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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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I don't tune into this thread very often, so I only just read your post about sister today, Edo. Very sad news. My condolences.


Falling and breaking a hip seems to be a common end point for a lot of older people. I know several who have gone that way, especially on the icy streets of Montreal. My mother lived there alone in her later years, and I used to worry about her as she often fell in winter. Some Montrealers I know are wearing crampons these days, which sounds like a wise idea.

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11 minutes ago, Sultanpepa said:


Ha. 😁 Will do. Slange

Recently crossed the threshold myself. It's a matter of indifference to me. I didn't even get the flu jab because of it as they took the age right down to 50!

Still only group 7 for you-know-what though.

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Just now, spacecadet said:

Recently crossed the threshold myself. It's a matter of indifference to me. I didn't even get the flu jab because of it as they took the age right down to 50!

Still only group 7 for you-know-what though.


I got the flu jab and payed for it. Next day they offered it free. Just my luck. Middle of March for the biggy. 💉 I don't like the idea of being 60, however, celebrating with afternoon Krispy Kremes and a barbecued Porterhouse for dinner tonight. Oops! That should be in the "good things" thread. 😂

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The credit card I use online has been compromised and cancelled. Fortunately the woman I used to take my wildlife trips with had told me about her experience and the fact that the card was one she only used online so it wasn't a huge problem. So I started doing the same thing and the card I use in person and for automatic payments is unaffected. I have been not allowing websites to keep my card number and it is a pain in the neck with Amazon because any time I buy anything there I must immediately go into my account and delete the card. In looking at my recent online purchases I think maybe my number was stolen from the website of a farm I buy nuts from. My card was there in my account and I guess I have to be careful and check after a purchase with every place I buy online.



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23 minutes ago, NYCat said:

The credit card I use online has been compromised and cancelled. Fortunately the woman I used to take my wildlife trips with had told me about her experience and the fact that the card was one she only used online so it wasn't a huge problem. So I started doing the same thing and the card I use in person and for automatic payments is unaffected. I have been not allowing websites to keep my card number and it is a pain in the neck with Amazon because any time I buy anything there I must immediately go into my account and delete the card. In looking at my recent online purchases I think maybe my number was stolen from the website of a farm I buy nuts from. My card was there in my account and I guess I have to be careful and check after a purchase with every place I buy online.




I'm averse to on line retailers retaining card details on file. Unfortunately it seems to be the norm these days. No problems so far but I have not usually set up an account and just bought things as a visitor.




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39 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


I'm averse to on line retailers retaining card details on file. Unfortunately it seems to be the norm these days. No problems so far but I have not usually set up an account and just bought things as a visitor.





Hummmm. Maybe just being a visitor is wise. I hadn't thought about that. Just means filling out address, etc. each time. I'm already filling out credit card each time since I've been pretty good about not letting them retain it. The big problem would be if it was the card where I do my automatic payments. Changing all that would be a pain. I've thought about having a separate card for that but my main card gives 1% back and sometimes more. Not a lot of money but I do enjoy the occasional $50 check.



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On 31/01/2021 at 15:39, NYCat said:


Hummmm. Maybe just being a visitor is wise. I hadn't thought about that. Just means filling out address, etc. each time. I'm already filling out credit card each time since I've been pretty good about not letting them retain it. The big problem would be if it was the card where I do my automatic payments. Changing all that would be a pain. I've thought about having a separate card for that but my main card gives 1% back and sometimes more. Not a lot of money but I do enjoy the occasional $50 check.



Unfortunately not just an online problem. My card was used by someone to buy train tickets in Italy after we had a holiday there, but the bank recognised the fraud and cancelled the card. They took the hit. Similarly a work colleague had someone use his card in Hong Kong to buy an expensive camera. Probably before the days of chip and pin, can't recall when that was introduced. These days, Like Allan, I try not to leave my details with online  businesses, but you do get sucked into this. 


Have to say you are doing well to get 1% back however, with talk of negative interest rates in the UK that sounds an amazing deal !

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On 31/01/2021 at 09:39, NYCat said:


Hummmm. Maybe just being a visitor is wise. I hadn't thought about that. Just means filling out address, etc. each time. I'm already filling out credit card each time since I've been pretty good about not letting them retain it. The big problem would be if it was the card where I do my automatic payments. Changing all that would be a pain. I've thought about having a separate card for that but my main card gives 1% back and sometimes more. Not a lot of money but I do enjoy the occasional $50 check.



Are you getting hammered with snow? Or is it over, now?

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All the snow fell on Monday and just some showers yesterday. I need to take my cat Possum to the vet later and hope I can get to the street for a taxi. The corners are always difficult after lots of snow piled up by the snow plows.  I've had a new wrinkle about the cancelled credit card. The post office said they returned a book I ordered because of incorrect address and the store has suggested giving me a refund so I can order it again and don't have to wait for the post office. But I can't get a credit on a cancelled card. I actually think the book is going to show up after all. We have had no postal delivery on Monday and Tuesday and I bet that's why they didn't deliver... not an incorrect address. I always have to do my cat-sitting in any weather so I laugh at the post office motto of "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Ha! Fortunately, I don't have any cat-sitting until Friday. Monday would have been near impossible.





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10 hours ago, Bryan said:

Unfortunately not just an online problem. My card was used by someone to buy train tickets in Italy after we had a holiday there, but the bank recognised the fraud and cancelled the card. They took the hit. Similarly a work colleague had someone use his card in Hong Kong to buy an expensive camera. Probably before the days of chip and pin, can't recall when that was introduced. These days, Like Allan, I try not to leave my details with online  businesses, but you do get sucked into this. 


Have to say you are doing well to get 1% back however, with talk of negative interest rates in the UK that sounds an amazing deal !


Where it is possible I pay through P--P--. No account details are passed to retailer and like a bank my details are as secure as can be. No problems to date.




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1 hour ago, Allan Bell said:


Where it is possible I pay through P--P--. No account details are passed to retailer and like a bank my details are as secure as can be. No problems to date.





Sounds like a good idea. Any downside to this?



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2 hours ago, NYCat said:


Sounds like a good idea. Any downside to this?




Non that I have found. Most companies/retailers over here accept PP.




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My dog has gone to a new vet to get her incontinence checked out.  I may be getting a love seat reupholstered down to the foam.  Luis's old ladies have kept him busy today.  Lola is ten years old, spayed, and there are several things this could be.  New vet has more meds and pleases my British nurse friend more.  If she seems better than the one I've been using, I may send my cat with the chronic skin problems to her.   The incontinence is when she's sleeping.


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On 03/02/2021 at 12:32, MizBrown said:

My dog has gone to a new vet to get her incontinence checked out.  I may be getting a love seat reupholstered down to the foam.  Luis's old ladies have kept him busy today.  Lola is ten years old, spayed, and there are several things this could be.  New vet has more meds and pleases my British nurse friend more.  If she seems better than the one I've been using, I may send my cat with the chronic skin problems to her.   The incontinence is when she's sleeping.


My dog had failing kidneys that caused her incontinence.  She began walking with a slight upward curved back, pain, I would imagine. Nothing could be done other than the vet changing her diet. When she began having convulsions, I had her put to sleep. She was 13. I feel that the flea chemicals killed her. We had sand fleas move into the yard by the thousands. I had to dip her and spray the yard every week. That was before the things available today.

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On 03/02/2021 at 12:32, MizBrown said:

My dog has gone to a new vet to get her incontinence checked out.  I may be getting a love seat reupholstered down to the foam.  Luis's old ladies have kept him busy today.  Lola is ten years old, spayed, and there are several things this could be.  New vet has more meds and pleases my British nurse friend more.  If she seems better than the one I've been using, I may send my cat with the chronic skin problems to her.   The incontinence is when she's sleeping.



Blood work showed an infection, but no problems with kidneys or liver or blood parasites (Nicaragua has several vectored by ticks and mosquitos).  She's on antibiotics now.  Luis is trading this week's work for the loveseat and I'm having wood one made with removable cushions by the neighbor two doors down for $165 US plus cushions extra.  I like the furniture maker's work and he's a neighbor.  He's copying something we found on line, just for two people rather than three.


I had a cat with failing kidneys in Philadelphia -- and was fearing that with Lola, but it's not that.





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22 hours ago, MizBrown said:


Blood work showed an infection, but no problems with kidneys or liver or blood parasites (Nicaragua has several vectored by ticks and mosquitos).  She's on antibiotics now.  Luis is trading this week's work for the loveseat and I'm having wood one made with removable cushions by the neighbor two doors down for $165 US plus cushions extra.  I like the furniture maker's work and he's a neighbor.  He's copying something we found on line, just for two people rather than three.


I had a cat with failing kidneys in Philadelphia -- and was fearing that with Lola, but it's not that.






Have they investigated for skin parasites? Not the usual ones but the microscopic so and so's. They do cause itching though and you would have seen her scratching like mad.




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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Have they investigated for skin parasites? Not the usual ones but the microscopic so and so's. They do cause itching though and you would have seen her scratching like mad.





I think the cat may have a skin fungus.  She's not scratching her belly.   One possible issue is FIV since she was bitten in the belly and has been bitten earlier.  The first red blotches came from near the bites.  I don't know if any vets here can test for FIV, but will be asking.  My other cat and the part-time cat seem to be free of skin rashes.  If Belle has FIV, I'll probably have to switch her to better food.  A friend had a cat with this and the cat lived a decent life.  Belle tends to be the one who gets bitten, not the biter, so she's not likely to spead it herself.   If she has a negative test, I'll see if I can get her vaccinated against it.


The dog had an infection that looked like a boil, but that appears to be healing.   Good guess she got the bacteria in her urinary tract from licking the sore and then transferring the bacteria.  If it turns out to be more, there are some hormonal treatments that apparently help, but that's a later bridge.   I put a small round table over the chairs to keep her from messing them up. 


I've done a partial payment on the furniture and paid for four cushions with ties which will make cleaning easier in the future.  Total for the four cushions was around $40 US.  The carpenter had me sit on chair to get the idea of the proper height, and Luis will be taking down one of the slipcovers for the slipper chairs to get a color match or something that won't clash for the cushions on  the bench with a back.  My British friend here said she really liked the cane seats and backs, but so did cats.   Given my two resident cats and one time-share cat, I think solid wood with cushions is better. 


Photos in my portfolio of both pets' problems.   Dog's on the first page.  Here's the cat. 



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On 05/02/2021 at 12:42, MizBrown said:


I think the cat may have a skin fungus.  She's not scratching her belly.   One possible issue is FIV since she was bitten in the belly and has been bitten earlier.  The first red blotches came from near the bites.  I don't know if any vets here can test for FIV, but will be asking.  My other cat and the part-time cat seem to be free of skin rashes.  If Belle has FIV, I'll probably have to switch her to better food.  A friend had a cat with this and the cat lived a decent life.  Belle tends to be the one who gets bitten, not the biter, so she's not likely to spead it herself.   If she has a negative test, I'll see if I can get her vaccinated against it.


The dog had an infection that looked like a boil, but that appears to be healing.   Good guess she got the bacteria in her urinary tract from licking the sore and then transferring the bacteria.  If it turns out to be more, there are some hormonal treatments that apparently help, but that's a later bridge.   I put a small round table over the chairs to keep her from messing them up. 


I've done a partial payment on the furniture and paid for four cushions with ties which will make cleaning easier in the future.  Total for the four cushions was around $40 US.  The carpenter had me sit on chair to get the idea of the proper height, and Luis will be taking down one of the slipcovers for the slipper chairs to get a color match or something that won't clash for the cushions on  the bench with a back.  My British friend here said she really liked the cane seats and backs, but so did cats.   Given my two resident cats and one time-share cat, I think solid wood with cushions is better. 


Photos in my portfolio of both pets' problems.   Dog's on the first page.  Here's the cat. 



My daughter’s dog has had to have several cysts removed. (Not sure if they are sebaceous cysts)

 The first couple were around her shoulder blade area and one low enough she could reach it, lick and chew. She opened it. So the vet cut them out and she had stitches. That was 6 months ago. Recently, she developed a big one on top near her tail, chewed it open again. These have always been tender, she would yelp if someone touched them. She just got her stitches out from that one.
Your dog’s looks similar. Some dogs can be prone to get them over and over.

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Bad, bad. An arctic cold front has descended and today’s high so far is 13F or -10.5C. There has been freezing mist and light snow since Saturday morning making everything very slick and driving dangerous. I had to cancel my physical therapy for today. I know how to drive on it but I don’t trust other drivers who inevitably drive too fast for the conditions.

The worst news is the arctic front is supposed to stay in place for two weeks or more. It’s supposed to get even colder. This is not the usual winter weather for Kansas.

if I wanted Minnesota weather I would have moved there.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

My daughter’s dog has had to have several cysts removed. (Not sure if they are sebaceous cysts)

 The first couple were around her shoulder blade area and one low enough she could reach it, lick and chew. She opened it. So the vet cut them out and she had stitches. That was 6 months ago. Recently, she developed a big one on top near her tail, chewed it open again. These have always been tender, she would yelp if someone touched them. She just got her stitches out from that one.
Your dog’s looks similar. Some dogs can be prone to get them over and over.


The first vet lanced it open to see if it would drain, but no pus, just blood.   Lola is ten years old and hadn't had any real health issues before now.  The lump isn't as bad as it was, but I'll be keeping an eye on what's happening with her. 


We had our first warm day yesterday and Jinoteganos switched from complaining about the cold to complaining about the heat (here ties with NYC for complaining about the weather).  Today is cold (for here) again, and cloudy with wet downwardly mobile mist, not enough to get anything wet.  So Jinoteganos are complaining about the cold, again.

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