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27 minutes ago, Matt Ashmore said:


The Guidelines email was sent to those who retained their Live news access. Those who didn't received a 'need to sign up' email. Maybe your email is slow or in the spam folder?

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I did receive the guidelines email this morning, but at the time didn't know the context.



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2 hours ago, sooth said:

i did try the pacific press route, but htat was a really bad setup.

May I ask what route is that? I can only find an agency in the Philippines and some religious publishing house.

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3 hours ago, Alex Ramsay said:

Just had an email revoking my access to Live News uploads - fair enough, as I'm not a news photographer and only occasionally submit such images. However I notice the new time limit is for submission within one hour of the event, which seems a bit tight to me - anyone else have any thoughts on this?



Had the same email. Time-limit seems a bit draconian unless you can upload as it happens. Smartphones and Stockimo would seem a perfect vehicle for this but I don't think this is its primary purpose.

I've submitted quite a few LIve News photos, mostly of demos in or around the Houses of Parliament,  but have never, sadly, had anything published as News. Sometimes gets picked up as general news type stock sometime later.

Can understand, sort-of, the rational but not sure how Alamy will manage to sustain this approach long-term as it automatically excludes new contributors unless they have been successful with live news elsewhere beforehand and can demonstrate via a PDF submission. Bit disappointed but at least I'll be able to enjoy the demos that I attend rather than scurrying off to try and upload within a few hours!

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7 minutes ago, Jansos said:

Had the same email. Time-limit seems a bit draconian unless you can upload as it happens. Smartphones and Stockimo would seem a perfect vehicle for this but I don't think this is its primary purpose.

I've submitted quite a few LIve News photos, mostly of demos in or around the Houses of Parliament,  but have never, sadly, had anything published as News. Sometimes gets picked up as general news type stock sometime later.

Can understand, sort-of, the rational but not sure how Alamy will manage to sustain this approach long-term as it automatically excludes new contributors unless they have been successful with live news elsewhere beforehand and can demonstrate via a PDF submission. Bit disappointed but at least I'll be able to enjoy the demos that I attend rather than scurrying off to try and upload within a few hours!



Similar experience. So why would a contributor who has had or gets publication through other channels switch to Alamy?

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I am a live news photographer, my right to file has now been revoked because I can't file within the hour, how ridiculous! So now all my live news images will be straight to stock, in an already horrendously competitive and badly paid industry this new tightening of the rules will result in poor quality and more stress, for what?  I urge ALAMY to review this change. Without photographers busting a gut to get those images, you have no salary.

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6 minutes ago, N Quarmby said:

I am a live news photographer, my right to file has now been revoked because I can't file within the hour, how ridiculous!

"aim to file within an hour of taking the photos."

Does not mean it is obligatory to file within an hour....😏


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7 minutes ago, Phil Crean said:

"aim to file within an hour of taking the photos."

Does not mean it is obligatory to file within an hour....😏


Does the time start ticking from the last shot or from time of exposure for each shot submitted (whether it is one hour or some discretionary and uncertain longer period?). So much uncertainty; I can see poeple submitting within an hour (or so) of their last shots and being rejected, making it a waste of several hours.

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Disapointed by Alamy for revoking my live news access!


Not sure I want to even try to get the access back... Will post the few events I cover (live shows, manifestations, independence day and the like...) as normal stock... I posted other photos from the same events later as normal stock and they passed IQ...


After the 40% and now this change... disapointed...



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1 hour ago, IanDavidson said:

I have the right tools but often it is about finding somewhere, out of the rain, to file.  A number of Westminster togs, last week,  got thrown out of The Methodist Central Hall cafe for editing/uploading on the grounds they had not purchased sufficient/any produce.  There is one place that allows/tolerates editing and uploading but, for that reason, it is frequently packed.  Also some togs have had bags, cameras etc nicked while uploading in public cafes etc.  


I often end end up having to edit and file on the train, but that only works outside rush hour....

Some of us buy a coffee in there!

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11 minutes ago, Martin P Wilson said:

Does the time start ticking from the last shot or from time of exposure for each shot submitted (whether it is one hour or some discretionary and uncertain longer period?). So much uncertainty; I can see poeple submitting within an hour (or so) of their last shots and being rejected, making it a waste of several hours.

I think the point is being missed here...It does not state that you HAVE TO  file within an hour....Only an AIM!



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12 minutes ago, Martin P Wilson said:

Does the time start ticking from the last shot or from time of exposure for each shot submitted (whether it is one hour or some discretionary and uncertain longer period?). So much uncertainty; I can see poeple submitting within an hour (or so) of their last shots and being rejected, making it a waste of several hours.

I would like to think a bit of discretion will be used. If you get a bank robbery in progress or the prime minister being struck by lightening (sorry, is it just me?) then filing within an hour should be not only possible but common sense. 
I and others here spend a lot of time hanging around College Green in Westminster waiting to pounce on unsuspecting politicians and sometimes hang around for two or three hours before filing the images. I doubt that Alamy would reject the first ones I took that morning because they were taken more than 61 minutes ago.
As has been mentioned above, the guidelines say "aim" to file within an hour. I think that has always been the case.

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14 minutes ago, Phil Crean said:

I think the point is being missed here...It does not state that you HAVE TO  file within an hour....Only an AIM!




As I acknowledged, but the problem is an AIM just creates uncertainty of what will be acceptable in any given circumstance, and the likelihood of inconsistent decision making with regard to what is accepted. I don't want to spend hours at an event only to find that, on this occasion, someone deems them too late, perhaps because half are more than an hour old. There are enough posts about QC other decisions that get overturned.


Oh well, I probably won't be bothering to reapply, I'll go elsewhere if I am covering news, or even send it directly. As I did before Alamy created its Live News feed.

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2 hours ago, Colblimp said:

You're wrong, it says AIM to file the pics within an hour, not YOU MUST file the pics within an hour.

No it says file within ONE HOUR, I rang them to clarify and that is their new terms.

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10 minutes ago, LawrensonPhoto said:

.....I would imagine because other agencies are beating them to the punch

Lots of points being missed here, and I apologise in advance for being one not pruned from the Live News list. We're up against serious and sometimes seemingly overwhelming competition, and I say 'we' as us, not Alamy. It's not their fault that other news agencies have teams of people on the ground and elsewhere working together to get images to news desks, so we have to try twice as hard, faster and make sure everything is accurate. I'm sure many here have 'day jobs' which are highly competitive and where mistakes are not an option. This shouldn't be any different.

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10 minutes ago, Martin P Wilson said:

Does the time start ticking from the last shot or from time of exposure for each shot submitted (whether it is one hour or some discretionary and uncertain longer period?). So much uncertainty; I can see poeple submitting within an hour (or so) of their last shots and being rejected, making it a waste of several hours.


I think you are taking the advice too literally. I'm sure that they're not going to be timing it down to the minute or second. The advice indicates the ballpark that you should be aiming for. That's an hour, not 2 hours, not 4 hours, not 12 hours, not one day or two days. And that probably means setting yourself up to be able to be near to the Alamy target if you want to do news regularly. Ultimately it's the buyers of the images that want them quickly.


To some extent the urgency depends on the image and the situation. If it's a high profile news story covered by many other photographers then posting some images 2 or 3 hours  later is probably going to be a waste of your time, and Alamy's. If you're the only photographer there and it's a situation that has turned into something far more newsworthy than was originally envisaged, then going beyond the hour is perhaps less important.


I had a photo taken at 7am in the  morning, submitted it as Live News at 5:30pm, and it was used in the print edition of The Times the next day! But generally I'd try and get the images uploaded much closer to the Alamy target time. 







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10 minutes ago, N Quarmby said:

No it says file within ONE HOUR, I rang them to clarify and that is their new terms.


The email I had says "Always upload your very best photos (15 is a good set) straight away and aim to file within an hour of taking the photos.


Maybe the email about reapplying says something different.



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8 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:


The email I had says "Always upload your very best photos (15 is a good set) straight away and aim to file within an hour of taking the photos.


Maybe the email about reapplying says something different.





The new "Policy" is here




It doesn't actually say file with an hour...... It says


"4. Your pictures must be as current as possible. The 24-hour news window is a guideline meant for occasional, international or exclusive news. Our clients want your pictures within the hour. Do not wait until the end of the day of shooting to file your images."



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11 minutes ago, LawrensonPhoto said:

Absolutely no reason not to able to compete with them with today's technology.

I don't have the capability to shoot and upload at the same time, but accept that it's up to me to try to get as close to that as possible.

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1 hour ago, N Quarmby said:

I am a live news photographer, my right to file has now been revoked because I can't file within the hour, how ridiculous!


How do you know that your right to file has been revoked because you can't file in an hour? That's not what the "you're excluded" email says (I got one and I've been a press photographer since 1981).


I would contact CR directly to find out why you were not chosen to submit news. I did, and I'll let everyone know what they say, should they reply.

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Hi everyone,


Just to clarify our recent changes to Live News upload. Our News team would like you to file the images within the hour as this will maximize your chances of making live news sales.

It does not mean that every news upload have to be sent within the hour and the 24 hour deadline still applies. 


When reviewing your application form for Live News, the team would like to know if you are able to send them your news images within the hour whenever possible. They often see that images being filed later in the day often sell as stock, rather than Live News. 


Many thanks,


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3 hours ago, Colblimp said:

I received an email telling me of the new guidelines, I didn't have to reapply.  Don't know why, my stuff's not all that. 😂

The guidelines are not new. The email sent was a reminder of them .

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29 minutes ago, Alamy said:

Just to clarify our recent changes to Live News upload. Our News team would like you to file the images within the hour as this will maximize your chances of making live news sales.

It does not mean that every news upload have to be sent within the hour and the 24 hour deadline still applies.


Perhaps you would be kind enough to outline the general reasons for excluding some of us from submitting to Live News. This is especially interesting given that some who were excluded, like myself, have many years of photo-journalism experience while others, who were not excluded, claim that their images "are not all that".

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7 minutes ago, Steve Valentia said:


Perhaps you would be kind enough to outline the general reasons for excluding some of us from submitting to Live News at all. This is especially of interest given that some who were excluded, like myself, have many years of photo-journalism experience, while others, who were not excluded, claim that their images "are not all that".

Or the reasons for not even telling us, as in my case. And no it's not in my spam folder.

There was no announcement. We were just thrown out.

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