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It's official- 50% for exclusive - (JW response video to commission change)

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Well, I'd expected to have to ask MS to do it, as I thought you could only select in batches of 500, but I ticked "newest 500 passed", ticked "only available on Alamy" and it seems to have flagged all 9000-odd. If it's a bug it's a handy one. Perhaps it was anticipated.

I suspect there will be something to sign as well. Suits me, but then being de facto exclusive already I would say that, wouldn't I?

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Woohoo! My thread's the "official" one!

I'm a bit sorry for killing the other one stone dead before it reached 1000.

Alamy do listen. I always thought so.

Now all I need is some more chuffing sales to stop this month being my worst for about 3 years.

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As I've already said, I don't understand this move, from a microeconomics point of view. Nevertheless, I am quite happy with it since almost all my photos are already exclusive to Alamy.
Furthermore, it will discourage those contributors who upload the same image to Alamy and to Microstock sites (an utterly irrational move, IMHO) to keep on doing so.

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This is a minor step in the good direction. Raining on your parade though with the fact that so many photographs are sold for under 3 dollar and less. In fact, Alamy advertises in a lot of spaces that the going rate is 50/50, while over the last four years I believe I have never recieved 50 percent of the sale. And with the Distributor scheme the balance has even tilted worse for the photographers. In the long run, nobody is truly happy with the low sale prices.

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It makes very little difference to the change I have already made in response to the first announcement.  I have taken what were effectively exclusive images (not marked but not uploaded anywhere else either) and put them other places to see who does the most with them (the most being the best return for me)  -  my plan was for future uploads to assess what different places were doing and assign accordingly - this I will continue to do.  Some will go one place some more than one place - I may make some exclusive to Alamy again to see what happens.  If Alamy are selling the most at the best prices I will revert to placing all my images exclusively here - if not then they will go where is getting the most sales at the best prices.

I consider Alamy have gone into competition for my services - if they do not provide the best return they lose.

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It is not just trust. Unfortunately the stark reality of my experience in recent years is that the prices and volume Alamy are achieving just doesn't warrant exclusivity for images I can place elsewhere with a reasonable expectation of returns. The more esoteric shots that find a home, and ocassionly sales, on Alamy will end up being by default exclusive. I'm hoping for a fairly painless way of going through existing shots to set their status!

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I commend James and Alamy for listening to the contributors. That's how a partnership should be. In an ocean of competing stock photos, differentiate yourself is the key to survive and shrive. Photos exclusive to Alamy will be the differentiator. Don't forget this is not a reward, just a lesser sacrifice. 

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26 minutes ago, wilkopix said:

I hope Member Services can help by making it easy and quick to mark them as exclusive .... otherwise I'm going to have a very boring Christmas ticking the 'exclusive' box over & over ....

At least it seems Alamy were listening.

See my second post , no. 4.

I thought there were only nine Red Arrows, they seem to all over the place. Getting two for saying "Alamy listen" is a bit harsh.

I've done some cancelling out for all recipients.

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14 minutes ago, Starsphinx said:

It makes very little difference to the change I have already made in response to the first announcement.  I have taken what were effectively exclusive images (not marked but not uploaded anywhere else either) and put them other places to see who does the most with them (the most being the best return for me)  -  my plan was for future uploads to assess what different places were doing and assign accordingly - this I will continue to do.  Some will go one place some more than one place - I may make some exclusive to Alamy again to see what happens.  If Alamy are selling the most at the best prices I will revert to placing all my images exclusively here - if not then they will go where is getting the most sales at the best prices.

I consider Alamy have gone into competition for my services - if they do not provide the best return they lose.

How can you make an image exclusive "again"? Certainly not until the contractual period has expired. I'm expecting some pretty tight wording in the new contract around this.

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Thing is - is the 10% going to meet or exceed the income that image would produce being available on other sites?


Being exclusive does not mean PU uses and other piddly licences will be replaced by larger licences. Other sites have piddly licence commissions but some sell in much greater quantity than Alamy  


so, thinking about the amount of sales and  the amount that are sold for $ or very low $$, I don’t see the benefit of going exclusive   This of course is MHO only

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