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April Challenge: "Little"


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The topic for April is "Little". I guess you know my examples will be of little animals because that is what I do but I'm hoping for all kinds of littleness. Maybe even something microscopic. Little children, of course, but also little things -- buildings, vehicles, furniture -- whatever. I do think insects are really fascinating when you see them up close. So let your mind wander among small things.


  A limit of three images per person.

  I'd like them to be on Alamy.

  The deadline is April 30 at midnight in NYC.

  I will pick 8 finalists.


Here are my little creatures...



DT0NGG  Bear Cubs barely bigger than gulls.




D75C04  Small Lion Cub in a big world.




BCC5H7  Rough hands cradling new life.


So off you go....



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A challenge I can respond to  :)


Here's my three.




Male and female dance flies, Empis pennipes, feeding on Geranium robertianum




Small, single flower of water hawthorn, Aponogeton distachyos




Macro insect shot of a female long legged fly, Dolichopus ungulatus

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Oh yeah. Are you familiar with the work of Catherine Chalmers? She raises her insect models.



No.  Must look her up.  All my insect shots are taken in the wild (well, many of them in my garden).  I just provide the environment.

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She is an artist. I first saw her work at ICP. It was a video called "Safari" about the adventures of a cockroach. You may be able to find it online. I went to an interview with her and she told us that it could be difficult to get her "models" because there are laws about sending insects across state lines. Someone in the "insect underground" had to vouch for her. He knew she was not with the FBI. I think there are some videos of her talking about her work. I think the latest work is of leaf cutter ants in Costa Rica. Very interesting artist. She started with flies because she was interested in choosing a subject that was more or less despised. Those works are fine art black and white photos. Such fun!!



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Thanks for the topic Paulette! heres' my three:


Little Black Dress(es)





A (little) tourist looking at the temple in Little Petra, the less well known neighbouring ruined town to Petra, Jordan





A little baby hedgehog, UK






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Nice subject. Three from me




Two climbers high in the French Alps. Everyone is little there.





Our son, born at 5lbs by emergency C-section and put in the ultraviolet bed as he had jaundice. He's now 3, and is 28lbs of mayhem.





Spring meltwater in Quebec. This was as close as I dared go with my camera. Even from here I was wet and I only got a few shots that didn't have drops on the lens.




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Okay my three:


Tiny hermit crab hidden among the dead corals.




A common Blue resting on a linseed flower (both are pretty small).



A teeny tiny sand crab in my hand (it's hard to spot even when I know it's there!)


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I have posted images in the past on here but for some reason it does not work just now, or could be senior moment. How do you do it?


Feel like a wuss as I used to tell people in the past how to do it. :blink:


Tried the usual.



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