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Views are down. Three months in the sinbin is taking its toll.


What heinous crime did you commit to deserve that period of incarceration?


Three fails since late May. I only managed to get a couple of hundred up before being nabbed again....and again.

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Zooms like crazy but it has nothing to do with sales :(


I've always found it odd how my zooms have almost nothing to do with my sales. The zoomed images are always the ones I like best, feel are most worthy. The images that sell? . . .  who knows?  :rolleyes:

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I'd say it was worse than times past. Maybe there's just too much other things going on. The news sector certainly seems active. I've had 14 in the nationals this year. However, the stock side of things is a bit slow. Largely due to my ever increasing portfolio of editorial I guess. 

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Yeah this is my second time around here. I have uploaded some files which have sold over 6000 times at other agencies but not here, earning me a fortune. Here?  not even one download. Incredible!!  its all down to the search-engine. I have a special software from Barco which immediately will tell me if the search is in line or not. Its not!.

I don't get it? this creative vs relevance, clearly isnt working. Why not do something about it?

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Zooms like crazy but it has nothing to do with sales :(


I've always found it odd how my zooms have almost nothing to do with my sales. The zoomed images are always the ones I like best, feel are most worthy. The images that sell? . . .  who knows?  :rolleyes:



It's a mixed bag for me. I find that zoomed images often sell a month or two later. Some sell a couple of days later, and others never lease at all. Had my first zoom of the month today of an image that was eyeballed (hopefully not the evil eye) not long ago, so I'm hoping this will break the early September hex.

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I am not sure I place a great degree of faith in exactly which images are zoomed - sometimes they sell, and sometimes un-zoomed images sell.


What I think is more important is the number of zooms you have in a period of time - for me the ratio of zooms (any) to sales (any, within the next month or 6 weeks) is often fairly constant - it used to be about 4:1 and is now nearer 5:1


And the most useful indicator of all is when the actual image ID is searched for, whether its zoomed or not - that seems to result in a sale about 50% or more of the time.


If you are getting zooms, relax - the sales will follow - Its like applying for jobs - if you are getting interviews you will get a job;... but no interviews then re-think needed...



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