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Share your contributor portfolios


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Hi Everyone,


We've added a new feature called Alamy Portfolio and it's  accessible through your contributor dashboard.


It allows you to curate and share your Alamy image collection through your very own contributor portfolio page with the ability to add individual galleries around specific themes of your choice.


We've put this thread together for you to share your creativity and would love to see the portfolios you've curated using this new tool. For more info on the tool check out our latest blog.


Please use this thread to share your portfolio and gallery links only. Any feedback can be posted in the running forum thread or via email at contributors@alamy.com





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I'm trying to create my unique id, using my name in the form 'david-ross'. I click on 'Create Portfolio ID' but nothing seems to happen. The 'Share Link' field just stays as  'https://www.alamy.com/portfolio/112167.html'. Clearly I'm missing something. Any ideas?


For anyone who has the same trouble, it turned out to be my browser (Chrome for Mac). As soon as I tried an alternate browser (Firefox) everything worked. Go figure. Here is the result: https://www.alamy.com/portfolio/david-ross

Edited by David Ross
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Here mine, done in a bit of a rush. I've moved some images from lower down to the top, but to get it "right" and in better order will take considerable time. The jury's out on whether it will be worth it, but no harm in trying.



Edited by Steve Valentia
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