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I've been a member since June 2014 and so decided to calculate my average sale price (total revenue earned to date / no of sales to date) since joining in June 2014.

For info, for the first few years I hardly uploaded anything and consequently had very low sales but things started to pick-up from 2016 onwards. I guess I have been doing this part-time for about 7 years in earnest. My average sale price is somewhat better than I had previously thought. It is $23 per licence, is this average or on the low side? I'd be interested to know what your average sale price is since joining, if you care to share. I know the 'old hands' used to make good 'bank' as my American friends call it, in the good ol' days. 😉

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Not as good as yours:

2017 $24.6 (14 licenses)

2018 $20.5 (51 licenses)

2019 $15.2 (51 licenses)

2020 $12.4 (69 licenses)

2021 $16.8 (106 licenses)

2022 $12.1 (198 licenses)

2023 $11.7 (68 licenses to date)

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  Sales Gross $ per sale (gross)
2012 23 2053 89.3
2013 18 1477 82.1
2014 24 1971 82.1
2015 30 1672 55.7
2016 59 3409 57.8
2017 72 4260 59.2
2018 70 3443 49.2
2019 72 3589 49.8
2020 67 3259 48.6
2021 83 3513 42.3
2022 94 4800 51.1
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I joined in 2003 but didn't make my first submission until mid-2007 as I was busy with other things, so I missed the really good ol' days. However, prices were still good, and $$$ sales were common. My average price per image since then is $60.38 (DACS not included). Last year my average PPI was $39.


Edited by John Mitchell
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I have intentionally kept the number of images that I put up on Alamy at a minimum, I do have another Psydo but I am still down to just a touch above 2,000 total online.

I do pay attention to each license and track the average.  As of 6/4/23 with 1039 licenses starting in 2004 it is $55 and change per image.  It was four times that in the 00's.

In my opinion Alamy is doing a "Pretty good job, but it could be better."


Over the decades I've worked with too many agencies and libraries to list, most of them are no longer with us, and I can say that Alamy is doing better than any I have experience with.



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As Gen so kindly linked for me - here are mine by year:


2023:  $35.25 (12 sales thru the end of March)

2022:  $17.70

2021:  $40.53

2020   $19.89
2019    $57.14
2018    $36.00
2017    $60.53
2016    $68.09
2015    $74.58    
2014    $39.40      
2013    $43.50               
2012    $29.89        
2011    $28.10   "Regular "sales began (nearly 2/mo - some NU) started, 140 images in portfolio @ beginning & 450 by year end.  
2010    $88.00  5 sales, 60 images start of year/ 140 by end 
2009   $38.00  (first and only sale that year - I had 60 images in my portfolio by the end of the year)       


Average Gross Price per Sale 2009-March 2023 is $40.02


I realized that my belief that I wasn't getting regular sales until I had 800 images was way off, it was actually the year I averaged 300 image, showing how different the landscape for stock photography was back in the early 2010's. This year I'm averaging 4 sales/mo with 1500 images. Twice as many sales with 5 times as many images. Not keeping up with inflation, that's for sure. 




Edited by Marianne
Added overall Avg. Gross Sales Price
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As Geogphotos mentioned in the link I provided, results will be distorted depending if a contributor is or has been in the NU (Novel Use) scheme.

I have never been.

For what it's worth, my gross average $ since joining in 2002 is $47.83


  Sales Gross $ Av Gross
2003 3 723 241
2004 18 2,455 136
2005 20 3,266 163
2006 28 3,017 108
2007 30 3,790 126
2008 52 5,682 109
2009 40 3,864 97
2010 64 6,609 103
2011 66 4,261 65
2012 45 3,398 76
2013 60 4,643 77
2014 59 4,548 77
2015 59 3,451 58
2016 102 4,487 44
2017 168 5,521 33
2018 196 6,899 35
2019 170 5,021 30
2020 204 5,120 25
2021 243 5,818 24
2022 216 7,088 33
2023 58 1,273


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year - Av gross - ##

2005 - $195     6
2006 - $179     8
2007 - $458    26
2008 - $143    54
2009 - $ 73     60
2010 - $ 69     74
2011 - $ 65     92
2012 - $ 54    134
2013 - $ 52    202
2014 - $ 55    185
2015 - $ 59    219
2016 - $ 48    351
2017 - $ 46    315
2018 - $ 44    330
2019 - $ 37    322
2020 - $ 35    253
2021 - $ 29    314
2022 - $ 24    291


2023 - $ 21.36   85 so far


Included in all schemes and deals and all distributors as well.




edit: gross average over all since joining: $ 49

Edited by wiskerke
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On 06/04/2023 at 19:58, Chuck Nacke said:

Over the decades I've worked with too many agencies and libraries to list, most of them are no longer with us, and I can say that Alamy is doing better than any I have experience with.

Cheers Chuck, Yes, that is my opinion also. I get pennies/cents with other sites. It is definitely not worth the effort there!

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On 07/04/2023 at 07:22, Avpics said:

My average from total sales to date is just $23.35. I think the low figure is largely due to the high numbers of 'newspaper scheme' images that I get licenced each month.

Breaking that down:

Year         Images       Gross $ total    Gross $ Avge

2014          18                  1207                67.06

2015          28                  1785                63.75

2016          73                  2494                34.16

2017         129                 4793                37.16

2018         199                 6721                33.77

2019         291                 7392                25.40

2020         352                 9481                26.93

2021         483               10470                21.68

2022         814               12182                14.97

2023         190                 3485                18.34


Depressingly depressed averages!

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