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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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15 minutes ago, Thyrsis said:

I used to be a Parish Councillor so I found  that video very amusing. I served my 4 years and resigned as some of the other councillor’s views and attitudes really didn’t sit well with me. 


......still waiting for our seed potatoes to arrive.

Also got T garment re PC, a long time ago. Quite traumatic as we were a group of independents who swept away the politically biased long standing tribe. We had to put up with heckling for the first few meetings, but they soon grew tired of that.


Re seed spuds, a brave young whippersnapper (not yet 70) visited Wilco on our behalf. They have a good selection at very reasonable prices. I won't be darkening the doors of our shopping centre until my vaccine has been delivered (tomorrow) and has had time to take effect.


Sowed leeks, onions, petunia and lobelia a couple of days ago, the gardening year gathers pace!



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1 hour ago, Bryan said:

and has had time to take effect.


3 weeks from being punctured. At least that was what I was told. One week to go but I will still be cautious and wearing a mask etc etc.




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15 hours ago, Dave Richards said:

That must have been a pain. Do you know what went wrong and was it very expensive to get the sensor replaced?

Hi, yes it was - as to what went wrong - operator error i.e. me being over enthusiastic and no doubt very heavy handed!  From memory I used something called Eclipse which was a cleaning fluid which came with it's own swabs I think.  At the time it wasn't financially viable to get the sensor replaced, can't remember how much.  In the end I sold it for parts although in working order explaining what was wrong with it.  A valuable lesson learned for me😉



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31 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Hi, yes it was - as to what went wrong - operator error i.e. me being over enthusiastic and no doubt very heavy handed!  From memory I used something called Eclipse which was a cleaning fluid which came with it's own swabs I think.  At the time it wasn't financially viable to get the sensor replaced, can't remember how much.  In the end I sold it for parts although in working order explaining what was wrong with it.  A valuable lesson learned for me😉



I have always used Eclipse fluid and swabs  and it's quite straightforward on the Sony SLTs- although it's precisely because of the pellicle that it needs doing so rarely.

I wonder if you had a poorly-made swab so you poked the sensor with the stick instead of the fabric.

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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


3 weeks from being punctured. At least that was what I was told. One week to go but I will still be cautious and wearing a mask etc etc.





We are told here in the US that we will be wearing masks until herd immunity is reached with maybe 70% of people vaccinated. That is a long way off. Apparently there is a chance, however small, that a vaccinated person can get the virus and pass it on. They may or may not realize they are infected. It is such a nightmare! I don't mind the mask as much in the winter cold but I sure hope to enjoy the summer sun on my entire face.



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51 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I have always used Eclipse fluid and swabs  and it's quite straightforward on the Sony SLTs- although it's precisely because of the pellicle that it needs doing so rarely.

I wonder if you had a poorly-made swab so you poked the sensor with the stick instead of the fabric.

Yes you are probably right, a case of all the gear and no idea also !  



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My son had his face-to-face interview Friday, and a walkabout of the plant. This is the job in Kansas. They are putting together an offer for him now, so it’s pretty much a done deal. He lives in Alabama now, about 10 hours by car, and he’ll be a bit over an hour and a half away when he moves, probably mid-March.

We threw a family celebration dinner for him Saturday. BBQ ribs, my baked beans and other good stuff. 

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I’ve finally become a Covid-19 statistic… in a good way. This morning I drove to York, to join the line of oldsters queuing up for what a sign announced would be my ‘vaccination journey’. “Join the blue queue”, a woman with a clipboard said, “not the red queue. That’s for voluntary euthenasia”…

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14 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

My son had his face-to-face interview Friday, and a walkabout of the plant. This is the job in Kansas. They are putting together an offer for him now, so it’s pretty much a done deal. He lives in Alabama now, about 10 hours by car, and he’ll be a bit over an hour and a half away when he moves, probably mid-March.

We threw a family celebration dinner for him Saturday. BBQ ribs, my baked beans and other good stuff. 

Lovely to have some good news - that will be great for you Betty to have your son not so far away...



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On 06/02/2021 at 12:19, sb photos said:


John, you were lucky getting your first appointment so soon. My letter arrived yesterday while I was out, and was busy in the evening. I booked my two vaccinations this morning. Had the choice of two sites, no difference in appointment dates offered. My first is next Saturday, and my second at the beginning of May. Will take a single camera and lens to see what opportunities there are, although I've already shot through the window and uploaded.

Don't think you will have a problem Steve, I took someone to Asda Watford today for their jab and managed a few clicks with the RX100 no questions asked....



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Getting my first jab today - quite surprised as wasn't expecting to be done for quite a while as I have no underlying health conditions that I know of but it looks like they are getting around to doing us youngsters now😁  Hoping for some good light at Batchwood Hall later this afternoon, but I think I will struggle with shooting me being shot in the arm😁



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6 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Getting my first jab today - quite surprised as wasn't expecting to be done for quite a while as I have no underlying health conditions that I know of but it looks like they are getting around to doing us youngsters now😁  Hoping for some good light at Batchwood Hall later this afternoon, but I think I will struggle with shooting me being shot in the arm😁



I think they are putting the invites out in group 5 now to make sure the appointments diaries stay full for that tricky expensive vaccine that rots. OH has just gone off for hers but I'm in group 7 so another 6 weeks for me, I reckon. I have some film work coming up and need a negative test so I'm pretty much staying in- not that it makes a lot of difference. I did go out to post my mum's birthday card though- she gets the vaccine as a birthday present. On the day.

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3 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I think they are putting the invites out in group 5 now to make sure the appointments diaries stay full for that tricky expensive vaccine that rots. OH has just gone off for hers but I'm in group 7 so another 6 weeks for me, I reckon. I have some film work coming up and need a negative test so I'm pretty much staying in- not that it makes a lot of difference. I did go out to post my mum's birthday card though- she gets the vaccine as a birthday present. On the day.

That's a great present for your mum and good for you to have some film work in the pipeline, not envious of course😁



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1 hour ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

That's a great present for your mum and good for you to have some film work in the pipeline, not envious of course😁



Of course, and I'm not boasting either, about lawfully travelling halfway across the country or earning more in a day than Alamy nets me in a year, oh no, of course not;)

Better than last year, dead as a doornail except for a viewing before you-know-what and a transcription job that came in the post.

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26 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Of course, and I'm not boasting either, about lawfully travelling halfway across the country or earning more in a day than Alamy nets me in a year, oh no, of course not;)

Better than last year, dead as a doornail except for a viewing before you-know-what and a transcription job that came in the post.

Just curious, when you say fieldwork are you shooting or acting ?



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24 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Just curious, when you say fieldwork are you shooting or acting ?



Have we discussed this before? I forget.

I rent out vintage film editing equipment. The Steenbeck is going out to a TV shoot in Liverpool as a practical (working) prop and I'll be on set as operator. I may even get to see Ed.

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10 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Have we discussed this before? I forget.

I rent out vintage film editing equipment. The Steenbeck is going out to a TV shoot in Liverpool as a practical (working) prop and I'll be on set as operator. I may even get to see Ed.

Ah I see, well I hope it all goes well for you and that you do get to see/meet up with Ed that would be brilliant...



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1 hour ago, Thyrsis said:

Got the call today to book our vaccinations. Going to get them on Saturday, yeah!!

Had ours on Monday. Hardly felt the injection, but some very slight pain in the arm the following evening and then some stiffness around the joints felt the day after that - which might have just been age catching up with me. My wife didn't suffer from the joint thing. We were told that it would take 3 weeks for the vaccine to give a reasonable level of protection. Can't understand why some folk are refusing to have the jab. Looking forward to seeing the grandbairns when lockdown eased.


Another good thing, we drove the short distance to the coast and enjoyed sunshine and unexpected warmth, despite there still being some snow on the beach. Managed to take  yet more photos of folk walking along the seashore.....

Edited by Bryan
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9 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Have we discussed this before? I forget.

I rent out vintage film editing equipment. The Steenbeck is going out to a TV shoot in Liverpool as a practical (working) prop and I'll be on set as operator. I may even get to see Ed.


Let's hope your part is not ending on the cutting room floor.  😂



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Saw the wooden loveseat that my furniture maker had sitting on blocks while the polyurethane dries.  Cushions are almost ready, too, so I pay the rest on the sillon (couch, what my helper was calling it) and pick it up and one slipcover for the pair of slipper chairs tomorrow, second slipcover (vestido por silla) will be ready a bit later.  Guy has been close to precisely the day he said he'd be finished (Thurday for the construction, Friday for taking the love seat home).  One of the pleasures of doing bespoke things is seeing how the customer reacts to the work.  I check prices on line for similar things and I'm basically paying a bit less than half of what a merchant would charge, which is generally twice what the furniture maker gets charged.   


Lola the dog got through the night without leaking, and just had a minor leak after walking, which may be from my helper not letting her completely void when they're out.  My nurse friend said Lola also may need a longer course of antibiotics.   Her male dog had the same problem but recovered with a ten day course of antibiotics. 


I get the impression that both cats would prefer to be fed Felix canned cat food rather than Purina Cat Chow.   Felix is the only canned cat food available in Jinotega, but both the major super markets carry it.   I feed it at night six days a week, but having to use something to get the pills down Lola meant the cats got smaller feedings of it twice a day.


Getting stuff made is one of the charms of living here.  The cost of furniture from a furniture maker is about what flat pack Ikea would cost, but it's put together and generally better made.   The piece looks like it has mortise and tenon joints.  Wood is figured and a bit lighter than I'd imagined, but quite handsome.



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