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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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11 hours ago, Bryan said:

Can't understand why some folk are refusing to have the jab.


Conspiracy theories is the short answer. And it is amazing that otherwise rational people will believe the nonsense that is being propagated: it alters your DNA, governments or other powers that be (unspecified) are implanting microchips in people, Covid/the pandemic is not real, it is no worse than seasonal flu, bla bla bla. The microchip thing is clearly the most stupid. Who needs microchips - you are being tracked all the time as soon as you turn on your phone, computer, TV, walk down a city street, drive your car..... 



Anyway Just had my jab. Very efficient - text, book a slot, in and out in a few minutes (me not the jab which took about a millisecond). 







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OH had hers yesterday- we're now on group 5, probably end of March for me, I'm two down.

You get a sheet of paper like the one you get in a packet of paracetamol that tells you what's in the vaccine- the spike protein mRNA, obvs, some preservative, and some amino acids for the mRNA to make the spike protein out of, I assume. No chips. Have to fry my own.

Edited by spacecadet
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12 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

OH had hers yesterday- we're now on group 5, probably end of March for me, I'm two down.

You get a sheet of paper like the one you get in a packet of paracetamol that tells you what's in the vaccine- the spike protein mRNA, obvs, some preservative, and some amino acids for the mRNA to make the spike protein out of, I assume. No chips. Have to fry my own.


I got the AstraZeneca variety so nothing about spike proteins mRNA etc. It seems like there are doubts about its effectiveness against some of the new variants. I will continue to be very careful in any case. I really do not want to get Covid again. 

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Just now, MDM said:


I got the AstraZeneca variety so nothing about spike proteins etc. It seems like there are doubts about its effectiveness against some of the new variants. I will continue to be very careful in any case. I really do not want to get Covid again. 

This was for the AZ.

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Mine was the Pfizer yesterday, I was given a 4 page leaflet, OH had his in January he ha Oxford = 2 page leaflet - we mix and match in this house😄 I must say all very efficient at Batchwood Hall, staff and volunteers all excellent, I arrived early and was told no problem park in the car park right opposite the Hall and go straight in.  After the jab I had a sticker put on me with a time as had to wait 15 minutes in the attached marquee  before leaving, it was pretty well freezing but no problem😁

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41 minutes ago, MDM said:


OK. I didn't actually read the leaflet I got yet. I saw mRNA in your post and assumed it was the Pfizer one. 

My molecular biology (or just memory) has let me down again, it's something else.

Definitely got amino acids and preservatives in it, though.

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On 11/02/2021 at 11:52, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Getting my first jab today - quite surprised as wasn't expecting to be done for quite a while as I have no underlying health conditions that I know of but it looks like they are getting around to doing us youngsters now😁  Hoping for some good light at Batchwood Hall later this afternoon, but I think I will struggle with shooting me being shot in the arm😁



I had booked my Covid-19 vaccination for this Saturday at the local pharmacy led centre in the Odeon Cinema. I had previously photographed it through the glass window, lens held against the glass. As the exposure at iso 800 wide open was 1/8 sec, I cancelled that appointment and booked this Saturday again at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium where from memory the light should be better. All 3 local vaccination centre’s are using the Astra Zeneca vaccine. 

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2 hours ago, sb photos said:

I had booked my Covid-19 vaccination for this Saturday at the local pharmacy led centre in the Odeon Cinema. I had previously photographed it through the glass window, lens held against the glass. As the exposure at iso 800 wide open was 1/8 sec, I cancelled that appointment and booked this Saturday again at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium where from memory the light should be better. All 3 local vaccination centre’s are using the Astra Zeneca vaccine. 

So that's why they can't fill the appointments in London- it's all these stock photographer blighters cancelling their bookings to get better light!;)

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7 hours ago, MDM said:

in and out in a few minutes


After the actual jab the patients were being ask to be patient and sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes at my place of inoculation just in case of adverse reaction.


I had the Pfizer one.  (You know the one with the miniature A-bomb in it.☢️)




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I had my first vaccine a few weeks ago, and took my camera along. My local medical center is giving shots in a parking garage. Cars pull into every other space, we get our shots, wait out the 15 minutes, then exit the garage. I never even removed my seatbelt. I did take my camera along, but lighting and shooting angles were not good and I didn’t think they’d be too happy about me stepping outside the car. Going back next week, so I’ll take my camera again and see what I can do.


The good thing that’s happened here, other than getting the vaccine, is that my oldest daughter had shoulder reconstruction surgery this week and it went well. In fact, there was less damage to the joint than originally thought. Her recovery should be much quicker and easier, though she’ll still need some extensive rehab therapy.

Edited by Cecile Marion
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1 hour ago, Thyrsis said:

Vaccinations done... arrived at 11.18... done and out again by 11.21.


I looked at the card they gave me and it was dated 13th Jan, not 13th Feb!! Being honest I told them and they corrected it. 


My Covid-19 vaccination was at 12:30 today. Like you it was very quick, and at the GP led centre at Stoke Mandeville Stadium adjacent to the hospital. I took the RX100 in my pocket, and a D750 with 24-70 in a small shoulder bag. I used the D750 for 2 shots of the queue and some signage. I was inside in no time, hardly had time to put away the D750 and take the RX100 out of my pocket. Was concentrating on that, didn't even feel the needle go in. I flipped the screen up to line it up on my arm, but as I'd never used it in 'selfie mode' before I didn't realise it had a 3 second timer so missed it. I was outside again in no time. I have a useless picture showing the hairs on my upper arm in sharp focus, nicely exposed and composed at iso 125, F3.2, 30th second, but no needle. I then photographed the cubicle with all the necessaries laid ready for the next patient before leaving. All very efficient. No side effects. Was a 25 minute fast walk there and same returning home.


In the afternoon took a walk into town, photographing the national NHS vaccination centre at Bucks New University. Three uninformed security tried to tell me the NHS had forbidden any photography, even though I pointed out I was standing on a public pavement. I told them they may have on Bucks New University property, but I could photograph from the pavement. I advised them to check with their management before they looked stupid, and if they moved away from the signage I would take my photos and be gone, but they didn't. I then photographed them and left. Was quite an interesting day and clocked up 11.2 km on my travels.



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After a chilly week, we still have a stubborn covering of snow, the Met office is predicting double digit temperatures by Tuesday. Looking forward to warping out the bicycles again, and doing some prepatory work on the allotment. Indoor sown leeks and onions now starting to show and trays moved to a south facing window ledge.


Our younger son rang to ask when it would be safe to plant out summer bedding, and took some persuading that tender plants would have to wait until May.

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12 hours ago, sb photos said:


My Covid-19 vaccination was at 12:30 today. Like you it was very quick, and at the GP led centre at Stoke Mandeville Stadium adjacent to the hospital. I took the RX100 in my pocket, and a D750 with 24-70 in a small shoulder bag. I used the D750 for 2 shots of the queue and some signage. I was inside in no time, hardly had time to put away the D750 and take the RX100 out of my pocket. Was concentrating on that, didn't even feel the needle go in. I flipped the screen up to line it up on my arm, but as I'd never used it in 'selfie mode' before I didn't realise it had a 3 second timer so missed it. I was outside again in no time. I have a useless picture showing the hairs on my upper arm in sharp focus, nicely exposed and composed at iso 125, F3.2, 30th second, but no needle. I then photographed the cubicle with all the necessaries laid ready for the next patient before leaving. All very efficient. No side effects. Was a 25 minute fast walk there and same returning home.


In the afternoon took a walk into town, photographing the national NHS vaccination centre at Bucks New University. Three uninformed security tried to tell me the NHS had forbidden any photography, even though I pointed out I was standing on a public pavement. I told them they may have on Bucks New University property, but I could photograph from the pavement. I advised them to check with their management before they looked stupid, and if they moved away from the signage I would take my photos and be gone, but they didn't. I then photographed them and left. Was quite an interesting day and clocked up 11.2 km on my travels.



Well if there is an upside to this, you will at least get another opportunity when you go for the second jab😉  Mine was done at Batchwood Hall, the lighting inside was very dismal so didn't attempt anything in there, not that I would have had the time anyway it was so quick.  The only opportunity I had was sitting in the marquee for 15 minutes afterwards but that wasn't much better and not happy with the couple that I took.  Outside is quite nice but nothing different from the last time I went....it's a strange world for sure, who would have thought this time last year we would have been shooting Covid vaccination hubs ! 



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5 hours ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

The only opportunity I had was sitting in the marquee for 15 minutes afterwards but that wasn't much better and not happy with the couple that I took.


Carol, I was ushered out immediately after being given my vaccination card, thankfully no 15 minute wait. Same as when I last had the flu jab at my surgery. Shame I missed the opportunity to potentially photograph Matt Hancock when he visited on Friday.

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On 13/02/2021 at 17:19, sb photos said:


My Covid-19 vaccination was at 12:30 today. Like you it was very quick, and at the GP led centre at Stoke Mandeville Stadium adjacent to the hospital. I took the RX100 in my pocket, and a D750 with 24-70 in a small shoulder bag. I used the D750 for 2 shots of the queue and some signage. I was inside in no time, hardly had time to put away the D750 and take the RX100 out of my pocket. Was concentrating on that, didn't even feel the needle go in. I flipped the screen up to line it up on my arm, but as I'd never used it in 'selfie mode' before I didn't realise it had a 3 second timer so missed it. I was outside again in no time. I have a useless picture showing the hairs on my upper arm in sharp focus, nicely exposed and composed at iso 125, F3.2, 30th second, but no needle. I then photographed the cubicle with all the necessaries laid ready for the next patient before leaving. All very efficient. No side effects. Was a 25 minute fast walk there and same returning home.


In the afternoon took a walk into town, photographing the national NHS vaccination centre at Bucks New University. Three uninformed security tried to tell me the NHS had forbidden any photography, even though I pointed out I was standing on a public pavement. I told them they may have on Bucks New University property, but I could photograph from the pavement. I advised them to check with their management before they looked stupid, and if they moved away from the signage I would take my photos and be gone, but they didn't. I then photographed them and left. Was quite an interesting day and clocked up 11.2 km on my travels.


Sometimes I think people get entirely too much pleasure in being obstinate and pushing people, just because they can. I’ve always said that there are two reasons...well...three, why people choose to be police officers. The license to bully people, and those people were probably bullies growing up. Then the ones who truly want to help people and fight crime. The third is following family tradition.


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A super duper good thing this week. My son, who will be moving in March from Alabama to Kansas isn’t on Facebook. He asked mr if I could list his fifth wheel RV on Facebook Marketplace with his phone number and saying where the RV is located. I did, and we’ve had 40-50 responses. He’ll be showing it this weekend to about 10 people and I’m pretty sure it’s a done deal. He’s asking well below book for it. I also listed his utility trailer and it has sold already.


I’ve had very good luck selling things on Marketplace. The very day I list, I sell.

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5 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Is that where you sell your images?🤔




No, that’s where I sell household things. People list cars or anything they want to get rid of. I sold my freezer and a bird bath there. I listed my freezer around 4 pm (I bought a new one) and I had money in hand by 8 pm, and the guy was happy to buy it. Usually, I  get responses within 5 minutes of listing.

Recently I bought a firm mattress (back issues) and was planning to just let the furniture company haul my old one off.  I had kept a thick mattress cover/protector on it, and it was pristine, and a very good brand. My daughter suggested I list it. I couldn’t believe anyone would buy a used mattress! So I listed it, and I had 10-12 offers. The first one who answers gets it. It was picked up the next morning by a guy whose daughter was moving into an apartment.

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2 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

No, that’s where I sell household things. People list cars or anything they want to get rid of. I sold my freezer and a bird bath there. I listed my freezer around 4 pm (I bought a new one) and I had money in hand by 8 pm, and the guy was happy to buy it. Usually, I  get responses within 5 minutes of listing.

Recently I bought a firm mattress (back issues) and was planning to just let the furniture company haul my old one off.  I had kept a thick mattress cover/protector on it, and it was pristine, and a very good brand. My daughter suggested I list it. I couldn’t believe anyone would buy a used mattress! So I listed it, and I had 10-12 offers. The first one who answers gets it. It was picked up the next morning by a guy whose daughter was moving into an apartment.


Thanks for the info Betty.  I was just joshing you.😃


My sense of humor (humour) again.




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16 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I’ve had very good luck selling things on Marketplace. The very day I list, I sell.


We had to clear my father in law's house after he passed away. We tried to give stuff away using a local Freecycle site. Very unhappy experience, people would say that they wanted items but then failed turn up, us having to make a 12 mile return trip for nothing.  We then changed tack and started to ask for payment, when, lo and behold, people kept the appointments. Since then we have always asked for payment, even if we intended to give the stuff to the people who turned up.  Not sure what this says about human nature 😕

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