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Has anyone had a reply back after re-applying? I mainly do live music and festivals and right now is the time to be applying for the festival season. I'm a little lost as to if I should apply in the hope that I get my live news uploads back or if I should wait and possibly miss a lot of festivals because I didn't apply in time.

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14 hours ago, AlbertSnapper said:

Doesn't really affect me, but realise several here did well with the Live News.


The ones who were/are doing well out of LiveNews were not the ones affected by the removal of upload access





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Not very bothered about being removed, I never sold anything submitted as Live News (my local papers don't pay for pics) and anything less local would take me well over an hour before I could upload.

But in the unlikely chance I catch some Live News, where should I send them now?

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8 minutes ago, Cryptoprocta said:

Not very bothered about being removed, I never sold anything submitted as Live News (my local papers don't pay for pics) and anything less local would take me well over an hour before I could upload.

But in the unlikely chance I catch some Live News, where should I send them now?


email them to the Live News team???


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8 minutes ago, Cryptoprocta said:

Not very bothered about being removed, I never sold anything submitted as Live News (my local papers don't pay for pics) and anything less local would take me well over an hour before I could upload.

But in the unlikely chance I catch some Live News, where should I send them now?

Alamy are still in the market, try the live news team and see how it goes. Unlikely they will turn down a good picture, before these shenanigans they were always helpful.



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57 minutes ago, Cryptoprocta said:

Not very bothered about being removed, I never sold anything submitted as Live News (my local papers don't pay for pics) and anything less local would take me well over an hour before I could upload.

But in the unlikely chance I catch some Live News, where should I send them now?


Or maybe just e-mail the newsdesks direct. Honestly, Alamy really don't deserve the second chance saloon IMHO

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I agree. The way the situation was handled showed a lack of respect and common courtesy towards contributors. While I have never sold a live news photo until it’s gone into stock, and I can understand their wish to clean up the submission process, having the opportunity to submit in the case of something timely was always an Alamy plus, in my opinion. Occasionally, something of national or international importance happens in my university hometown, but I also spend a lot of time in large cities where it’s more likely I’ll come across something newsworthy. Alamy’s handling of this situation has left a bad taste, and I doubt I’d go to the bother of trying to connect with the helpful news team now.

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23 hours ago, Bill Brooks said:

The philosophy at this stock agency was to shift sales to the top performers, sign on new top performers, and create photographer competition within the stock agency in order to grow the business.

That might work for a specialist agency, but they would thus lose less usual images, and hence perhaps the buyers who had use for these images. That could even apply to news agencies if they culled people who lived in a particular locality, not much required for news, but something could happen there.

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2 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

Alamy are still in the market, try the live news team and see how it goes. Unlikely they will turn down a good picture, before these shenanigans they were always helpful.


3 hours ago, Bigjimh71 said:

Has anyone had a reply back after re-applying? I mainly do live music and festivals and right now is the time to be applying for the festival season. I'm a little lost as to if I should apply in the hope that I get my live news uploads back or if I should wait and possibly miss a lot of festivals because I didn't apply in time.

Why don't you apply to other news agencies there are loads of them, and none can behave in as bad a way as ALAMY have.  :)

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18 minutes ago, N Quarmby said:

If you haven't heard, then I doubt you will.


There's a backlog of applications at the moment so response times are longer than usual. Everyone will get a reply. 


Apologies for the delays.



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27 minutes ago, Alamy said:


There's a backlog of applications at the moment so response times are longer than usual. Everyone will get a reply. 


Apologies for the delays.



With the greatest of respect to the individual manning this account today - who I fully realise probably holds no responsibility for decision making at higher levels - but a backlog of applications?  Seriously?

I presume you as an individual have read these boards and do get the extreme annoyance being expressed not so much with what has been done but with how it has been done - telling us that having lost access to live news uploads with no warning the reason there is a delay for individuals getting that access back is due to a backlog of applications is rather rubbing salt in the wound by highlighting the total lack of forethought given to a totally predictable result of stripping news uploading privileges with no warning.

Did it seriously not occur to whoever thought this up that may be a better way to do this would be to announce that access would be withdrawn in a months time and anyone wishing to keep it should apply before then so there was no risk of your contributors having news shots and nowhere to send them - or rather having to send them to your competitors


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1 hour ago, Cecile Marion said:

I agree. The way the situation was handled showed a lack of respect and common courtesy towards contributors. While I have never sold a live news photo until it’s gone into stock, and I can understand their wish to clean up the submission process, having the opportunity to submit in the case of something timely was always an Alamy plus, in my opinion. Occasionally, something of national or international importance happens in my university hometown, but I also spend a lot of time in large cities where it’s more likely I’ll come across something newsworthy. Alamy’s handling of this situation has left a bad taste, and I doubt I’d go to the bother of trying to connect with the helpful news team now.


I agree that Alamy could have handled it better, although I suspect that had they given some longer notice the dissatisfaction would not have been any less.


I think what you say describes very well the problem that Alamy faces. Contributors making lots of submissions by LiveNews, but never making a News sale as a result. So you have to reach the conclusion that what's being submitted aren't really newsworthy images at all. It's not Alamy that is saying that, it's the buyers of News Images. I don't think that anyone expects that every Live News submission will result in a News sale. In fact, the success rate may be fairly low, but there should be some regular successes.


I'm one of the contributors who still has Live News Access. I started on 6 April 2014. I was taking some photos of a friend running in the Sheffield Half Marathon, when things went badly wrong for the organisers. I think I was the only photographer who caught the action but I was just submitting Stock to Alamy at the time. I realised that the images were newsworthy, so I dashed back to my friends house and contacted Alamy. They set me up with News Access there and then (this was a Sunday afternoon), helped me with the captioning, and I uploaded the images and they appeared in the National Press the next day.


So while some people will be miffed that they have lost Live News Access if you get a real News story then I'm sure that Alamy will do everything they can to help a contributor get those images uploaded and out to the news desks.

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7 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


. So you have to reach the conclusion that what's being submitted aren't really newsworthy images at all.

Not when Alamy put your sub on their Twitterfeed, as they did with one of mine.

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18 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


Did it sell as News?


That's not my point. It was "soft" news and Alamy promoted it so presumably they thought it worth the candle. They won't get its like from me again, I just won't bother.

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14 minutes ago, spacecadet said:


That's not my point. It was "soft" news and Alamy promoted it so presumably they thought it worth the candle. They won't get its like from me again, I just won't bother.


But that is the point that is relevant. 


It's not about focusing on one image or one occurrence though. Over a reasonable period and over many submissions is the contributor achieving a good return of News sales? That's what I would measure, although I'm not getting drawn into the definitions of "reasonable period",  "many submissions", "good return" etc. (I'll leave that to Alamy).  If the answer is no, but the images are selling later as Stock, then submitting them as Stock seems to be a more appropriate submission route. Particularly now that the QC turnaround time is now typically less than 24 hours.


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7 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


But that is the point that is relevant. 


It's not about focusing on one image or one occurrence though. Over a reasonable period and over many submissions is the contributor achieving a good return of News sales? That's what I would measure, although I'm not getting drawn into the definitions of "reasonable period",  "many submissions", "good return" etc. (I'll leave that to Alamy).  If the answer is no, but the images are selling later as Stock, then submitting them as Stock seems to be a more appropriate submission route. 

Everything I ever sent was at least topical, and I'm sure that's true of all the aggrieved contributors (I should say former contributors) here as well.

None would have been "more appropriate" as stock.

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Just now, spacecadet said:

Everything I ever sent was at least topical, and I'm sure that's true of all the aggrieved contributors (I should say former contributors) here as well.


I'm sure it was all topical. But did you make regular News sales from your Live News submissions? 

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1 hour ago, Keith Douglas said:

did you make regular News sales from your Live News submissions?  



this is the crucial point.......as far as i can see, all of the LiveNews photographers whose names frequently appeared in the 'have you found...' threads are still active and submitting images....
To name but a few off the top of my head, Simon Maycock, Chris Strickland, Carolyn Jenkins, Ed Brown, Cernan Elias/MWI, Guy Corbishley, Andrew Bartlett, Ian Jones, DGI Images, etc etc

To get, say, 5 pictures published in 12 months, would not be an unreasonable thing to expect of anyone wishing to describe themselves as a news photographer.....



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But why also punish people who only made a rare upload to Live News, because they only did so when they had something that they thought might be of interest?  I assume the purpose of the exercise was to reduce the number of submissions.


Personally I haven't been able to upload much recently, due to other things going on in my life (yes, I'm an amateur!) but I always wanted to expand my photography and I'm grateful to Alamy for giving me that chance.  Just sad that one avenue has suddenly and unexpectedly been closed when I'm on the verge of starting in earnest.  Everyone has to start somewhere.

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7 minutes ago, Sally said:

There seem to be an awful lot of very non-news images from dpa contributors appearing in the live news feed. Is this usual or is something new going on?

If anything deserves to go straight into stock it's those. I wonder if they'll still be there tomorrow

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