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Top 10% Trending-CTR

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Zooms have become an endangered species for me the last year or so and my ctr looks like the east face of the Matterhorn.


I'm waiting for the email to tell me I'm in the bottom 10%

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I got it too

Unfortunately I don't have a single sale in 2015 yet, so it means nothing

Only sales count, and they're few and far between for me

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I also got that email.  I'm thinking it's because last week I had a spike in my CTR - for one day - when it was early in the month and I had a zoom and few views.  Since then I've had lots of views and no zoom, and my CTR has dropped back down.  Oh well, it was nice being trendy while it lasted ;)


Also agree with the rest, it's the sales that really matter.

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I imagine that people with small collections were more likely to get this e-mail than those with huge numbers of images on sale, so it's probably a bit misleading in that respect. Still, it's encouraging to know that our images are alive and kicking so to speak.

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I think I might have been trendy in the 1980's ;)  :D



Yes but did you get an e-mail telling you so!!  ;)

No… :( Does that mean I wasn't? :ph34r:

Not necessarily. It may just be that you didn't have an email account. I'm still awaiting the email I'm owed telling me I was trendy in 1973!

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This thread seems to be missing the actual data:

Just what is the CTR value that Alamy reckon is in the top 10%?


If this isn't stated or clear, what's your best CTR is the past few months perhaps?


(Purely on a need to know basis :) )

When I got the email on Monday my CTR for the rolling month in the Pseudonym Summary screen had jumped to 2.54 from 2.24 after two zooms were recorded that morning.

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Shoot. Until I read all of the above, I was pretty happy that my .67 was better than alamy average. My top performing is 2.86.

I didn't get no stinkin' email.


Don't worry Betty, I am at .81 and always stay between .8 and .9. I didn't get no stinkin' email either!



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I had the same email it also instructed me to boost my sales by uploading more images, I would but at the moment they have put me on the naughty boy step!!!

Don't you just love the irony?



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