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How was your July 2015?

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Best month since last September, with only a couple of small amounts. Several 3-figures. Let's hope it continues.

Also good for zooms and several questions from Alamy about infringements found, which will hopefully lead to good things.

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Curiosity, why do people post the gross figure? That says nothing as some of those sales could come through distributors which cuts things down again.


I could post my gross figure from elsewhere for last month but it is meaningless until you add in the cut from the agency.

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I agree, gross is much easier plus you feel a little better.


July was average in term of number of sales, 15, but lousy in terms of values per sale.  My gross was $513, worst month of the year so far for me.


Only one over $100 and seven below $10.  

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5 sales, $79.60 net (net is much more meaningful and easier to compare with what I earn elsewhere). CTR keeping up; but that tends to mean very little, apparently (in my case).


Absolutely! Gross is irrelevant as we should be interested in the bottom line.

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