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"Greater" and "Lesser" photographers.

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Recently, in another thread, one of our esteemed Forum Regulars stated, and I quote "I can't stand it when a picture-buyer chooses images by another, lesser photographer... and not me."

My first thought upon reading this comment was, If the buyer prefers the image from someone else, how is this image by a "lesser" photographer ?

My next thought was, How does one judge who is "greater" and who "lesser" as a photographer ? 

The original comment might, I suppose, have been made in a light hearted manner but to judge other contributers as "lesser" seems somewhat harsh and arbitrary.

Several contributors have added comments to the original post, ranging from two red arrows, to amusement and confusion. I'd be interested to hear what other contributors think. 

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17 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

It was a joke in a light-hearted thread.


Yes… just a joke (complete with emoji), along the lines of Gore Vidal writing: “Every time a friend succeeds, something inside me dies”. An uncharitable thought, of course, but maybe with a grain of truth in it…

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How do you think I feel when I see on the pictures found thread :


Woodbridge Tidemill credit John Morrison  -  he has made other successful incursions into Suffolk too 😃



Edited by geogphotos
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I've had a cheeky "lesser" photographer visit my Suffolk Village who went so far as to snap my house. I say snap as he  did a hastey grab at several of my neighbours at the same time. Of course it's fair game, but I doubt he has romped to the bank with his takings. I too have shot and sold that Tidemill!

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4 minutes ago, JaniMarkus Hasa said:

I'm one of those lesser photographers so I can't really relate to feelings of greater ones. However, it annoys me to see lesser images used in newspapers and other publications. 


annoys me more to see images that people give the papers and other publications for free, regardless of quality. but that's my soapbox 


good morning everyone 

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1 hour ago, Robert M Estall said:

I've had a cheeky "lesser" photographer visit my Suffolk Village who went so far as to snap my house. I say snap as he  did a hastey grab at several of my neighbours at the same time. Of course it's fair game, but I doubt he has romped to the bank with his takings. I too have shot and sold that Tidemill!



Was that me I wonder?


I did do quite a few of the church and met a local character who showed me some of the highlights. 


Do you live up Butchers Lane? I do have a few very average pics of that lane. 

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2 minutes ago, Robert M Estall said:

Nope, you're not the culprit. It's not much of an issue, I've several shots and have never sold one specific of the village. A couple of purely generic images have sold



That's a relief!

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2 hours ago, geogphotos said:

How do you think I feel when I see on the pictures found thread :


Woodbridge Tidemill credit John Morrison  -  he has made other successful incursions into Suffolk too 😃




I live in the North. I'm even more susceptible to his incursions.



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Being serious for a moment. This is what makes Alamy so wonderful. Everybody is on the same level playing field. Reputations don't matter, fame doesn't matter, all that matters is the imagery.


And the newest newbie is able to compete with everybody else on exactly the same basis as soon as they get their pics on sale. 


Three cheers for Equal Opportunity and Meritocracy. 🤙🤙🤙

Edited by geogphotos
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