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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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28 minutes ago, Mr Standfast said:

I unblocked the bathroom sink yesterday. Very proud of myself. Plumber comes tomorrow to fix the leak I created.



You were supposed to unblock it from the inside with the rubbery thing.

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A good thing happened to me today today.


Received a phone call from receptionist at my surgery asking if it would be OK if they brought my second covid jab FORWARD. It is now 8 days earlier than originally planned so I go for it on the 10th of April now.


Gosh that is this Saturday!




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On 07/12/2020 at 13:27, Jay D said:


Had a very similar episode a few years ago, optician said also with terrible bedside manner he thinks i might have a brain tumour or cancer ( always a pleasure to hear ), a week later after much concern my doctor said the exact same as you, scaring from birth. Some opticians really should keep their opinions to themselves and just advise seeing a doctor to be certain there's nothing serious going on. Glad your all good ;)

Good lord! That's worse than mine and I was worried enough. Take care!

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Today's the day when we go back to semi-lockdown, with maybe 65% of things open. I'll be out the door soon, waving my tap-it bankcard, heading for the high street. I'll probably buy a few things I don't need and maybe I'll try lunch outside in the cold. (This is spring?) Let the games begin!


😃😀🤪😍🤔 Hey, keep socially distant!

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3 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Today's the day when we go back to semi-lockdown, with maybe 65% of things open. I'll be out the door soon, waving my tap-it bankcard, heading for the high street. I'll probably buy a few things I don't need and maybe I'll try lunch outside in the cold. (This is spring?) Let the games begin!


😃😀🤪😍🤔 Hey, keep socially distant!

No outside meals for me. On my travels yesterday had 2 snow, sleet and hail episodes, and lighter snow this morning between 5:30 - 6:30. All barely settled and soon melted. Might try a beer later in my local, sitting outside in the courtyard if I can remember where it is (it’s been so long). Have a few full day trips planned, and a few short breaks in Suffolk (overnight stay), Somerset (4 nights) and Cornwall, down on the Lizard (5 nights), with perhaps more later if we don’t go into lockdown again. Nothing suitable or economical enough for a few days in London to avoid commuting. Only trips to shops other than supermarkets may be to buy some new trainers, my current ones have had a lot of use during lockdown.

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An interesting first outing here in Liverpool today. I did not eat lunch out. I think the places I might have chosen for lunch were booked up in advance. In M&S and John Lewis there were lots of people but no queues. Zora, with its quality, style, and low prices, had a line outside that might have reached Albert Dock. 


Steve, I did see some happy folks having a pint outside in the chill. The bars and bistros on Castle Street were full. 


Poco a poco.

Edited by Ed Rooney
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We took advantage of the easing of lockdown and were amongst the first group of visitors at the reopened open air Beamish Museum. There was a light covering of snow and very few people about while the sun shone during most of our visit. I got some canny people free shots of the buildings in the white landscape.


It's the 50th anniversary of the museum's opening - a tad worrying as I remember the early days. It's currently only open as an open air park, the transport isn't running and most of the buildings are shut. However take away food and drinks are available, including the chip shop. We settled for a shared mug of tea and a piece of cake. Have to say the tea was dreadful, but it's early days, the catering is normally very good.


Beamish, Co. Durham UK 12-04-2021 Reopening of Beamish Museum at the end of Covid lockdown on the morning of Monday 12th April 2021. Pictured, the first visitors queuing to enter. (C)  Washington Imaging/Alamy Stock Photo


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It's a hopeful sign that there are twice as many posts in 'good thing' as in 'bad thing.'


Got my second jab yesterday and no side effects. I'm learning to navigate my new M1 MacBook Air and Big Sur, slowly putting up my needed apps and moving forward with only moments of confusion. 

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12 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

It's a hopeful sign that there are twice as many posts in 'good thing' as in 'bad thing.'


Got my second jab yesterday and no side effects. I'm learning to navigate my new M1 MacBook Air and Big Sur, slowly putting up my needed apps and moving forward with only moments of confusion. 


It's even better than you think. I could write many good things posts but I refrain because I feel for you guys in lockdown. Rubbing salt in the wound and all that.

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I finally got out Thursday to try out my Fuji X-T4 a bit more. I had gotten out twice before, but only to get a handful of sky shots. I’m finding the camera has a hair trigger. I took some shots before I meant to when trying half-press focus. I’ll get used to it. And something happened that has never happened before. Every image was a jpeg. I don’t know if I failed to put it on RAW while setting it up or if I inadvertently changed something.

Whatever...I just selected them and chose “Open in Camera Raw”. All in PS, not LR. They are ok but I’m a bit disgruntled at my stupid mistake.

I like the camera. It has IS, and does very well with slow shutter speeds.
It seems ever since I got the camera, we’ve had heavy clouds or no clouds. Here when I’m trying to get shots of pretty skies.

Speaking of cold weather someone mentioned in another thread...it’s about 10-15 degrees below normal here, and we’re expecting right at freezing Monday and Tuesday nights. Possibly SNOW!!!  I’m happy I’ve not set out tomatoes, yet.

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49 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I finally got out Thursday to try out my Fuji X-T4 a bit more. I had gotten out twice before, but only to get a handful of sky shots. I’m finding the camera has a hair trigger. I took some shots before I meant to when trying half-press focus. I’ll get used to it. And something happened that has never happened before. Every image was a jpeg. I don’t know if I failed to put it on RAW while setting it up or if I inadvertently changed something.

Whatever...I just selected them and chose “Open in Camera Raw”. All in PS, not LR. They are ok but I’m a bit disgruntled at my stupid mistake.

I like the camera. It has IS, and does very well with slow shutter speeds.
It seems ever since I got the camera, we’ve had heavy clouds or no clouds. Here when I’m trying to get shots of pretty skies.

Speaking of cold weather someone mentioned in another thread...it’s about 10-15 degrees below normal here, and we’re expecting right at freezing Monday and Tuesday nights. Possibly SNOW!!!  I’m happy I’ve not set out tomatoes, yet.

I still manage to have the wrong focal length set when using IS and old manual focus lenses despite telling myself always to reset it when fitting different glass. All part of the fun. Then I occasionally manage to inadvertently turn the mode control dial away from my default aperture priority to some setting I don't understand or want. So even with a camera that I am familiar with, mistakes continue to occur. I'm sure you'll have these teething problems sorted in no time.


Re tomatoes, mine in the fashion of triffids, had reached a stupid height on the bedroom window ledge, so today I risked planting them out in the greenhouse. The weather forecast - can you trust these people? - is not predicting frost even after we had some snow and hail last week, so fingers crossed.

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Just back from borrowing a friends big old Chevy pickup truck (he offered the truck but not the muscle). I got my son to help load   a lot old lumber, a rusty bbq grill and all kinds of other odds and ends and drove up to the county dump.  It is a beautiful spring and it seemed like everyone else had the same idea but the place is well run and things moved along pretty quickly.  It is so satisfying to unload junk that has been cluttering up the place!  Also love that you stop at different stations to put metal objects in the metal area, wood has its own place etc.... Its nice to see your government doing something properly and it is free to use...on a Sunday even!

Edited by Michael Ventura
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2 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Just back from borrowing a friends big old Chevy pickup truck (he offered the truck but not the muscle). I got my son to help load   a lot old lumber, a rusty bbq grill and all kinds of other odds and ends and drove up to the county dump.  It is a beautiful spring and it seemed like everyone else had the same idea but the place is well run and things move along pretty quickly.  It is so satisfying to unload junk that has been cluttering up the place!  Also love that you stop at different stations to put metal objects in the metal area, wood has its own place etc.... Its nice to see your government doing something properly and it is free to use...on a Sunday even!

Feels good, doesn’t it? I’m big on getting rid of junk. Sometimes I throw out the baby with the bath water, though. Or so my daughter tells me.

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I’ve been working on taking sky images for the sky replacement tool. I can’t just step outside and do it. I have to drive 5 miles or so to find an open big sky area. Still, it’s kind of fun.

Today I finally got some blue sky/fluffy cloud cumulus ones.

Dont need them often, but I wish that tool was there 10-12 years ago, because over time, I sure have some blah skies. When you are on a trip, you have to take what you get.


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Got my first shot of one of the Indian vaccines, second shot will be in two months.  My British friend and I got my ex-landlord to drive us.   Lots of people there that the staff moved through fairly quickly considering the crowd.  They asked us to wait for 15 minutes before leaving.   The Ministry of Health (MINSA) had a large crew directing the waiting space and doing paperwork and injections.   MINSA had three other locations.  Got in a litttle before 9 a.m., was out by 10:10 (15 minutes after getting the shot. 

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3 minutes ago, MizBrown said:

Got my first shot of one of the Indian vaccines, second shot will be in two months.  My British friend and I got my ex-landlord to drive us.   Lots of people there that the staff moved through fairly quickly considering the crowd.  They asked us to wait for 15 minutes before leaving.   The Ministry of Health (MINSA) had a large crew directing the waiting space and doing paperwork and injections.   MINSA had three other locations.  Got in a litttle before 9 a.m., was out by 10:10 (15 minutes after getting the shot. 


That's good to hear. I got my first one (Pfizer) two weeks go. Who knows when I'll get the second jab, though. The "rollout" keeps stalling in Canada due to vaccine shortages, which is shameful for such a rich country with a relatively small population (38 million).

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32 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


That's good to hear. I got my first one (Pfizer) two weeks go. Who knows when I'll get the second jab, though. The "rollout" keeps stalling in Canada due to vaccine shortages, which is shameful for such a rich country with a relatively small population (38 million).


Your greedy neighbors to your south must have grabbed up a lot of the available vaccine....sorry.  I have my second jab scheduled for tomorrow morning...also Pfizer.

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47 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:


Your greedy neighbors to your south must have grabbed up a lot of the available vaccine....sorry.  I have my second jab scheduled for tomorrow morning...also Pfizer.


Yes, well, you probably have a point there.  It's also because Canada no longer produces vaccines. Canada used to be a world leader in that department; however, due to inept moves by various governments, that is no longer the case. Some provinces are now lowering the age to 40 for those who can get AstraZeneca. This should help matters somewhat. How will a country like India, with a population of almost 1.4 billion, vaccinate enough people? It boggles the mind...


P.S. Congratulations on getting jab #2. That must be a relief. Reportedly, the wait here could be up to four months, although I have friends in Alberta who have had both Pfizer shots already. So who knows.

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I’ve been working on old images. Images taken at a time when I was having quite a few batches fail. One of my cameras, my Nikon D7000 took softer images than the D70, D200 and D300 before it. But I had some failures with all, just more with the D7000. 

I’ve been thinking the reason they are passing now was because my developing skills are better, and the software is much better.

Then it dawned on me. We had to upsize then. We can downsize now! Makes all the difference in the world.

I know, I know...some of you never had a failure. Or you’re lying through your teeth. :D


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15 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’ve been working on old images. Images taken at a time when I was having quite a few batches fail. One of my cameras, my Nikon D7000 took softer images than the D70, D200 and D300 before it. But I had some failures with all, just more with the D7000. 

I’ve been thinking the reason they are passing now was because my developing skills are better, and the software is much better.

Then it dawned on me. We had to upsize then. We can downsize now! Makes all the difference in the world.

I know, I know...some of you never had a failure. Or you’re lying through your teeth. :D


Oh I most definitely had frequent failures in the beginning....my first dslr was the Fuji S2, which used Nikon lenses (it came out about the same time as the Nikon D100 and reviewers liked the sensor better on the Fuji) Those early images were crap tho compared to cameras now.  Many that passed then I would not even submit now

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2 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Oh I most definitely had frequent failures in the beginning....my first dslr was the Fuji S2, which used Nikon lenses (it came out about the same time as the Nikon D100 and reviewers liked the sensor better on the Fuji) Those early images were crap tho compared to cameras now.  Many that passed then I would not even submit now

Boy, ain’t that the truth! I deleted quite a few of my early ones. I was embarrassed to have them in my port. Plus I didn’t have a grasp about stock, and some didn’t say a thing. They would illustrate nothing.

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