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Stockimo now you can upload photos from your iPhone to sell on here

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  • We’ll introduce a filter for Stockimo shots in the future. For now, to see them, search ‘Stockimo’ under contributor name in advanced search





Just a thought - but the person that is licensing a iPhone image, who is looking for an iPhone image is NOT looking for a standard run-of-the mill stock image but looking for something  a bit different (filters & all)?


I am not sure wether it is a good or bad thing (at the moment I cannot see any good) the images being in the main library and appearing in main searches -  I would expect the filter to be there from day one.




I have tried to email James about this but it has bounced... I am pro an iPhone/Mobile collection but there NEEDs to be filters from the outset.


I would have thought a filter would not prevent iPhone images appearing in the main search, it would just enable a search for iPhone images on their own. 

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From Page 3!




  • We’ll introduce a filter for Stockimo shots in the future. For now, to see them, search ‘Stockimo’ under contributor name in advanced search





Just a thought - but the person that is licensing a iPhone image, who is looking for an iPhone image is NOT looking for a standard run-of-the mill stock image but looking for something  a bit different (filters & all)?


I am not sure wether it is a good or bad thing (at the moment I cannot see any good) the images being in the main library and appearing in main searches -  I would expect the filter to be there from day one.




I have tried to email James about this but it has bounced... I am pro an iPhone/Mobile collection but there NEEDs to be filters from the outset.


I would have thought a filter would not prevent iPhone images appearing in the main search, it would just enable a search for iPhone images on their own. 



Why not either way - an include / exclude tick box on the left and a [Mobile] button next to [New] [Relevant] [Creative]


At the moment it is possible to include / exclude them:


The only reliable method I have found is (using the term LONDON) is advanced searches: 

1. No mobile: (advanced search) "london NOT stockimo" 

2. ONLY mobile images "StockIMO London" 

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You don't have to check for sharpness. There's no QC.

I've just uploaded a few images to test the water. Some were accepted and some were rejected so there is a selection process of sorts. Not sure how it works because the image I thought was the best one was rejected. Ironically it was used in my local paper last week!


I don't think buyers care about actual quality as much as they do about content.

I've seen all this before within stock sites of a different nature. This is doom.


Expand? :unsure:

I can't really do that because it's too long and drawn out and does not involve photography stock sites, so would be inappropriate most likely in this thread. A thread that looks like it may run all season I might add.

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Well, it had to come, and I predict that within five years big heavy SLRs will become the reserve of enthusiasts, rather like film cameras or vinyl records have today.

I can't blame Alamy for tapping into a potentially valuable income stream. They have done their research and it is their business.


Having said that, I am not happy that photographs are apparently being uploaded without going through a QC check. Looking at the results so far, while there are, as expected many good shots that appear technically sound, there are also a large number with noise and focus problems that would never pass the established QC.

I hope that Alamy will introduce a separate tab for these type of images before what I anticipate will be an explosion of them swamp the existing collections.


In the long term though, I think this is the future, like it or not. I don't, but I have to accept it.

I won't sell my D700 and expensive lenses yet, but I won't be upgrading to the D800 as I had planned. Instead I am going to investigate these iPhone thingys. My phone is over ten years old and I am not sure if it even has a camera!


I have a friend who is a staff photographer on a regional newspaper. He tells me that 'citizen journalism' is likely to make him redundant soon. Many people seem happy for their photographs to be used free just for the 'kudos' of seeing their snaps in print.

I am afraid that the general public do not see photography as a craft but something that anyone can do. Maybe they are right.

The new technology is changing the world. I spent many years as a medical photographer where technical quality and repeatability was vital. I left as the digital age was beginning, but I saw that more and more medics and nurses were taking their own pictures with a dramatic drop in the quality of the image, not to mention  consent issues. But nobody seemed to care.

Well, those are my thoughts. Are we doomed? Sadly probably if we do not accept the changing world. At least Alamy will pay us 50%. Very generous.

Now I await the overdue result from QC of my latest upload.






















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From Page 3!




  • We’ll introduce a filter for Stockimo shots in the future. For now, to see them, search ‘Stockimo’ under contributor name in advanced search





Just a thought - but the person that is licensing a iPhone image, who is looking for an iPhone image is NOT looking for a standard run-of-the mill stock image but looking for something  a bit different (filters & all)?


I am not sure wether it is a good or bad thing (at the moment I cannot see any good) the images being in the main library and appearing in main searches -  I would expect the filter to be there from day one.




I have tried to email James about this but it has bounced... I am pro an iPhone/Mobile collection but there NEEDs to be filters from the outset.


I would have thought a filter would not prevent iPhone images appearing in the main search, it would just enable a search for iPhone images on their own. 



Why not either way - an include / exclude tick box on the left and a [Mobile] button next to [New] [Relevant] [Creative]


At the moment it is possible to include / exclude them:


The only reliable method I have found is (using the term LONDON) is advanced searches: 

1. No mobile: (advanced search) "london NOT stockimo" 

2. ONLY mobile images "StockIMO London" 



I agree. But I think there is a lot of unnecessary panic evident here. There are huge numbers of pretty dreadful images on Alamy taken using very good cameras and there is no way of filtering these out except by buyer discernment. The idea that iPhone images are intrinsically bad and D800 images are very good is ridiculous. 

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I am not happy to have my images, taken using a professional level digital  SLR and passed by Alamy QC, as being of a high technical standard,  mixed together with those captured on an iPhone and not subjected to any QC at all, lumped together  in the same collection.  They should be entirely separate with different price structures reflecting their large differences in quality!   

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Taken me ages to get this thread read. When the news hit my news inbox (magazine) I mentioned it on my FB page. Within ten minutes, three of the best professional photographers I know had signed up. Two are Fellows of multiple bodies and one secured his FBIPP and FRPS with the same iPhone art panel of 20 x 16 prints. That was a few months after I published his first iPhone art shots, when he was selling 30 x 40 wall canvases and selling iPhone portrait sessions for four-figure sums to high end clients.


Really, if you don't understand how the very short focal length, wide angle and overall ethos of the iPhone photo thing, you are missing out. I don't shoot phone pix but I have used them and can see exactly how they work in advertising and in web and editorial contexts. I have been publishing this work since the very first weeks of Instagram, Hipstamatic etc.


Son currently has a Nokia 1020 with 40 megapixel camera. I'm running the review in the May/June f2 magazine as he got hold of a Fuji X-T1 and that review is going into the mag out next week out of priority. The pix from the Nokia are just ridiculously good, the lens is superb, the 1/4 size binned images are still over Alamy 'big' minimum.


Of course they won't accept pointless snaps but the flag example shown is not a pointless snap. I know why it has uses and value and I'm worried that others here don't.

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I like alamy, however, there's one thing I really dislike and this really bugs me about alamy it's like when big news stuff e.g. Keywords and now stockimo.

it's just like we don't here anything about the BIG changes until they have ALREADY happened. I would be happier if they told us BEFORE it changed and not when I wake up see some email flash across my screen on my ipad telling me this just has happend etc..


-It would be great if they could tell us in advance, and not After they have done it.


-Could they edit the menu as others are saying bring in some additional search functions to allow/disallow between cell vs DSLR


-I'm in favor of having moblie photos, i have seen a couple of really great cell photos on here. however, the implementation is well horrific (did a short search, found some really terrible out of fouces images, blurred pretty much as pointed out earlier)


-I haven't tryed stockimo yet, I will be in London tomorrow. so I will test this out on an "iPhone/iPad" (just send me to jail) and will try to upload.

You know what really scares me now about this, every person with an iPhone . Once they start hearing about this site they will be flooding this site? Welcom to appleopyicse It's already hard enough to get good sales, now it's going to be very very hard.


-I would like alamy to listen to us for once and try to understand what we feel and maybe they can inform us before big changes happen and can try to reassure us all somehow.



As Humman's we naturally hate change even if its big or small, but it's how we look at the change as a person with a better understanding of the long term goals and objects.

i expect everyone reading this will have in different views and ideas.


Maybe they should hire more PR people or try turning their PC's off and on oh wait I mean Mac's it's all about branding all about the yummy apple logo? What's tomorrow going to bring???

Last two lines is sarcasm*

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I have been selling iPhone photos on Getty Images since my old iPhone 4S days back in May, 2012. I have had many sales of iPhone photos and no one has ever returned one of them. I have just started using the Getty Images Moment App for three weeks now on my iPhone 5S. Today I started using the new Stockimo App and had a couple of photos already accepted on the same day. I think it's great! I wouldn't take the iPhone to any red carpets, but let's face it, the best camera is the one you have with you. Thanks, Alamy. Love it!! 


Old IPhone 4S sample photos:


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I think one thing we all have to take into account in terms of quality is that not all customers require the quality that has become the de facto standard for stock. They just don't realise this yet. Or the market is not offering them it as a valid option yet.


I see the movement to areas like iPhones and smaller cams to be in answer to a market requirement, but what is interesting is that once many stock purchasers realise they do not need the de facto stock library quality for small images and the web then the market will evolve substantially, and not necessarily for the better for those of who are invested in meeting current standards (me).


I came to this realisation myself a while ago - just take a look at flickr, there are millions of fantastic pics that are suitable for "small image" requirements, pics that are much more difficult, sometime impossible, to achieve within the constraints of current de facto stock standards. I see beautiful macro shots that are cropped immensely BUT are magnificent at 500 px, but impossible to achieve at 4000 pix.


Ergo if 500 pix is the end users required size then why does the end user have to consider images made to much higher standards, and at a higher cost.


The market is evolving again. 

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I'm still wondering why images snapped with my Samsung Galaxy S cell phone are excluded.  I have Adobe mobile editing software on it and I would be willing to experiment with this new venue, but I'm not excited about buying a new phone.

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Taken me ages to get this thread read. When the news hit my news inbox (magazine) I mentioned it on my FB page. Within ten minutes, three of the best professional photographers I know had signed up. Two are Fellows of multiple bodies and one secured his FBIPP and FRPS with the same iPhone art panel of 20 x 16 prints. That was a few months after I published his first iPhone art shots, when he was selling 30 x 40 wall canvases and selling iPhone portrait sessions for four-figure sums to high end clients.


Really, if you don't understand how the very short focal length, wide angle and overall ethos of the iPhone photo thing, you are missing out. I don't shoot phone pix but I have used them and can see exactly how they work in advertising and in web and editorial contexts. I have been publishing this work since the very first weeks of Instagram, Hipstamatic etc.


Son currently has a Nokia 1020 with 40 megapixel camera. I'm running the review in the May/June f2 magazine as he got hold of a Fuji X-T1 and that review is going into the mag out next week out of priority. The pix from the Nokia are just ridiculously good, the lens is superb, the 1/4 size binned images are still over Alamy 'big' minimum.


Of course they won't accept pointless snaps but the flag example shown is not a pointless snap. I know why it has uses and value and I'm worried that others here don't.

I have some very very high end clients where I do still make 4 figures a day shooting. Not as many clients as I had in the past as they've retired,passed away or using someone cheaper.Last year I brought along a smaller Nex camera along with the Nikon D600 and to say they freaked out would have been an understatement. "Why do you have that little camera?' 'Why are you shooting with a little camera?' similar questions thru the day.I have contracts from clients that state that they expect me to be shooting with high end professional gear. On a few of the court tv shows I've seen many cases where photogs were getting sued where their clients and brides from weddings hated everything about the photos. A few of the judges were technically abreast to know that a Rebel was not a pro camera body and after looking at his gear list and the photos awarded damages as well as a refund to the people suing. If someone is making money from clients,especially 4 figures using a Smart phone,I'd love to see the work,him in action shooting and the check from the client and proof that the client thought this was great. I've met so many photogs,especially in my town that are just so full of it I don't take anything on face value.there days. L

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I have been selling iPhone photos on Getty Images since my old iPhone 4S days back in May, 2012. I have had many sales of iPhone photos and no one has ever returned one of them. I have just started using the Getty Images Moment App for three weeks now on my iPhone 5S. Today I started using the new Stockimo App and had a couple of photos already accepted on the same day. I think it's great! I wouldn't take the iPhone to any red carpets, but let's face it, the best camera is the one you have with you. Thanks, Alamy. Love it!! 


Old IPhone 4S sample photos:


So you think it's great that minimally vetted iPhone images are being offered for sale alongside our regular stock photos that have had to go through Alamy's stringent QC? Isn't that the real issue?

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On reflection, my camera obscura idea is a tad impractical . . . but with the new (apparent) standard, is it time to lash out on a Holga?



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Taken me ages to get this thread read. When the news hit my news inbox (magazine) I mentioned it on my FB page. Within ten minutes, three of the best professional photographers I know had signed up. Two are Fellows of multiple bodies and one secured his FBIPP and FRPS with the same iPhone art panel of 20 x 16 prints. That was a few months after I published his first iPhone art shots, when he was selling 30 x 40 wall canvases and selling iPhone portrait sessions for four-figure sums to high end clients.


Really, if you don't understand how the very short focal length, wide angle and overall ethos of the iPhone photo thing, you are missing out. I don't shoot phone pix but I have used them and can see exactly how they work in advertising and in web and editorial contexts. I have been publishing this work since the very first weeks of Instagram, Hipstamatic etc.


Son currently has a Nokia 1020 with 40 megapixel camera. I'm running the review in the May/June f2 magazine as he got hold of a Fuji X-T1 and that review is going into the mag out next week out of priority. The pix from the Nokia are just ridiculously good, the lens is superb, the 1/4 size binned images are still over Alamy 'big' minimum.


Of course they won't accept pointless snaps but the flag example shown is not a pointless snap. I know why it has uses and value and I'm worried that others here don't.


I hear you David, and I agree a move towards accepting Mobile (not just iPhone) images is the next logical step. But to add all these images, without any QC, to be bundled with all other imagery could be potentially damaging.... not to mention confusing to the customer. There were a few shots highlighted earlier that Alamy has since taken down that were very poor to say the least.


Lets say I want to buy images that have been taken with a mobile phone, it isn't exactly easy to identify these. You have to remember to type in Stockimo as a keyword?!?! 


In this day and age where we are trying to make things as easy as possible for the customer, Alamy is putting hurdles for customers to jump over. I just cannot understand why there wasn't a separate category for Mobile Imagery where customers could even browse through the images, away from other imagery. It's almost like someone has said, "Whats the easiest way to implement this? I know, we'll just bundle everything together". It feels like it's been done on the cheap..... they couldn't even be bothered to invest in the development of an Android app.


Given that approx 60% of all smartphones are Android, seems an odd decision. Especially as it makes them look like they are endorsing iPhone cameras (even if they are not). This approach was used by companies at the dawn of smart phones when they thought Android was not going to make it.

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Alamy can we perhaps have a little info, ie the estimated time scale before you release an Android app and before you implement "We’ll introduce a filter for Stockimo shots in the future."? thanks.


Hey, get back in the queue . . . we've got search engine refinements and expanding video submissions first . . .



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From yesterday's AOA the highest number of UCO searches was Stockimo and the 4th highest number of zooms.


Borders (a no-no in the past) are now in evidence.


It's my birthday next week and the better half has been primed for an iPhone 5s.


And I'm not joking!

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Alamy can we perhaps have a little info, ie the estimated time scale before you release an Android app and before you implement "We’ll introduce a filter for Stockimo shots in the future."? thanks.


Hey, get back in the queue . . . we've got search engine refinements and expanding video submissions first . . .




Video Submissions? Been waiting for that one for what seems like an eternity, got bored with the wait, went to another library, made sales there, quite happy on that one :)

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From yesterday's AOA the highest number of UCO searches was Stockimo and the 4th highest number of zooms.


Borders (a no-no in the past) are now in evidence.


It's my birthday next week and the better half has been primed for an iPhone 5s.


And I'm not joking!

UCO of 6 compared to the total number of searches is a very tiny number. As always, something new will attract attention out of curiosity. Time will tell, I'll be watching more closely the images sold thread. If mobile imagery takes over then I will go that route - but preferably not iphone.

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From yesterday's AOA the highest number of UCO searches was Stockimo and the 4th highest number of zooms.


Borders (a no-no in the past) are now in evidence.


It's my birthday next week and the better half has been primed for an iPhone 5s.


And I'm not joking!

UCO of 6 compared to the total number of searches is a very tiny number. As always, something new will attract attention out of curiosity. Time will tell, I'll be watching more closely the images sold thread. If mobile imagery takes over then I will go that route - but preferably not iphone.



I was just about to say the same thing. If they were looking for something specific, it would have been "Stockimo British Countryside". 


I'll also keep an eye on this but for the time being, I'll concentrate on work elsewhere until the dust settles. If my other plans come through then I'll send mobile images here (provided they open it up to Android) and send my camera editorial shots to a place where they are kept separate and don't get buried. I can still send remaining shots here as well I guess.

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