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Pretty sure that Alamy is reasonable with granting access for those that potentially could submit newsworthy images. Think it is good if they increase the "standards" a bit and becoming more competitive. Perhaps moving away from the frequent "could be any day really" weather images? Personally, I hope that they are making headway in their reach outside of the UK i.e. with other national or regional news images.

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What a shame. I have only recently started submitting to Alamy and whilst I haven't done any live news submissions yet I have a few events in the calendar I am going to go and shoot. Oh well........................

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24 minutes ago, spacecadet said:


No email, but the news folder has disappeared from my FTP remote site directory.

It's greyed out on the web uploader too. No notice, no countdown, just cut off. I have to say I consider that sneaky.


Absolutely agree, people could have got accreditation to upcoming events on the basis they submit via Alamy Live News.


I am a UKPCA press card holder I have never sold through Alamy Live News although I have sold from same/ similar events through other channels. I am not shooting much at the moment (been rather more focussed on a busy time for my PhD work, into photojournalism) but had been planning to seek an alternative, more specialist news focussd agency/library when I restart shortly. I usually submitted during the event (not always but within 2 hours) and would be well within the hour. But as Ian D suggests one risks missing action, I can certainly recall doing so (at a demo someone threw a smoke bomb while I was in a nearby coffee shop uploading - only found out when I saw the following day's reports).


I do agree with Martin C that increased discipline was needed.


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As a very infrequent news uploader who has never sold news, I am disappointed to have received the email revoking my access to Live News. 

My most recent news upload was from the drought last summer of my collie sunbathing on the parched lawn.  Hardly ground breaking or dramatic but Alamy were always telling us weather is in the news and it's a shame that should anything happen around here, I can no longer upload other than via the usual route.

Alamy news have just retweeted a picture in the Times of a collie rolling in the snow so collies do sell!

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10 minutes ago, Martin Carlsson said:

Perhaps moving away from the frequent "could be any day really" weather images?


Yes, and speaking as one of the "unceremoniously dumped" even I have to admit that the Live News Feed looks a mess, particularly first thing. However it is incontrovertible that those weather images sell and sell and sell so maybe they need another route for those, and they don't have to go up within the hour do they, just like a lot of 'soft' news pictures that the newspapers love to print?  It's a shakeout for sure and 2/10 for diplomacy for Alamy with regard to their contributors I would think.

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It seems that on the one hand Alamy is busy recruiting anyone with a camera and minimal skill to enrol in Alamy whilst on the other hand doing everything they can to really annoy (I tempered my language here) all of their regulars contributors. As far as Alamy is concerned, it's clear that loyalty no longer pays. Shame.

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2 hours ago, Alex Ramsay said:

 However I notice the new time limit is for submission within one hour of the event, which seems a bit tight to me - anyone else have any thoughts on this?



You're wrong, it says AIM to file the pics within an hour, not YOU MUST file the pics within an hour.

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6 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

....so maybe they need another route for those, and they don't have to go up within the hour do they, just like a lot of 'soft' news pictures that the newspapers love to print?  ....


I did wonder if they need to split the news feed/upload into two... one for "News" (proper news, politics, disasters, film premiers) and one for "Soft News" (swallows in Aberystwyth, sunsets, Flying Scotsman doing a world tour). The news team could then prioritize their efforts depending on how busy they are.

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Like Ian, my traffic lights are on green to go and to carry on submitting Live News images. My main Live News images are from political events with some UK weather. The email points out to ensure that each batch of images (15 of the best) have the correct headlines & captions (headlines & Description in lightroom), date, time and aim to have them filed within one hour. My headlines and captions are pre-written and added to each image or batch after they have been culled and edited there by saving time. Sometimes it is difficult to stop shooting and upload your images because things do kickoff like the letter dropping on P.M. May's display or Jeremy Corbyn egg attack.

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Just now, LawrensonPhoto said:

Didn't you get the 'You're a star and we would love to buy you a round of drinks email?' 😀

Er, no lol.  I'm no star. 😝


I bet you received that email though, brown nose!!! 😂

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11 minutes ago, LawrensonPhoto said:

Plenty of time if you are using the right tools!

I have the right tools but often it is about finding somewhere, out of the rain, to file.  A number of Westminster togs, last week,  got thrown out of The Methodist Central Hall cafe for editing/uploading on the grounds they had not purchased sufficient/any produce.  There is one place that allows/tolerates editing and uploading but, for that reason, it is frequently packed.  Also some togs have had bags, cameras etc nicked while uploading in public cafes etc.  


I often end end up having to edit and file on the train, but that only works outside rush hour....

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32 minutes ago, Colblimp said:

You're wrong, it says AIM to file the pics within an hour, not YOU MUST file the pics within an hour.


Nope, when you re-apply they ask for an hour:




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2 minutes ago, Keith Douglas said:

I wondered what the 'guidelines' email was about, so I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's received it, and that I've retained my Live News access! 





The Guidelines email was sent to those who retained their Live news access. Those who didn't received a 'need to sign up' email. Maybe your email is slow or in the spam folder?

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Not too sure what to think about this latest development in the Alamy restructuring process. My last news upload was in December with no sales from this submission, before this I submitted news content in November with two sales out of five images submitted these images were of weather related countryside content after all Alamy has always said the weather is always in the news, also these images were not sent from the field but several hours later when I had returned home, I always thought the best images and hottest news stories were pinged directly to news desks leaving searchable news content available to browse from the live news page and non newsworthy images were rejected (after all it's the news editors idea of what fits in with their needs that matter) if this is a case of individuals bypassing quality control by sending more stock related images through the news route then this is a different isuue that needs addressing in a more targeted way. Got a feeling diverse content may ultimatly end up missing from the news feed and maybe thats not a good idea.


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4 minutes ago, Andy G said:

Got a feeling diverse content may ultimatly end up missing from the news feed and maybe thats not a good idea.


You don't say if you're going to have to re-apply but since you've made sales for them surely they would be foolish to prevent you from doing so in the future. I'm very new to Live News so for now I've missed the boat, or is it the train, or the swallow!


It will be very interesting to see how the Live News Feed looks over the next few days.

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53 minutes ago, LawrensonPhoto said:

Plenty of time if you are using the right tools!


....and aim to file within an hour of taking the photos - Alamy

And it's only a guide, not a strict cut-off point.

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Tad peeved by this, I don't submit many Live News shots but I have sold a few e.g. snowball fight, shop on fire, steam train.  Not in the habit of uploading huge numbers of similar images, usually only one or two at  time. Probably quite a high success ratio.


Can't comply with the new requirements, don't have suitable kit.  A bit of a downer to add to other negatives that have come our way lately. Well I won't be breaking my neck to get saleable news to Alamy in the future, might look for alternative outlets.

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