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The Image Manager thread

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How is it that you can still use the old version? I'd love to do that.




Floydian might mean the old 'new' not AIM. 

Before AIM, I still had access to both old and 'new' image manager.



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How is it that you can still use the old version? I'd love to do that.





Floydian might mean the old 'new' not AIM. 

Before AIM, I still had access to both old and 'new' image manager.



Me too, jumping from v1 to v2, copying and pasting, adjusting and amending. All with the greatest of ease.


Oh, they were the days

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Oh, they were the days



There were bad days too.


Going through my first submissions back in 2002, these were CDs containing only about 10 TIF files, which most of the time Alamy couldn't read on arrival because they told us to stick a label with our name on them, which caused a reading error....

For sure, I haven't got the slightest nostalgia of these days....

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Hey! Whoa! Stop! Wait a minute!


I just had a thought and wondered if it might have anything to do with the order of tags (keywords) and searches generally.


When an image is found by a customer in the general search and they look at it on the sales page all the tags (keywords) are shown in alphabetical order.


Could it be that if the tags (keywords) are stored that way on Alamy's system then there would be NO NEED for us (the contributor) to ORDER tags (keywords) and just present them in any order we wish.


Letting the search engine do all the hard work.




But if you look at an image in AIM, they aren't in alphabetical order. Indeed as far as I can tell, they are in the order I entered them.


Putting keywords into alphabetical order when showing them to the customer makes sense as it looks tidy and ordered. Showing them in the potentially random order that a contributor thought to enter them into AIM would look messy.


If rearranging the way tags are displayed is possible, I would very much like that as an option. Trying to find a single keyword to add / delete among possibly hundreds is almost impossible and certainly very time consuming. An option to change the display to a-z would be VERY welcome.

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Hi guys,


Am finally on the new system...


Found a bug that I haven't seen referred to yet...


Two images with identical tags in identical order,(26/50 tags. 10 supertags identical on both images)

When either image is selected all it's associated tags are visible.

When both images are selected some tags disappear.


Have sent a mail to CR asking why...


Will post response.



I had the same problem and mentioned it on another thread, I take it you haven't had a response Phil?





Thanks for bringing this up Chris...saved me searching for my post in 1,000's on this thread!!!


They did reply as follows:


"Hi Phil,

We have heard back from our technical team regarding this.


The following tags are listed twice on both images –









When you select both images at once they only show the tags once, and when you click on them individually they show all the tags including the duplicates.


This is a display feature and not an issue which will be fixed.





So it seems that by selecting more than 1 image we cannot see what tags are duplicated.....And they are not going to fix it!



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Hi guys,


Am finally on the new system...


Found a bug that I haven't seen referred to yet...


Two images with identical tags in identical order,(26/50 tags. 10 supertags identical on both images)

When either image is selected all it's associated tags are visible.

When both images are selected some tags disappear.


Have sent a mail to CR asking why...


Will post response.



I had the same problem and mentioned it on another thread, I take it you haven't had a response Phil?



Thanks for bringing this up Chris...saved me searching for my post in 1,000's on this thread!!!


They did reply as follows:


"Hi Phil,

We have heard back from our technical team regarding this.


The following tags are listed twice on both images –









When you select both images at once they only show the tags once, and when you click on them individually they show all the tags including the duplicates.


This is a display feature and not an issue which will be fixed.





So it seems that by selecting more than 1 image we cannot see what tags are duplicated.....And they are not going to fix it!



That is ridiculous, I presume like you & I did, & everyone everyone else is doing,we are finding these bugs and issues as we go along that make no sense and aren't helpful & then spend time thinking eh? That can't be right & trying to think "am I doing this right?"


Only to discover we are are and its a massive problem with the system they have installed and none of us contributors seemingly has a clear idea of what we should be doing any more?


The idea to move away from flash is great, but I can't believe cut, copy & paste isn't there.


Thanks for the reply anyhow, I know I neeed to take out some old tags/keywords, but it looks like it's not worth spending too much time on old images until we know what and how we should be working the system.


God knows what I'll do when I upload some images.


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Not sure if this applies to this thread but I'm having a problem. After seeing the new Image manager and finding out I have lots of images with lo discoverability I decided to edit them to get their level to green. I was working with three images at a time (similar keywords.tags, etc.). I used the command key and started to click on the images I wanted to edit at the same time. The next thing I knew the image manager bar on the right dropped down below the level of the images. When I started the manger window was as it is in the video and instructions. Now I can't get it back up adjacent to the images. Does anyone have any ideas? I use a Mac (OS 10.8) and Firefox browser.


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I like the new manager except I have a problem. I use a Mac (OS10.8) and firefox. I started using the image manager to improve my discoverabilty by doing one at a time. Then I got brave and tried to select a group of similar images. I held down the command key and clicked away. The next thing I knew the image manager panel on the right disappeared down below the images. Now when I select an image I have to scroll down to the image manage panel on the right side. Can anyone help me get back to the original format where the panel is adjacent to the images like in the instructions?

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I like the new manager except I have a problem. I use a Mac (OS10.8) and firefox. I started using the image manager to improve my discoverabilty by doing one at a time. Then I got brave and tried to select a group of similar images. I held down the command key and clicked away. The next thing I knew the image manager panel on the right disappeared down below the images. Now when I select an image I have to scroll down to the image manage panel on the right side. Can anyone help me get back to the original format where the panel is adjacent to the images like in the instructions?


In Firefox try to get back to the original zoom level. Usually CTRL or CMD 0 (=zero).



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Realised I had spelt the name of a Spanish town wrong on quite a few recent images, but as the captions were all slightly different and with no way to search and append single words I had to go to every single caption and change them, also the town was in the tags and, of course, I couldn't select all images and just edit the single tag in a batch.


Grrrr, very frustrating!

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Realised I had spelt the name of a Spanish town wrong on quite a few recent images, but as the captions were all slightly different and with no way to search and append single words I had to go to every single caption and change them, also the town was in the tags and, of course, I couldn't select all images and just edit the single tag in a batch.


Grrrr, very frustrating!


Being able to append and delete within a group of images was supposed to be something we would get with this version. I keep running into the problem of too many tags so everything I want to change becomes too difficult to spend time on. On my new images I am trying to stay below 50 so as to leave room for further work. Yes, grrrrr.



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So finally also I am seeing new version on my account... and here it is - almost 3,5 k images with poor discoverability. Now I need to take some vacations of my photography work to do the work with Alamy... L O L !

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So finally also I am seeing new version on my account... and here it is - almost 3,5 k images with poor discoverability. Now I need to take some vacations of my photography work to do the work with Alamy... L O L !


Don't worry about "low discoverability", it means nothing useful.

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In case anyone's interested, Track Submissions has now been turned off. You can no longer do a quick check on the number of QC fails. Ah well.



Hi Mark I have just tried in AIM and found I can see my failed images.


At top centre column click on "Quality control" in drop down box tick "Failed" box. All failed images are visible.



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You don't get the date that way. It was being able to see all subs in date order 20-odd to a page that was useful.



Hmmm! The only way I can see is to scroll down the left column looking for pink lines beside the submissions. Admittedly not as useful as previous method.



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I've been doing some "tagging" (hate that word) and the whole thing makes me grouchy. I think I am really going to have to do as much as possible in Lightroom even though the keywords will come in in alphabetical order. I can leave room for phrases. I've been reluctant to caption in Lightroom because I don't like the way they will go on sale before I've finished annotating them but maybe it doesn't matter. Does it matter? Any opinions? I only have my one name so that is OK and they are being marked as RM by default which is what I want.



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Mine also go automatically for sale as I keyword them in Bridge. It doesn't really matter, I just have to remember to do the supertags.


If you're not keen on the idea, you could do your keywording in Lightroom but leave the caption blank. That way, they will show as 'Not on Sale'.



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Thanks, Gen. My method with the old image manager was to just do very basic keywording in Lightroom and do everything else in Alamy. That worked for me but this one is driving me crazy. The caption field is uncomfortable for me though I have been doing as you suggest and my images haven't gone on sale until I have put in the caption. Next time I think I'll try doing everything, including the caption, in Lightroom so I can spend as little time as possible dealing with this image manager. I have been so disappointed in it. I was expecting to be able to, for instance, select all of my polar bear images and check to make sure they all have "climate" and "environment" in them. I'm hampered by the fact that pretty much all my images have more than 50 keywords because I was repeating in more than one field. Ah well. So far at least my new submissions are landing in reasonable good places.



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