average in 2018 was $530 gross, so yet another poor month in 2019.


As I said elsewhere my gross total over 4 months in 2019 equals the first 3 months of 2018. So going rapidly backwards while adding more images. 

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A relatively poor month compared to the last six or so. And started badly with two refunds.


11 sales for $287


More worryingly, the average for news sales was not much higher than for stock at $33 versus $22. 

I did a rough calculation for 3 months last Summer (July/Aug/Sept) with the following figures for average prices:


         News       Stock

          105            35

          120            44

            78             33


Making a 3 month average of $101 for news and $33 for stock.  Make of that what you will.

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Fun graphics and diversion Wim. I too am the dreamer Betty but I need to be paired up with an Innovator. 


Bryan, $253 for one photo is nice - congrats! 


My CTR and Views have been down. Found some old printouts from when I first started while sorting boxes of old papers for shredding/trash - I had over double the views with about 20-25% of the number of photos that I have now. Fewer eyeballs on our work coupled with lower prices is not an encouraging scenario.


OTOH, I watched a webinar yesterday that talked about the explosive growth in the need for imagery. The market is there, but we just get a much smaller part of the pie. 

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Two sales for low-mid $$ that dropped on same day (first time that happened for me), nothing before or after.


1 sale / 1000 images is certainly not universal stat because so much depends on port quality/diversity etc.  but it seems to be quite accurate in my case.

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Really poor month with 2 for $50

But think each April has been poor for me. Don't see many happy people this month so maybe April is bad for many !

Shame, as was a solid start to the year.

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2 hours ago, Marianne said:

OTOH, I watched a webinar yesterday that talked about the explosive growth in the need for imagery. The market is there, but we just get a much smaller part of the pie. 


Looking at my sales this year, which are up from 2018, I'd say that the demand is still healthy for images that aren't readily available on the micros. I guess that increasingly the challenge is going to be finding those types of subjects for Alamy.

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The disparity of results for people this month makes me wonder whether there is a correlation with exclusivity.  I don't see why that would be, but I wonder.

I'm not exclusive and my month was awful.

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19 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


Looking at my sales this year, which are up from 2018, I'd say that the demand is still healthy for images that aren't readily available on the micros. I guess that increasingly the challenge is going to be finding those types of subjects for Alamy.


Hi John, curious what types of images/subjects are big sellers for you? Thanks!

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I am exclusive and this month was an uptick from the past several. 

We must remember that the kinds of images needed for seasons and holidays. Do we have those covered? I sold an Easter image.  Actually short lead time.

There will be the prime travel months. Consider lead time. 

Ports that are mostly filled with one subject may be missing out in other areas. Such as:





people doing things

Others, I’m sure.

I do my best to try to have “some” in as many categories as I can, even if I’m heavier in one area. The most well-rounded collections will have the steadiest month-to-month sales. While competition is stiff now, I can’t remember the last time I had a blank month.


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1 hour ago, Gina Kelly said:


Hi John, curious what types of images/subjects are big sellers for you? Thanks!


Tough question to answer. A lot of different subjects license for me. For many years, I contributed to an agency specializing in Latin America. Many of the images that I captured with them in mind -- along with images that I took to illustrate travel articles that I used to write -- have become reliable sellers on Alamy. Historically, travel, cultural subjects, and architecture have been productive categories  for me. However, I'm seeing more variety now. Even fairly ordinary shots taken on walks around my quiet, leafy, residential neighbourhood in Vancouver have been selling. I tend to just follow my instincts when photographing these days. Sorry to be so vague...

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2 hours ago, Reimar said:

The disparity of results for people this month makes me wonder whether there is a correlation with exclusivity.  I don't see why that would be, but I wonder.

I'm not exclusive and my month was awful.


I don't think there is any correlation (not yet anyway). But who knows...

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