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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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32 minutes ago, Sally said:

My husband got the good news today that 8 weeks of radiotherapy during July and August has resulted in a PSA of 0.1 down from 36. So prostate cancer, bye bye.


Congratulations. I am a cancer survivor and it is a good, good feeling to go on with a healthy life after being afraid it is over. Enjoy!



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It was just my husband and me for Thanksgiving in person - a first for us both coming from large families - but we enjoyed our dinner and quite a lot of good 🍷 as we zoomed with our daughter, grandson, SIL, cousins, nieces, great nieces & nephews for a couple of hours. I'm just so grateful for the technology that keeps us together. Four generations of family from my cousin who's actually my mom's first cousin (though closer to me in age) to the little greats. 


And of course we got to watch the Macy's parade this morning. I didn't realize they'd found a socially distanced way to do it - gotta love NY - we don't give up. Now we're just hanging out vegging in front of the tv with more 🍷 The kitchen is all cleaned up and it's so nice to just chill out. 


So sorry your dinner was cancelled Paulette, but better to stay safe though it's a drag especially when you are counting on all that food. This is the first Thanksgiving I'm not overstuffed as we just roasted a chicken (heresy I know but all the turkeys were way too large for two) and made a couple of sides, rather than being overwhelmed by all the many dishes and deserts that everyone brings to our usual huge family gatherings.  


Glad for your husband's good health news Sally - Hope your managing Edo - I had rotator cuff surgery about a decade ago and managing with one arm was really tough. I lived in sweats. As others have recommended, elastic waists are your friend.  And Betty hope those heart tests came back okay - sounded so scary! 


Happy Thanksgiving folks! 


And I had a sale yesterday - that's 6 this month which is a record for me in this very challenging year! 


So, I have a lot to be grateful for. Be well everyone!

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17 hours ago, NYCat said:


Congratulations. I am a cancer survivor and it is a good, good feeling to go on with a healthy life after being afraid it is over. Enjoy!




16 hours ago, Marianne said:

Glad for your husband's good health news Sally - Hope your managing Edo - I had rotator cuff surgery about a decade ago and managing with one arm was really tough. I lived in sweats. As others have recommended, elastic waists are your friend.  And Betty hope those heart tests came back okay - sounded so scary! 


Happy Thanksgiving folks! 


And I had a sale yesterday - that's 6 this month which is a record for me in this very challenging year! 


So, I have a lot to be grateful for. Be well everyone!

Many thanks both.

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My friend who cancelled our Thanksgiving dinner because she didn't feel well was able to get a rapid coronavirus test today. She is negative. She is also feeling a bit better so all is well.



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I did make turkey and dressing. Overkill. My son was planning on flying from Alabama to be here but canceled 30 minutes away from getting to the airport...several hours away from where he lives. He told me if he were exposed at the terminal or on the plane, then gave the virus to me and I didn’t survive, he couldn’t live with it. And he couldn’t...I know that. When he made the advance reservations, the numbers had gone down to the lowest they’ve been. Who knew it would explode again to the extent it has.

So it was me, my daughter and son-in-law eating a dinner that would have fed 6-8!  I’ll be eating pie forever.
3 people....4 pies. I have put a lot of turkey and dressing in the freezer. And it was a small turkey, only 9 1/2 pounds.

But the three of us had a good time. Played a board marble game, called Wahoo, and Ray beat us women twice. Sigh.

I watched a good college football game today after finally getting my kitchen back in order.

Good news, Sally! My husband went through that, too, same treatment. And like Paulette, I’m a survivor, too. 17 years, now.


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Great news from Sally!


All of this cookery talk is making me hungry.  It was my turn to cook yesterday and from my limited repertoire of dishes came a Spanish tortilla, which I have to say came out exceedingly well. You have to cook the thing on both sides flipping it over on a plate before returning it to the pan, and I've learned to use a very low heat during the last stages to avoid burning. It should have been eaten with a nice salad, but we made do with  the incongruous accompaniment of fish fingers that were intended for the grandbairns who are no longer able to visit. It all went down Ok accompanied by a glass of dry white wine and some tartare sauce. 


Our friends dined rather better, they were in receipt of an ice packed parcel of fresh seafood from the Rick Stein empire, bought as a birthday treat by a son.


Finally, our allotment friends presented us with a home cooked date and walnut cake an informal swap for home made jam, I look forward to getting my teeth into the cake today.

Edited by Bryan
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11 hours ago, Bryan said:

It should have been eaten with a nice salad, but we made do with  the incongruous accompaniment of fish fingers that were intended for the grandbairns who are no longer able to visit. It all went down Ok accompanied by a glass of dry white wine and some tartare sauce. 


There are several recipes on line for fish tacos which sound delicious but are very complicated. So I make my own scaled down version with fish fingers! With shredded lettuce, grated radish, finely sliced onion and topped with mayo, sour cream and harissa paste mixed together, all in a warmed up tortilla or wrap. Tasty!

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3 hours ago, Thyrsis said:

There are several recipes on line for fish tacos which sound delicious but are very complicated. So I make my own scaled down version with fish fingers! With shredded lettuce, grated radish, finely sliced onion and topped with mayo, sour cream and harissa paste mixed together, all in a warmed up tortilla or wrap. Tasty!


Wonderful idea. I am always looking for shortcuts since I'm not much of a cook and don't have much of a kitchen. I really like the mozzarella balls that come marinated in a garlic and spice olive oil. I save the oil to mix with equal amounts soy sauce and marinate my salmon in it before cooking. Yummy.



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I’m on day 4 eating turkey and dressing. I finished what I kept out, but have more in the freezer I’ll eat a few weeks from now. I also had leftover mashed potatoes Made with cream cheese, butter and whipping cream, and delicious turkey gravy. Finished that today.

My best meals are ones that will last me at least three days, so I don’t have to cook every day. That can be meatloaf and beef stews/soups. If the dish is delicious, I love leftovers. 
I'm ready for something spicy, so may make goulash tomorrow. Something else that will last a few days.

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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’m on day 4 eating turkey and dressing. I finished what I kept out, but have more in the freezer I’ll eat a few weeks from now. I also had leftover mashed potatoes Made with cream cheese, butter and whipping cream, and delicious turkey gravy. Finished that today.

My best meals are ones that will last me at least three days, so I don’t have to cook every day. That can be meatloaf and beef stews/soups. If the dish is delicious, I love leftovers. 


Good to learn that you have been enjoying your turkey leftovers Betty. I confess that one of my favourite meals is  a fry up of the remains of Sunday dinner, always accompanied by plenty of onion. 


However I can see turkey overload ahead as the boss has ordered two lots of turkey bits for Xmas. Given that our offspring and myself are confirmed or aspiring veggies,  and that a big Xmas get together is far from certain, I suspect that it will be in our freezer for many moons. A case of wishful thinking.

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17 minutes ago, Bryan said:


Good to learn that you have been enjoying your turkey leftovers Betty. I confess that one of my favourite meals is  a fry up of the remains of Sunday dinner, always accompanied by plenty of onion. 


However I can see turkey overload ahead as the boss has ordered two lots of turkey bits for Xmas. Given that our offspring and myself are confirmed or aspiring veggies,  and that a big Xmas get together is far from certain, I suspect that it will be in our freezer for many moons. A case of wishful thinking.

I love onion, too! I put quite a lot of chopped onion and celery in my cornbread & white bread dressing, along with cooked chopped pork sausage and sage. Seasoned with the roasted turkey drippings, of course. I think I found those 3 pounds I lost. The pecan and apple pie didn’t help.

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11 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’m on day 4 eating turkey and dressing. I finished what I kept out, but have more in the freezer I’ll eat a few weeks from now. I also had leftover mashed potatoes Made with cream cheese, butter and whipping cream, and delicious turkey gravy. Finished that today.

My best meals are ones that will last me at least three days, so I don’t have to cook every day. That can be meatloaf and beef stews/soups. If the dish is delicious, I love leftovers. 
I'm ready for something spicy, so may make goulash tomorrow. Something else that will last a few days.


You have reminded me of a good thing my wife used to do with the turkey and ham leftovers. She used to make them into gorgeous pasties with shortcrust pastry.

Don't ask me what was in them apart from turkey and ham, that was her little secret.




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3 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


You have reminded me of a good thing my wife used to do with the turkey and ham leftovers. She used to make them into gorgeous pasties with shortcrust pastry.

Don't ask me what was in them apart from turkey and ham, that was her little secret.




 I would go for a white sauce, leeks, wholegrain mustard...

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5 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


You have reminded me of a good thing my wife used to do with the turkey and ham leftovers. She used to make them into gorgeous pasties with shortcrust pastry.

Don't ask me what was in them apart from turkey and ham, that was her little secret.




Yummm! What a great idea!

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

There's a lot of negativity happening right now. However . . . my spending in November was well below my monthly income. 😲

Then you're not buying enough of the Majestic Beaujolais Nouveau, Ed. It's already drinking a bit better that a fortnight ago.


We had our "First Hurrah" party in the garden today. Six of us as legally permitted and at least six bottles of wine including the mulled sort. A bit cold out.

Edited by spacecadet
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Ah, Mark, but I have a little problem. With my arm, I can't open a bottle of wine. Even a bottle with a twist cap will have wait. 


If you're going to buy yourself a gift this Christmas, my suggestion is that you don't make it a broken arm. 
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Today was a quiet day. I sat at the table with Echo on my shoulder while I paid bills, and gave her empty envelopes to chew on.

All in all, it was a good day, just another alone day. It’s good that I’m satisfied with my own company.

I’ve  always been a bit of a loner, so I’m finding that proper training for the world we’re in today.
It’s raining, which we need, with a possibility of a bit of snow in the night. I hope so, because I’ve never gotten over my childhood delight in a winter wonderland vista. I hope I wake up to that in the morning.

I ordered an iPhone 12 Pro Max yesterday. My son offered to pay for it. He’s a good guy, loves his mama. 
It might be the end of the month before I get it. It’s supposed to have the best camera of anything out there. 3 lenses.  Bigger pixels. I’m eager to find out. There are phone cameras out there with more pixels, but the proof is in the picture.

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Siry, the cat who has his owners two doors down and comes to my house for Purina cat chow and some attention from my cats, has been ill and his owner took him away to the vet two days ago in my cat carrier, and I didn't see him at all yesterday.   He was back this morning, a bit listless, but not looking seriously ill, eating some cat food, and then going back out.   Not sure what happened.  


I joked with the grandmother of the house that he's "un gato rico, con dos casas."   (A rich cat with two houses).   Here he is from earlier this year, sleeping on my bed. 



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18 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Ah, Mark, but I have a little problem. With my arm, I can't open a bottle of wine. Even a bottle with a twist cap will have wait. 


If you're going to buy yourself a gift this Christmas, my suggestion is that you don't make it a broken arm. 

That's pretty serious, Ed. There must be someone who can draw a cork for you (the Waitrose Beaujolais has a screw cap)- or you'll have to stick to wine bars.

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1 hour ago, spacecadet said:

That's pretty serious, Ed. There must be someone who can draw a cork for you (the Waitrose Beaujolais has a screw cap)- or you'll have to stick to wine bars.




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3 minutes ago, wiskerke said:

Those are still really two-handed devices. They take away a lot of the effort but you still have to grab hold of the bottle and the opener somehow.

Beer is a good answer.

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