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No sales, no zooms, no views

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2 hours ago, KODAKovic said:


Which insights could you show to say this?


Seriously, a subscriber speculates that Alamy may be going out of business because their zooms are decreasing?


I support those stating Alamy is not going out of business, for the simple reason there are no indicators to that effect. In other words, in the absence of evidence (or insights) to the contrary, I too believe Alamy is not going out of business.



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17 hours ago, dustydingo said:


Seriously, a subscriber speculates that Alamy may be going out of business because their zooms are decreasing?


I support those stating Alamy is not going out of business, for the simple reason there are no indicators to that effect. In other words, in the absence of evidence (or insights) to the contrary, I too believe Alamy is not going out of business.




DD, better remove your "future" eyeglasses.

It's obviously no zooms falling down an indicator of goin' out of business. 60%-40% cut or Alamy having a micro agency sales model ARE (these are indicator)

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1 hour ago, KODAKovic said:


DD, better remove your "future" eyeglasses.

It's obviously no zooms falling down an indicator of goin' out of business. 60%-40% cut or Alamy having a micro agency sales model ARE (these are indicator)


There's a huge sounds-like-the-abominable-snowman mob who used to be 50/50. They reduced their contributors' cut steadily over time . . . they're now 20/80 (in their favour). Certainly wasn't an indication they were (or are) going out of business.


There are a few other huge mobs who have adopted the micro agency sales model. Looking at their results, certainly not an indication they're going out of business either.


Still, we're all entitled to our own opinions . . . I guess anyone who truly believes Alamy is going out of business is now madly working at getting any exclusive-to-Alamy images removed and represented elsewhere. I of course would counsel against that, but hey, if that's what you really believe . . .



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16 hours ago, Bill Allsopp said:

I did not sell anything in February 2018 and it looks like 2019 is going the same way. What is it with February?


Bill i guess for some topics customers buy images at the beginning of the year (JAN) then Feb is a "preparation" month for spring season imagery and it's quite  slow.

I live in Florence, Italy and i know Feb is also the poorest month tourists-speaking , then magazines or catalogues about travel for our city are probably dead in this month (at least the first two weeks)

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PROs consider of the same importance production, commercial and marketing stages.

What i mean here is that not only are important Alamy tools for uploading and editing pictures (production) as well as sales (commercial which continue to work properly) but one aspect which is VERY important is marketing (Alamy Measures).

Without marketing working fine , sales will decrease rapidly because contributors don't know what's selling, why, which keywords are working fine which others not, which topics are most searched.

I can say without doubts that Alamy Measures is the real PLUS of Alamy against micro sites.

The real chain for a proper contributors workflow is actually MARKETING --> COMMERCIAL --> PRODUCTION.

Without a working marketing area, production is unuseful because it's blind.


Alamy, pls consider this Alamy Measures an issue LEVEL 1 (high priority) which means we can't wait 2 weeks to have a solution!

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Hi all, I am really new, I uploaded a batch of photo and have ZERO in all measures since 7 February, could be my photo are really bad, but no sign of live from Alamy Measure page. On top of the page say last update on 07 of February. Is this a normal behaviour of the page?

Thank you for your help


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14 hours ago, gidauria said:

Hi all, I am really new, I uploaded a batch of photo and have ZERO in all measures since 7 February, could be my photo are really bad, but no sign of live from Alamy Measure page. On top of the page say last update on 07 of February. Is this a normal behaviour of the page?

Thank you for your help


I believe they`re upgrading the system... there`s discussions on this in the forum... somewhere I read it`s supposed to be fixed this week.

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On 2/20/2019 at 07:55, KODAKovic said:

PROs consider of the same importance production, commercial and marketing stages.

What i mean here is that not only are important Alamy tools for uploading and editing pictures (production) as well as sales (commercial which continue to work properly) but one aspect which is VERY important is marketing (Alamy Measures).

Without marketing working fine , sales will decrease rapidly because contributors don't know what's selling, why, which keywords are working fine which others not, which topics are most searched.

I can say without doubts that Alamy Measures is the real PLUS of Alamy against micro sites.

The real chain for a proper contributors workflow is actually MARKETING --> COMMERCIAL --> PRODUCTION.

Without a working marketing area, production is unuseful because it's blind.


Alamy, pls consider this Alamy Measures an issue LEVEL 1 (high priority) which means we can't wait 2 weeks to have a solution!

AIM is very useful and I hope the information is available again soon, but I don't find myself suddenly at a total loss as to what to photograph because I haven't seen the zooms for three weeks.

I'm still getting sales and years of recent experience aren't wiped out after a month without statistics.

Having said that, yes, I'd like to see measures back soon.

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57 minutes ago, Phil Robinson said:

AIM is very useful and I hope the information is available again soon, but I don't find myself suddenly at a total loss as to what to photograph because I haven't seen the zooms for three weeks.

I'm still getting sales and years of recent experience aren't wiped out after a month without statistics.

Having said that, yes, I'd like to see measures back soon.


- without the Alamy Measures you completely lose your bearings.

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20 minutes ago, Phil Robinson said:

AIM is very useful and I hope the information is available again soon, but I don't find myself suddenly at a total loss as to what to photograph because I haven't seen the zooms for three weeks.

I'm still getting sales and years of recent experience aren't wiped out after a month without statistics.

Having said that, yes, I'd like to see measures back soon.


Do you plan your shootings or you shoot what you love and then upload?

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4 hours ago, Chuck Nacke said:

OH MY GOD, The Sky is Falling......


Relax, Measures have not updated.  Not

the end of the world.


Chuck if it was the end of the world i think i'll go out grabbing it with my camera and i would be absolutely sure it would be a good topic to sell :)

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6 hours ago, Sharon said:

I believe they`re upgrading the system... there`s discussions on this in the forum... somewhere I read it`s supposed to be fixed this week.


upgrading on live servers is very un-professional

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21 hours ago, gidauria said:

Hi all, I am really new, I uploaded a batch of photo and have ZERO in all measures since 7 February, could be my photo are really bad, but no sign of live from Alamy Measure page. On top of the page say last update on 07 of February. Is this a normal behaviour of the page?

Thank you for your help



46 images probably would have no views, zooms or sales even when Measures will come up again.

You need more images to make realiable stats of your port

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21 hours ago, gidauria said:

Hi all, I am really new, I uploaded a batch of photo and have ZERO in all measures since 7 February, could be my photo are really bad, but no sign of live from Alamy Measure page. On top of the page say last update on 07 of February. Is this a normal behaviour of the page?

Thank you for your help


Hi, welcome and please excuse the slight shortness of the replies you have received - this is possibly not the best time to be a newbie at Alamy.

Firstly no that is not normal behaviour for the page - measures usually updates daily Monday to Friday - they have some sort of issue with it that seems to be taking a long time to fix.  I get that being new you do want to see stuff happening even if not expecting a ton of sales. 
Secondly, there is a totally separate issue with the forum itself - which is not run by Alamy but rather a third party, and it has also gone wonky.   Threads and posts appear and disappear, stuff that has been read is marked unread, and various other annoying things.  This is leaving many of the forum users rather short-tempered - understandably as we use a couple of threads about sales and images found to monitor what the market is doing, as well as using the forum for general help.  
Finally, Alamy has just changed their terms resulting in what is effectively a 20% cut in commission for many - they are still one of the higher percentage payers but the change has left a lot of people rather disgruntled.

All I can say is please do not judge by what you are seeing at the moment - its generally a great community on here, very welcoming and happy to help - its just at the moment we are suffering from 3 separate issues.  

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13 minutes ago, Starsphinx said:

Secondly, there is a totally separate issue with the forum itself - which is not run by Alamy but rather a third party, and it has also gone wonky.   Threads and posts appear and disappear, stuff that has been read is marked unread, and various other annoying things.  This is leaving many of the forum users rather short-tempered - understandably as we use a couple of threads about sales and images found to monitor what the market is doing, as well as using the forum for general help.  
Finally, Alamy has just changed their terms resulting in what is effectively a 20% cut in commission for many - they are still one of the higher percentage payers but the change has left a lot of people rather disgruntled.
All I can say is please do not judge by what you are seeing at the moment - its generally a great community on here, very welcoming and happy to help - its just at the moment we are suffering from 3 separate issues.  


Second and third point of your list are off-topic.

About 3 separate issues to be solved, is this business or amateur-level website to show personal pics to friends and parents?

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1 hour ago, Phil Robinson said:

AIM is very useful and I hope the information is available again soon, but I don't find myself suddenly at a total loss as to what to photograph because I haven't seen the zooms for three weeks.

I'm still getting sales and years of recent experience aren't wiped out after a month without statistics.

Having said that, yes, I'd like to see measures back soon.


Alamy Measures is about our future stuff (to be edited or uploaded), not the past.

You (we) sell what you've properly done in the past, Measures allows you (us) to sell in the future

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Alamy, may we please have an update on the situation with measures? You obviously have had a major glitch so please come clean and tell us the problem. Would also appreciate not having our intelligence insulted by claiming you are updating. I believe most contributors are generally sympathetic to Alamy and will appreciate some honesty (even though that sympathy would appear to be eroding somewhat)


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56 minutes ago, KODAKovic said:


Second and third point of your list are off-topic.

About 3 separate issues to be solved, is this business or amateur-level website to show personal pics to friends and parents?

No they were not off topic.  Someone has joined Alamy, and the fact that they already understand the idea of measures suggests they are familiar with professional stock - they ask a question and get a couple of rather abrupt short answers that are not typical of the responses on this forum.  I wanted them to know that Alamy contributors are generally nice helpful people who usually have time to help newcomers and that the reason their answers were less friendly than usual was nothing to do with the person being new.

While I totally agree that Alamy themselves are putting on a less than stellar showing at the moment, that does not mean newcomers who get snapped at should think they are at fault for asking what is actually a rather perceptive question.  At 46 images I did not have a clue what measures were, or how to use them, yet alone notice whether it was not normal for them not to update for 2 weeks.

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2 hours ago, Phil Robinson said:

AIM is very useful and I hope the information is available again soon, but I don't find myself suddenly at a total loss as to what to photograph because I haven't seen the zooms for three weeks.

I'm still getting sales and years of recent experience aren't wiped out after a month without statistics.

Having said that, yes, I'd like to see measures back soon.

True, but a fortnight without measures is having a larf. I'd just had a big upload of material quite new to me so it would have been nice to see if it was popular, or even on the radar.

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