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1 hour ago, Colblimp said:

Clearly you quoted me because I wrote 'my pics aren't all that', so how you can claim you were quoting someone else is beyond me.  Anyway, I'm not spending any more time on this, I have images to tag...

I’m across the pond yet I realized your “not all that” remark was clearly only meant in a self-depreciating, humble way, rather than bragging. Obviously you know what you are doing. It’s ok.

Glad I’m not a submitter to live news or I’d be the first to be kicked out, or have to chase tornadoes here in tornado alley!


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6 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’m across the pond yet I realized your “not all that” remark was clearly only meant in a self-depreciating, humble way, rather than bragging. Obviously you know what you are doing. It’s ok.

Glad I’m not a submitter to live news or I’d be the first to be kicked out, or have to chase tornadoes here in tornado alley!


Thanks Betty, I'm glad someone knows what that comment was all about.  And there's me trying not to be contentious...

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13 minutes ago, LawrensonPhoto said:

Ah, you little trouble maker you, I mean how dare you have page after page after page of live news submissions! 🤨

I know, right?!  I feel like I'm in a privileged position now, which will mean more submissions. 👍 

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I hardly ever submit to Live News - have done maybe 4 times - the last being two weeks ago because I took part in the People's Vote March.  I have had no sales of those images so far and in fact any sales have ended up from stock rather than while still in Live News.  But my recent upload explains why I received the 'you're fired' email.  Now - I can quite understand that Alamy want to tighten up what gets uploaded to Live News and I have sometimes suspected that in some cases it is seen as a quick way of circumventing QC and increasing image numbers - I mean everyday weather pictures as Live News - really?  However - what if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as a breaking news story unfolds?  And you happen to have your camera and the presence of mind/courage/stupidity to stop and take photos?  Alamy will miss out on all those kinds of (usually sad) stories. 

The one hour upload, is not mandatory but obviously the sooner the images are available the more likely they are to sell, but I am not techie enough to know how to do that - need to be back home at my PC to know what to do.  But OK that's my problem....

So - really I think Alamy should tighten up their criteria as to what qualifies as Live News, not tighten up who can contribute to it.

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9 minutes ago, Camera Girl said:

So - really I think Alamy should tighten up their criteria as to what qualifies as Live News, not tighten up who can contribute to it.


Quite agree. The problem might have been solved in that way. - And if a submitter continues to upload non newsworthy images simply disable the privilege.

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Why does Alamy manage change so poorly?


Its not difficult to properly engage and consult, then make a decision and implement it.


But instead we have Alamy consulting with just a few - and then dumping the decision and the outcome on the rest of us.


One would have thought that a few lessons would have been learnt from the proposed commission reduction - but it seems not 


Whats next - can only submit images if you live in the UK or USA



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Just now, Foreign Export said:

Why does Alamy manage change so poorly?


Its not difficult to properly engage and consult, then make a decision and implement it.


But instead we have Alamy consulting with just a few - and then dumping the decision and the outcome on the rest of us.


One would have thought that a few lessons would have been learnt from the proposed commission reduction - but it seems not 


Whats next - can only submit images if you live in the UK or USA



Maybe they have been listening to MPs!! 😮

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34 minutes ago, Camera Girl said:

I mean everyday weather pictures as Live News - really?  


So - really I think Alamy should tighten up their criteria as to what qualifies as Live News, not tighten up who can contribute to it.

I fully understand the sentiments and views of those who have had their privilege revoked. 

However these “everyday” weather pics sell, and sell by the cart load. Just take a look at The Sun or Mail, even the Times publishes weather pictures. Yes, the quality is sometimes somewhat dubious. But if that’s what the papers want, and they sell within the Live News period, they command much higher prices. A stock sale of $5-10 is very different than a news sale of $50-150. So, yes they are ‘News’ whether we like it or not.

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Still no reply to my request for reapplication. Still no explanation as to why ALAMY have no idea how to deal with people. You culled the many to save a few. Still awaiting a reply, every day that goes by that you ignore people, the more unprofessional you come across. Because you have handled people so badly I can't imagine why anyone would want to give you their images as stock. I only ever filed live news, and you still didn't push my work. My last agency was bad but at least they gave me regular sales, every week, in the Nationals and online, your outfit reminds me of DEMOTIX, who were awful! and they went down the pan. Well done ALAMY, you aimed to shoot yourself in the foot and didn't miss.

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5 minutes ago, Sally said:

I fully understand the sentiments and views of those who have had their privilege revoked. 

However these “everyday” weather pics sell, and sell by the cart load. Just take a look at The Sun or Mail, even the Times publishes weather pictures. Yes, the quality is sometimes somewhat dubious. But if that’s what the papers want, and they sell within the Live News period, they command much higher prices. A stock sale of $5-10 is very different than a news sale of $50-150. So, yes they are ‘News’ whether we like it or not.

What has this to do with culling photo journalists? I know colleagues who carry full press cards like myself who like myself have been doing live news for years, and are very good at it, who were culled yesterday. If ALAMY wants to be known for selling photo's of rainbows and puddles, then perhaps they should say so and not gove the impression that they are anything more than a stock agency. :)

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I know you are right Sally.  And as a mainly  landscape tog who spends a lot of time by a tripod and then converting RAW files to get the best out of an image, it was wonderfully 'releasing' to shoot jpegs on the March, not have to process them and do the minimum of keywording (captions etc having been done and saved the night before).  And I was considering occasionally joining the 'weather watchers' for the very reasons you mention - I was only intending to do that when more amazing/unusual weather conditions prevailed, and therefore I am disappointed at being locked out of Live News.  I have looked at the application and can't see how I would qualify - that pdf is the main issue.


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11 minutes ago, Sally said:

I fully understand the sentiments and views of those who have had their privilege revoked. 

However these “everyday” weather pics sell, and sell by the cart load. Just take a look at The Sun or Mail, even the Times publishes weather pictures. Yes, the quality is sometimes somewhat dubious. But if that’s what the papers want, and they sell within the Live News period, they command much higher prices. A stock sale of $5-10 is very different than a news sale of $50-150. So, yes they are ‘News’ whether we like it or not.

I know you are right Sally.  And as a mainly  landscape tog who spends a lot of time by a tripod and then converting RAW files to get the best out of an image, it was wonderfully 'releasing' to shoot jpegs on the March, not have to process them and do the minimum of keywording (captions etc having been done and saved the night before).  And I was considering occasionally joining the 'weather watchers' for the very reasons you mention - I was only intending to do that when more amazing/unusual weather conditions prevailed, and therefore I am disappointed at being locked out of Live News.  I have looked at the application and can't see how I would qualify - that pdf is the main issue.

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9 hours ago, Sultanpepa said:


I have stated my case but I'm not holding out much hope. I fear they have already made their minds up on who stays and who goes.

Just wondered if you had heard anything yet?

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It seems that Alamy has 2 types of Live News shooter - the ones who submit regularly and make regular sales and the ones like myself who submit occasionally and make occasional sales. I’m still deciding if it’s worth reapplying and my main reason in doing so would be for those times when I’m in the right place at the right time for something newsworthy. Things like a landmark building in snow, a spectacular sunset, a building fire etc. Previously Alamy have tweeted requests for photos of a breaking news story in a particular location but presumably they will now just email the ones they know have upload privileges.

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9 hours ago, Colblimp said:

The 1 hour thing isn't set in stone.  I agree that providing a tear sheet is ridiculous - Alamy has a record of all sales through it.  Why can't the staff just have a look at your sales record?!

Yes, I don't know why contributors are so fixated with the one hour limit when it's clear, and Alamy have said it, that it's an indication of what we should be aiming for, and not a hard limit. However, it is a reminder that speed is of the essence with News and I'm changing my workflow around News to get a much faster turnaround where it's needed.  


If Alamy, and its contributors, want to compete effectively on News against other agencies then they need to work to the same standards and requirements as those other agencies. But on the one hand Alamy appear to want to make their offering to Client's more professional, while at the same time actively encouraging anybody to become a contributor. Are we seeing a shift from the latter to the former?


With regards to tear sheets, perhaps it's to give an opportunity to contributors who don't meet the criteria through Alamy alone, but may have had news images published via other routes.



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30 minutes ago, Sally said:

I fully understand the sentiments and views of those who have had their privilege revoked. 

However these “everyday” weather pics sell, and sell by the cart load. Just take a look at The Sun or Mail, even the Times publishes weather pictures. Yes, the quality is sometimes somewhat dubious. But if that’s what the papers want, and they sell within the Live News period, they command much higher prices. A stock sale of $5-10 is very different than a news sale of $50-150. So, yes they are ‘News’ whether we like it or not.


They sell, they are what Alamy has asked for. 


It seems that Alamy are trying to get the best images, in the fastest time, with all the correct IPTC and Alamy requirements. but they are making Theresa May look like a role model for PR/HR. Very poorly communicated and handled. Almost everything they do has the appearance of divide and rule and ultimately pleases no-one. 


It may well be that certain Live News  contributors who sell well have made complaints to Alamy regarding the feed and that Alamy both want to protect their best sellers and improve quality. I understand, but Alamy have to tread very carefully here - if they chuck the baby out with the bath water, then all the relations are going to be very upset. 

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14 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

Does anyone have opinions on today's news feed pictures?  


I came across "Japenese Blossom Tree in bloom" yesterday lunchtime, How the hell is that Live News??


I fully understand the need to make LN about news events & soft news and weeding out those who  use it as a short cut to getting stock listed quicker, but advanced warning would of been better.

So whilst I await the review of my application, any breaking News that comes about will have to go elsewhere

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18 minutes ago, Pete Snelling said:


I came across "Japenese Blossom Tree in bloom" yesterday lunchtime, How the hell is that Live News??


I fully understand the need to make LN about news events & soft news and weeding out those who  use it as a short cut to getting stock listed quicker, but advanced warning would of been better.

So whilst I await the review of my application, any breaking News that comes about will have to go elsewhere




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So - really I think Alamy should tighten up their criteria as to what qualifies as Live News, not tighten up who can contribute to it.  Agree to that

I also have a problem that I have no news sales so no PDF to upload. As others have said very sad way to work and who will miss out us or them or even both

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21 hours ago, RedSnapper said:



where? missed those.....



Maybe he meant Starlings?


Soft or hard news doesn't appear to be a criteria for whether you are in or out. There is certainly a lot of soft news coming out of Aberystwyth but as long as it keeps selling Alamy are happy. 

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