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No sales, no zooms, no views

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3 hours ago, Starsphinx said:

 - they ask a question and get a couple of rather abrupt short answers that are not typical of the responses on this forum. 
While I totally agree that Alamy themselves are putting on a less than stellar showing at the moment, that does not mean newcomers who get snapped at should think they are at fault for asking what is actually a rather perceptive question.

I didn’t notice any “snapping” and brief to the point answers are not necessarily “abrupt”. Best to avoid such interpretations.

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10 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

KODAKovak, the Alamy forum goes off-topic almost every thread and has done so as long as I’ve been here. If somebody answered as you did over off-topic remarks, this forum would go to hell in a handbasket. There is no need to be unkind.


I don’t remember you being a part of this forum in the early 2000s.  That was a time when flaming wars broke out every..single..day.

As a newbie, I was terrified to post newbie questions, so I didn’t.  As a result, I made wrong moves for what seems like forever. Keywording, understanding what needs releases and what doesn’t, more things that I will list. That forum contained so many hateful people, Alamy shut it down, kicked out the offenders and reopened a kinder, friendlier forum.

I would hate seeing this forum regress to what it used to be.



First of all, it's "kind" to review a post reply before hit "submit" Betty: my name is KODAKovic not KODAKovak.

There's no respect coming in one's post and speak about other things, such as protectin' Alamy staff for their behaviour in this case.

This is a professional website/agency and me as a 20 years old experience guy workin on IT i'd like to feel free to point out on crystal-clear un-professional methods i'm seeing here about Alamy Measures issue management.



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On 20/2/2019 at 13:13, gidauria said:

Hi all, I am really new, I uploaded a batch of photo and have ZERO in all measures since 7 February, could be my photo are really bad, but no sign of live from Alamy Measure page. On top of the page say last update on 07 of February. Is this a normal behaviour of the page?

Thank you for your help


Hi all, thank you for all your comments, I understand I have to wait for the update... and that still I have a weak portfolio....

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6 hours ago, KODAKovic said:


46 images probably would have no views, zooms or sales even when Measures will come up again.

You need more images to make realiable stats of your port


Yes I know, Just started.... Thank you for the advice

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12 hours ago, Sharon said:

I believe they`re upgrading the system... there`s discussions on this in the forum... somewhere I read it`s supposed to be fixed this week.

Thank you, I keep waiting and let see how it works.

best regards

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2 hours ago, KODAKovic said:


First of all, it's "kind" to review a post reply before hit "submit" Betty: my name is KODAKovic not KODAKovak.

There's no respect coming in one's post and speak about other things, such as protectin' Alamy staff for their behaviour in this case.

This is a professional website/agency and me as a 20 years old experience guy workin on IT i'd like to feel free to point out on crystal-clear un-professional methods i'm seeing here about Alamy Measures issue management.



We all have our opinions and viewpoints. You have yours about what you believe is going on with Alamy.  I respect your views whether I’m in accord with them...or not. 

My point is only that we all need to be kinder to each other. There is absolutely nothing gained by using harsh retorts, unless it would be changing of opinions about those who use them.  

And I’m sorry my predictive text correction changed your name. I actually scrolled up to your post and and carefully typed it in correctly, but failed to check and see the change that the auto thingy made!! Another attack without your knowledge of the circumstances over something completely trivial.

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3 hours ago, KODAKovic said:


First of all, it's "kind" to review a post reply before hit "submit" Betty: my name is KODAKovic not KODAKovak.

There's no respect coming in one's post and speak about other things, such as protectin' Alamy staff for their behaviour in this case.

This is a professional website/agency and me as a 20 years old experience guy workin on IT i'd like to feel free to point out on crystal-clear un-professional methods i'm seeing here about Alamy Measures issue management.



I am sorry you have misinterpreted my responses as protecting Alamy staff - if you actually read some of my comments in other threads you would realise I am doing nothing of the kind, and that I have had my knuckles rapped for being too critical of them.

My comments were aimed purely at reassuring someone who was new because the answers they got were not in the normal tone of this forum.

I recognize I myself am snappy today - pain levels through the roof - for which I apologise.

I totally agree that there is a serious lack of professionalism on behalf of Alamy to their handling of multiple issues at the moment - for one thing they should have immediately shut the forum to new registrations as long as there is a problem with it - if they cannot do this themselves they should insist their provider does it for them.  I am also far from convinced that "upgrades" are the sole explanation for measures being out.  If they are upgrading hardware as opposed to software and that has caused an issue (which it can do) then it would be better to come clean and admit it.  As I have said elsewhere I have no problem accepting temporary issues where they explained, but I get antsy with no explanation or insufficient explanation.

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12 hours ago, Starsphinx said:

I totally agree that there is a serious lack of professionalism on behalf of Alamy to their handling of multiple issues at the moment - for one thing they should have immediately shut the forum to new registrations as long as there is a problem with it - if they cannot do this themselves they should insist their provider does it for them.  I am also far from convinced that "upgrades" are the sole explanation for measures being out.  If they are upgrading hardware as opposed to software and that has caused an issue (which it can do) then it would be better to come clean and admit it.  As I have said elsewhere I have no problem accepting temporary issues where they explained, but I get antsy with no explanation or insufficient explanation.


Totally agree with your analysis, a lack of transparency is what i called "un-professional behaviour" (i apologize english is not my mother tongue) -_-

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On 2/21/2019 at 09:23, KODAKovic said:


Do you plan your shootings or you shoot what you love and then upload?

I shoot what I think will sell, (and a bit of what I enjoy photographing, that I hope might sell) based on experience of which of my 36,600 pics on file have sold and been zoomed (though sales are more important) over many months/years.

Of course up-to-date info is useful, but I don't suddenly become a novice with no idea what to photograph because some statistics aren't updated.

Yesterday I was the only photographer in Downing Street as ministers and potential defectors came and went. I wasn't there for fun (it wasn't) but because years of experience told me that was the place to be and I doubted that had changed in the last three weeks (one sale found so far, in The Sun unfortunately).

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protectin' Alamy staff:


Yes and I do not think that they need "protectin."

I have not been in IT for 20 years, I've been a working photographer

since 1976.  Over the decades I've worked with and contributed to

a number of small and large agencies, most of which are no longer

with us...


I do not believe that Alamy is perfect, but they are the best that I

have seen.  They are also the ONLY agency or library that I have

contributed to that I have never in 15 years had to call to say:

"Where the HExx is my money."  That means a lot to me.  Alamy

is only as professional as Alamy's contributors, don't get me started

on that subject.


Lastly, Measures is a service to contributors and I will say I am more

concerned with licenses and they have been coming in while measures

was not updating.  If you do not have a good idea of what images will

be licensed or are of editorial interest, you are wasting your time on Alamy

or as a contributor to any library.


Chuck Nacke

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4 hours ago, Marb said:

Well it looks like a blank month it is. Absolutely diabolical returns here now. With the 40% cut making it even more bleak. 


You haven't had a commission cut if you haven't made any sales.

Were you unable to go exclusive then?

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