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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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Saw my surgeon yesterday for my 6 month checkup. I get to go off Gabopentin which is for quieting nerve pain. I have to wean off this week then stop it next Wednesday. As one who hates to take prescription medicine, that is good news.

I discussed the left-sided back pain, which feels like it’s coming from the SI joint. He said yes it was, and that’s because the hardware he put in was right next to it. Hopefully the nerve will heal as time goes by.

I’m wearing the bone stimulator apparatus for two hours every day and have a couple of months yet to go.


I fortified myself with a pain pill on the 4th of July and made a delicious coconut cream pie. Yes, I know, I said I hate to take meds but my doctor advised me that was not helping me, and I must take them when needed. Otherwise, I still wouldn’t be able to do things that puts me on my feet for any length of time. So I am following doctors order, a novelty for me.

6 months to go before I know the ultimate results. Because I had degenerative scoliosis that developed 4 1/2 years ago, one of the results of surgery is that my back is 95% straight. I look good in my clothes, and have a nice waistline again. Why only 95% straight? Because the surgeon said if he’d gone for 100%, it would have put too much torque on the screws in my bones, and they could pull loose. He’s the expert. I may have screws loose up top, but would rather not have them in my back! 😁

This a piece from a previous pie.



Edited by Betty LaRue
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7 hours ago, Bryan said:

Good looking pie Betty !

Thank you, Bryan. I love all pies, but my favorites in no particular order are coconut cream, apple, and custard. I baked a custard when my sister came to visit, and luck have it, was the best I’ve ever made. We sat down to eat it while still warm. My sister’s eyes nearly rolled back in her head! 😁 To this day, she carries on about that pie. I told her the other day I will never bake her another, because it could never again measure up.

Usually, if ever one doesn’t measure up, it’ll be when you bake one for company. Kind of like Murphy’s Law.

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7 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Saw my surgeon yesterday for my 6 month checkup. I get to go off Gabopentin which is for quieting nerve pain. I have to wean off this week then stop it next Wednesday. As one who hates to take prescription medicine, that is good news.

I discussed the left-sided back pain, which feels like it’s coming from the SI joint. He said yes it was, and that’s because the hardware he put in was right next to it. Hopefully the nerve will heal as time goes by.

I’m wearing the bone stimulator apparatus for two hours every day and have a couple of months yet to go.


I fortified myself with a pain pill on the 4th of July and made a delicious coconut cream pie. Yes, I know, I said I hate to take meds but my doctor advised me that was not helping me, and I must take them when needed. Otherwise, I still wouldn’t be able to do things that puts me on my feet for any length of time. So I am following doctors order, a novelty for me.

6 months to go before I know the ultimate results. Because I had degenerative scoliosis that developed 4 1/2 years ago, one of the results of surgery is that my back is 95% straight. I look good in my clothes, and have a nice waistline again. Why only 95% straight? Because the surgeon said if he’d gone for 100%, it would have put too much torque on the screws in my bones, and they could pull loose. He’s the expert. I may have screws loose up top, but would rather not have them in my back! 😁

This a piece from a previous pie.




I gave Gabopentin to a cat once. He was staggering around like a drunken sailor. I assume you do a bit better than that. Yummy pie.



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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thank you, Bryan. I love all pies, but my favorites in no particular order are coconut cream, apple, and custard. I baked a custard when my sister came to visit, and luck have it, was the best I’ve ever made. We sat down to eat it while still warm. My sister’s eyes nearly rolled back in her head! 😁 To this day, she carries on about that pie. I told her the other day I will never bake her another, because it could never again measure up.

Usually, if ever one doesn’t measure up, it’ll be when you bake one for company. Kind of like Murphy’s Law.


That's nice that the best pie ever, happened with your sister there.  My luck is, I make something really good and I start bragging about it, then make for guests and it never comes out as good as when I made it just for myself.  I love most all pies too but rarely make them, just not that great at baking and I know there is nothing as good as freshly baked homemade pie!

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On 30/06/2022 at 22:10, Bryan said:

We've had heavy rain recently with more forecast for today. This is good news for the gardens with peas, beans and soft fruit ripening. I ate the first pod of peas yesterday, taken raw, it would be a travesty to cook them !



We've had a lot of rain lately here too (Western Canada)  and the peas and beans are growing like crazy.. been munching peas right out of the garden... and, the blueberries are getting fat and juicy... yum!

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When the cat''s away the mouse will play, so being temporarily home alone I was able to warp out my bicycle and follow the coast to coast ex railway path up hill to Consett. I was unsure whether or not I would be able to make it, so took a packed lunch of home made pizza and an indulgent fruit bun made by a friend. As it transpired I made it without too much difficulty and could have dined at the famous, in these parts, Hownsgill tea room. However I sat on a seat adjacent to a preserved steelworks smelt wagon, and was joined by a married couple of modern day pilgrims who were following what was once an ancient track  between religious sites. The sun shone and I drifted happily back down the long hill to home. Riding a bike downhill is possibly the nearest sensation a human can get to gliding through the air, a!though the one time I had a trip in a glider I found the noise level to be disturbingly high, the bike was, in contrast, almost silent.

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16 hours ago, NYCat said:


I gave Gabopentin to a cat once. He was staggering around like a drunken sailor. I assume you do a bit better than that. Yummy pie.



It has never made me stagger. But after beginning it during my rehab (the place from hell) stay, I developed spasmodic movements in my hands. At the time, I was too ill to think about it other than to add it to the list of what all was wrong with me along with my sometimes blood pressure of 70s over 40s and severe anemia. Only recently I researched it and found the spasms were a side effect of Gabopentin. The spasms were much worse when I first was put on it.

Whatever was wrong with the cat that it needed that? Nerve issues?

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My sweet Barnaby had a cancer in the lining of the brain. It was thought the Gabapentin would make him more comfortable but he was too sensitive for it. Eventually he needed to go to kitty heaven, of course. His friend Possum is 16 years old and still with me.



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15 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


That's nice that the best pie ever, happened with your sister there.  My luck is, I make something really good and I start bragging about it, then make for guests and it never comes out as good as when I made it just for myself.  I love most all pies too but rarely make them, just not that great at baking and I know there is nothing as good as freshly baked homemade pie!

Well, it was the best custard pie I ever made. A funny story, years ago, my daughter and my first grandson (18 mo) came to visit us. Kim loves apple pie, so I made one using Granny Smith apples, and my special cinnamon-rich recipe. It turned out right up there with the best apple pie I ever made. We chowed down for lunch and the only thing we had was 1/4 of the pie each, with a glass of iced tea. Bob was at work. I saved him back 1/4 of the pie. Kim couldn’t get the leftover pie out of her mind, and a couple of hours later, she said, “Mom, if we eat the rest of the pie now, including Dad’s piece, I’ll help you make another.”

So we ate it. Rushed to the store, bought more apples and I set her the job of peeling and slicing them while I made the pastry.

Needless to say, neither of us partook of the second pie, but Bob ate his fill.

And no, neither of us were overweight. Mainly because I limited my baking to special times. When this same daughter was dating the guy she eventually married, the first time he had dinner with us, I served him a piece of pie that…of course…was 1/4 of the pie. His eyes bugged out, but he snarfed it down. His mother served slivers. Forever more and to this day, he would say, “I want a LaRue-sized piece of pie.”

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9 minutes ago, NYCat said:

My sweet Barnaby had a cancer in the lining of the brain. It was thought the Gabapentin would make him more comfortable but he was too sensitive for it. Eventually he needed to go to kitty heaven, of course. His friend Possum is 16 years old and still with me.




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Realised today that I have reached and just passed the 6000 images on Alamy mark.


Onwards and upwards.




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29 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

The central heating boiler was replaced the other day by a very competent company.  It's now in the loft.


Today I have the air conditioning unit on 🤣




Air conditioning? What's that?🤪




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58 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


Air conditioning? What's that?🤪





Confess we've had it on in the car recently, but, at home it's never really necessary living in these parts. 


Carol, I trust that you have carried out the necessary ceremony and sacrifices to ensure that your boiler has a long and happy life ?

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4 hours ago, Bryan said:


Confess we've had it on in the car recently, but, at home it's never really necessary living in these parts. 


Carol, I trust that you have carried out the necessary ceremony and sacrifices to ensure that your boiler has a long and happy life ?

I have the A/C on in the car all the time, at least a couple of garages told me ages ago, it's better for the car and I like to be cool.  The A/C I was referring to however was the one in the house, we have a unit upstairs that gets used occasionally and it does help a little.


The boiler, yes we had a goodbye ceremony for the outgoing boiler which was still functioning and the necessary ceremony for the new incoming one🤣The sacrifices were the £'s spent on the new one but after having done a great deal of research and getting several quotes, feel happy with the company we used.  Now hoping we have a cold winter here🤣



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10 hours ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

at least a couple of garages told me ages ago, it's better for the car

It's only good for the car insofar as it lubricates the compressor- a rather circular argument- but it's not very good for your fuel bill! Even a few percent. these days is money up the spout.

Academic for us as it's been empty for years- we always say (usually in autumn) that it's not worth fixing, then regret it (usually in high summer).

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There are big sales going on in department stores. I have 10 “littles” to Christmas shop for, and have 6 bought for as of this afternoon. 4 more to go. There were some clothes that originally was $20. Marked down to $6, then another 50% off. $3 ain’t bad to pay for something nice. That's just a sample of the bargains I’ve gotten.

I love bargains.

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