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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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This a good thing, bad thing kinda post.  I was watching a the CBS Sunday Morning news/entertainment show today and was happily surprised to see a couple of my photos used in segment on science and religion and getting the Covid vaccine.  It was mostly a narrative by Dr Francis Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health.  So they used a picture of Dr Collins that I shot and showed up in my sales on March 23rd....but the other photo, an aerial of the NIH campus, has not shown up as sold in the last year and it is exclusive to Alamy. I'll have to contact Alamy tomorrow.  I was able to record the show but also found the segment online.

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On 04/04/2021 at 12:46, Michael Ventura said:

This a good thing, bad thing kinda post.  I was watching a the CBS Sunday Morning news/entertainment show today and was happily surprised to see a couple of my photos used in segment on science and religion and getting the Covid vaccine.  It was mostly a narrative by Dr Francis Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health.  So they used a picture of Dr Collins that I shot and showed up in my sales on March 23rd....but the other photo, an aerial of the NIH campus, has not shown up as sold in the last year and it is exclusive to Alamy. I'll have to contact Alamy tomorrow.  I was able to record the show but also found the segment online.

That’s great, Michael. A feather in your cap!

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I had the AZ too. Second jab in two weeks. And I had no side effects. On the BBC, they were asking if it was 100% safe. If you go into your garden and pick some basil, you are not 100% safe. Three wild pigs showed up at my friend's garden in Tuscany. 

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9 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

I had the AZ too. Second jab in two weeks. And I had no side effects. On the BBC, they were asking if it was 100% safe. If you go into your garden and pick some basil, you are not 100% safe. Three wild pigs showed up at my friend's garden in Tuscany. 


Here in Canada they have decided not to give the AZ vaccine to people under 55, just for safety precautions.  I don't worry about it.  Rather have that jab in the arm.  Cases here in Ontario are rising at a super rate with the UK variant, and the AZ does work against the UK variant.


In about 2 weeks, when they say that is when it will have taken full effect, I will feel a lot safer out there shopping, even though we are in a semi-tight lockdown here in Ontario right now.  Over 6,000 cases on the weekend in Ontario alone.   The sooner people are vaccinated, the sooner life will show some semblance of normal.




Edited by Jill Morgan
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7 hours ago, Thyrsis said:

That’s the one we had, no side effects at all. Hoping for the second one very soon.

We also had the AZ jab. No significant side effects but a slight soreness in the arm and feeling listless the following day. Our elder son recently had his vaccination and suffered the same result. Our second jab is due later this month. 


We've felt able to darken the doors of the shops these last few weeks, after months of staying away. Also managed to meet with offspring at the weekend, before the cold weather returned.


Talking of shops and getting back to apple pie, Asda is currently selling the Aunt Bessie frozen  product for a pound.. Not up to the best home made variety, but very acceptable. Grandbairns visiting on Thursday, so pie cooking on agenda. Suspect apple pie served with both custard and ice cream will be the thing.

Edited by Bryan
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My initial jab was Phizer and my second jab (in two weeks) should be the same. ie Phizer.  I hope.




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There was an article in the paper yesterday about a few people here in the US who got Covid after the first shot and before the second. Be careful. I think the first sets your immune system up and the second is what kicks it into gear.

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2 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

There was an article in the paper yesterday about a few people here in the US who got Covid after the first shot and before the second. Be careful. I think the first sets your immune system up and the second is what kicks it into gear.


Depending on the vaccine, the first shot only gives 70-80% protection.  You can still get Covid, but it will be like a flu, you won't end up on a respirator on in the ICU.



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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

There was an article in the paper yesterday about a few people here in the US who got Covid after the first shot and before the second. Be careful. I think the first sets your immune system up and the second is what kicks it into gear.


Surely no-one still believes that the vaccine completely prevents infection? It can't. It minimises the effect of the disease and reduces the chance of passing it on.

Besides, the first vaccination takes a while to become effective at all. I suspect (and only suspect) that this accounts for some of the AZ blood-clot reports. That they got them from coronavirus, a know symptom, and not from the vaccine. This has been discounted, but I have to think about my second dose of AZ so am inclined to that opinion. After all I am able to protect myself against coronavirus by other means.

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2 hours ago, Jill Morgan said:


Depending on the vaccine, the first shot only gives 70-80% protection.  You can still get Covid, but it will be like a flu, you won't end up on a respirator on in the ICU.



Jill, I neglected to say the newspaper article was about people who became infected after the first and died shortly before getting the second one. That’s the only reason I posted this, so people won’t think they’re bullet proof after the first.

Yes, I do expect a couple of weeks after the 2nd, people who become infected will avoid the deadly part.


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47 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Jill, I neglected to say the newspaper article was about people who became infected after the first and died shortly before getting the second one. That’s the only reason I posted this, so people won’t think they’re bullet proof after the first.

Yes, I do expect a couple of weeks after the 2nd, people who become infected will avoid the deadly part.



I couldn't find anything online.  Got a link?



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36 minutes ago, Jill Morgan said:


I couldn't find anything online.  Got a link?



No, it is only available by subscription. I quit taking the online version and take the physical paper.

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Got my new cedula with the new photo which is good for six months from today, not for six months since my last cedula expired.  Fifty two US dollars.  Everyone was handled a leaflet telling us what rights and responsibilities we had.  In Bold Large Print, we foreigners have all rights and responsibilities that Nicaraguan citizens have except we don't have a right to get involved in politics and we can not intervene in the political affairs of the country.  And some other things we can't get involved with. 


They had close to a full house since they'd made phone calls in the last of March and we were coming in after the Easter Holidays.  I saw a number of Anglos, two Chinese, and some Latin Americans from other countries obviously also in the same lines we were in.  Some waiting, but not too much waiting.  So the every six months.


And a friend just sent a calendar of when shots were going to be given where.   Jinotega will be on 19 April.  Couple of towns nearby will have more days.   This will be through MINSA (National Ministry of Health.

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21 minutes ago, John Morrison said:

Just reached the milestone of 25,000 pix here at Alamy. Phew...


Just past 23,000. I might never catch up with you John. Well done!


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I'm posting a good thing that happened yesterday only because I did not have time yesterday.


The gas man cometh to fix my boiler (water heater) and said it needed a new valve actuator, he dashed off to get one and was back in twenty minutes. After another 15 minutes the boiler (water heater) was working.


As he was leaving I mentioned that I thought I would need a new radiator in the lounge because it was hot at the top but COLD at the bottom.  He said "I know what the problem is." Grabbed tools out of his van and came bank in to check out the radiators. He went round and reset some of the radiators on the lockshield valve to rebalance the system. When he left the radiator in the lounge was hot all the way down, top to bottom. He was in the house another 15 minutes doing that work and has not charged anything for it.


Lovely toastie warm housey now.




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