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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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I very occasionally spot one of our city hawks circling above the buildings. Yesterday was a beautiful day to do a little gardening and I discovered that we have at least two wee robins in the nest now. So  exciting!



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Saw the robins feeding the babies and got my camera. Light was dark but at least even so I'll see if anything is worth uploading. Wildlife photographer again!



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I saw a feed showing a bald eagle nest with one chick probably a couple of weeks away from fledging. One of the parents stole a baby hawk from a nest. It had just attained the age of standing on wobbly legs. It was brought to the eagle nest for food for the eaglet, but strangely arrived alive and seemingly unhurt.

Now there are videos of a parent eagle feeding the young hawk along with it’s eaglet. Then, a fish (I think) was brought to the nest, and a video shows the eaglet feeding the hawk.

Strange things happen in this world, and in nature some things are turned upside down.  How the parent eagle clamped on hard enough to fly the hawk to the nest without crushing or stabbing it with those fierce talons, I’ll never know. Maybe the instinct was not to make food out of the hawk, but an addition to the family was desired.

As far as our water woes, our water plant Is very old. The city has started construction on a new one, but it won’t be online until 2025. This time, there was a filtration problem with too high of bacteria in the water. Patches are slapped on as catastrophes arise.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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On 11/06/2022 at 11:42, NYCat said:

I very occasionally spot one of our city hawks circling above the buildings. Yesterday was a beautiful day to do a little gardening and I discovered that we have at least two wee robins in the nest now. So  exciting!



I live very close to the Chilterns and red kites were introduced there a few years ago after being hunted to extinction in England since Tudor times.

They have bred successfully and are a common sight now. They are gradually expanding their territory and we often have them circling over our house.

Maybe I’ll give the telephoto lens a bit of exercise to see if I can get a decent shot.

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On 14/06/2022 at 14:43, Dave Richards said:

I live very close to the Chilterns and red kites were introduced there a few years ago after being hunted to extinction in England since Tudor times.

They have bred successfully and are a common sight now. They are gradually expanding their territory and we often have them circling over our house.

Maybe I’ll give the telephoto lens a bit of exercise to see if I can get a decent shot.

That’s the way it is across the world. It seems when we’ve almost made something extinct, we decide “Whoa” and set up plans to bring it back.

I can go outside and look up almost anytime during the day and see one or more Mississippi Kites circling in the sky. Sometimes as many as 6. They mostly feed on large bugs, but will take a small bird sometimes.

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Looking forward to getting out in our garden for a little while this morning. One of our robins has fledged and I got some images yesterday. The parents are not very happy about me apparently. A bit of flying by. I discovered that there are three still in the nest so there were four babies this year. The mom and dad are being kept very busy with one on the ground and three in the nest. I like to think the parents were born here.



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13 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

That’s the way it is across the world. It seems when we’ve almost made something extinct, we decide “Whoa” and set up plans to bring it back.

I can go outside and look up almost anytime during the day and see one or more Mississippi Kites circling in the sky. Sometimes as many as 6. They mostly feed on large bugs, but will take a small bird sometimes.


Bald Eagles now fly over the DC area.  And here, I've seen swallow tail kites three different times, once over Jinotega.  Probably the most beautiful raptor.

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We have started a new housesit in the Bush with interesting creatures to care for: 2 rescued joey Agile Wallabies, a dog and a bearded dragon.


The two joeys have lost their mother to a car accident and are absolutely adorable. They need to be bottle fed 3 times a day. They are curious and cuddly.


The dog is mixed breed and loves playing with his ball. The bearded dragon is ‘brumating’, the equivalent of hibernating for reptiles.


Water on the property comes from a bore. We had to learnt the ropes with the supply, which tap on the manifold directs the water where. We are tremendously enjoying ourselves.







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2 hours ago, gvallee said:

We have started a new housesit in the Bush with interesting creatures to care for: 2 rescued joey Agile Wallabies, a dog and a bearded dragon.


The two joeys have lost their mother to a car accident and are absolutely adorable. They need to be bottle fed 3 times a day. They are curious and cuddly.


The dog is mixed breed and loves playing with his ball. The bearded dragon is ‘brumating’, the equivalent of hibernating for reptiles.


Water on the property comes from a bore. We had to learnt the ropes with the supply, which tap on the manifold directs the water where. We are tremendously enjoying ourselves.








Sounds like heaven.



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Spent part of yesterday in Lincolnshire, and today in spitting rain with forum member Allan Bell. I had never visited Lincoln before, was an interesting city to visit, will be back. Including yesterday went up and down the steep multiple times, not as steep as I had been told it was. My phones hotspot wasn't so hot, only uploaded 2 out of 6 images, uploaded the other 4 at my accommodation. A great day even if the weather wasn't marvellous, at least it wasn't horrendously hot as yesterday was. Moving on early tomorrow.

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23 hours ago, sb photos said:

Spent part of yesterday in Lincolnshire, and today in spitting rain with forum member Allan Bell. I had never visited Lincoln before, was an interesting city to visit, will be back. Including yesterday went up and down the steep multiple times, not as steep as I had been told it was. My phones hotspot wasn't so hot, only uploaded 2 out of 6 images, uploaded the other 4 at my accommodation. A great day even if the weather wasn't marvellous, at least it wasn't horrendously hot as yesterday was. Moving on early tomorrow.


It was nice to meet up with you Steve. Enjoyed out talks. A bit of an unusual day for me as I do not usually visit Lincoln on Saturdays not in wet weather but have some useful shots. Thinking I might do some more wet weather photography now I have the feel for it.




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Only one baby robin left in the nest. He looks a little surprised. When I passed through on my way to cat-sitting this AM the three were tucked into the nest. Along about 11 AM after I was home I heard quite a lot of chirping. I went down with my camera and found the lone babe in the nest. It took a while to locate the escapees. They were on opposite fire escapes. It’s the best place for them. They can get up and down on the stairs until they fly well. They seem to be getting delivery of meals. Such fun.



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We're spending a week in a rented cottage in Derbyshire. Yesterday we completed a strenuous, by our standards, bike ride in chilly conditions. While out we received news that our 4th and probable last, grandchild had been safely delivered. hoping to see her at the weekend.  We've booked slots on the Heights of Abraham cable car today, and the sun is shining! Oh, and there is a peacock wandering around the garden at the place where we are staying.

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1 hour ago, Bryan said:

We're spending a week in a rented cottage in Derbyshire. Yesterday we completed a strenuous, by our standards, bike ride in chilly conditions. While out we received news that our 4th and probable last, grandchild had been safely delivered. hoping to see her at the weekend.  We've booked slots on the Heights of Abraham cable car today, and the sun is shining! Oh, and there is a peacock wandering around the garden at the place where we are staying.


For sure, I'd rather be waken up by an Australian magpie than a peacock 🤣🤣 Congrats on the new granbairn. 


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10 hours ago, gvallee said:


For sure, I'd rather be waken up by an Australian magpie than a peacock 🤣🤣 Congrats on the new granbairn. 


Yes, it is a tad raucous....... 

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Congratulations on the new grand child, Bryan. That’s exciting.


Just before I left on a trip last February my skin doctor discovered a melanoma on the back of my upper calf in an area I could not see. The melanoma was a stage 0, so was just sitting on top of the first layer of skin and hadn’t gotten to a serious point. It was a relief she discovered it when she did. The doctor removed it, plus a big chunk of my calf and, other than some soreness for awhile, all seems fine. However, last week, just as I am preparing to leave on yet another trip, the doctor found two suspicious spots when I went in for my three month checkup. One was on my arm, but the other, a brand new spot that looked like another melanoma, was near my nose, below my right eye. The good news, after ten days of waiting for biopsy results and imagining my face carved like a pumpkin, I learned today that neither spot was malignant. I’m overjoyed and relieved, to say the least. 

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I have just had three images accepted in a Swiss International Salon. This has given me far more pleasure than my five sales so far this month on here which don't even get into $$ net! 

At the present time I am just about to shut down because I can't bear the mess I am confronted with on my PC screen. The good thing here is that the sun is shining outside and I am going to dead-head my good lady's roses in the garden. I can think of a lot of other things too that need need dead-heading at the moment!! 

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1 hour ago, aphperspective said:

A small milestone for just noticed I have past the 4000 image mark, after 4 years on A. Not expecting the return ratio to go flying of the chart in these times but every little helps the moral scales.🙄


I am only 44 images off hitting the 6000 mark but the way things are going I don't think they are going to be uploaded unless we get some information from Alamy as to what is actually happening with everything.


See my posts in thread "Negative Results 2022"




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9 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


I am only 44 images off hitting the 6000 mark but the way things are going I don't think they are going to be uploaded unless we get some information from Alamy as to what is actually happening with everything.


See my posts in thread "Negative Results 2022"




Thanks Allan I think things a pretty grim all round with small returns (mostly) for allot of effort, I think the folks at A are not overly interested in the individual subscriber.

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2 minutes ago, aphperspective said:

Thanks Allan I think things a pretty grim all round with small returns (mostly) for allot of effort, I think the folks at A are not overly interested in the individual subscriber.


For sure. A is no where near what it used to be.




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Set up Napa cabbage chunks with condiments and carrot matchsticks and green onion cut into short lengths to make kimchi (Korean fermented Napa cabbage with other stuff and red pepper).   My helper bought a large (4 lbs) cabbage, so this batch is half of the cabbage.  Today, when I checked this morning, the mix was bubbling and the cabbage getting piquante, as we say down here.  I'll offer my helper a taste.  The recipes on line insist that it must be made with Korean red pepper and Korean fish sauce, but Jinotega no hay, so it was regular red pepper flakes, oyster sauce and soy sauce.   Jinotega's big supermarket does carry oyster sauce, I think.   Managua has Korean grocery stores and I might try making kimchi with the real stuff after I'm down in Managua with time and money for shopping.  I suspect that the original peasant recipes also used whatever was at hand.


I have to figure out what to do with the other half of the cabbage.  Can start a new batch after I put the present batch in the refrigerator.   The weather has been cooler than usual, so in the 60s at night and not too hot during the day. 

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3 hours ago, aphperspective said:

Thanks Allan I think things a pretty grim all round with small returns (mostly) for allot of effort, I think the folks at A are not overly interested in the individual subscriber.

I think a lot of folks are going to end up in that sub $250 group if things don't change.

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