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Are Your Zooms Falling?

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I got one zoom on Friday and if it had not been for that my rolling number of zooms for the month would have been zero.


I can't see any obvious reason why this is happening, and quite widely, for there was a thread last month highlighting the same issue. Views have been on a slight but noticeable decline for me since April 2018 and there was an an expected dip in views over Christmas, but zooms have plummeted in the last eight weeks and been almost nil in the last four weeks. If Alamy are tweaking the search engine it doesn't seem to be showing up in BHZ, though my real life benchmark searches do show some up and down movement. 


Interestingly, though a slightly different topic, I note the number of images in the collection has gone down overnight by about 800,000.

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Mine are running about 60% of normal but remember the past month, over which rolling zooms are counted includes Christmas and the New Year - not only is this including the Bank Holidays themselves, but more importantly a period of at least 2 weeks where there is a severe reduction in image purchasing compared with normal weeks.


I would think in another month we will be able to make a more accurate assessment as to whether there is a problem and if so what it is



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I have also seen a fall in zooms, but not sure how much of an indication that would be. A reduction in sales would be a better indication. As I recall it, the zooms used for placement of images come from a select number of trusted Alamy customers only, to prevent contributers from going in and zooming their images to improve placement. The majority of my sales are from 'non zoomed' images, but I simply refuse to believe that the purchasers did not zoom in on the image before purchase. They just do not get registered because they are not in the 'trusted pool'.

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4 hours ago, Doc said:

but remember the past month, over which rolling zooms are counted includes Christmas and the New Year



I think the graph shows the zooms (CTR) calculated over the current month (not a rolling month) . So for January,  only New Year's day affects the data. 


My zooms are up at the moment. But in recent months my CTR has become much more unstable. Something's going on?





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18 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


Ah, the ways of the Alamy algorithm are ineffable...

I just hope if they tweak one area (zoom measurement) they protect other areas (effect of CTR on ranking) as I am getting concerned at a CTR of 0

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58 minutes ago, kay said:

Have just compared 1- 18 Jan 2018 to the same period this year - views and zooms and sales almost (spookily) identical

sales - identical

views - 92 more in 2019 

zooms - 1 fewer in 2019


I just did the same comparison for 1-18 January:


views -- 54 fewer in 2019

zooms - 7 fewer in 2019  (18 in 2018 vs. 11 in 2019)


So things have been a bit slower this Jan. Good month for sales so far, however.



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1 hour ago, wiskerke said:

Are your views holding up for all of you?

If you go to your Pseudonym Summary  it goes back 1 year and the current month.

So the whole of 2018 is still present until the end of the month.

Views per day or per week can vary a lot, it's more stable over a month's time.



Jan 1 to 18 2018

Views 8792

Zooms 46


Jan 1 to 18 2019

Views 7169

Zooms 17

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2 hours ago, John Mitchell said:

Only 11 zooms so far this month. I think it's probably just a seasonal dip. I find that zooms tend to pick up as the year goes on and then taper off into Nov. and Dec.

Then again, the world might be scheduled to come to an end in 2019. B)

Any idea where  would be the best place to get some shots?

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My zooms started crashing in December and then sank to nothing at the start of January.  They have picked up from about a week ago, but the crash two months ago seems to have led to very low sales this month so far. 

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Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
"Wenn die Welt untergeht, so ziehe ich nach Mecklenburg, denn dort geschieht alles 50 Jahre später."

In Holland it's very often quoted as If the world ends, I would go to Holland etc.

So according to Heine you should go to Mecklenburg, not Holland.

There seems to be a similar (mis)quote about things in the UK happening 30 years later.

So Mecklenburg still wins.


My numbers:


01-Jan-2018 - 18-Jan-2018
Total Views for wim wiskerke     :     4,584
Total Zooms for wim wiskerke     :     33
Average CTR for wim wiskerke     :     0.80
Total CTR for wim wiskerke     :     0.72
Average CTR on Alamy for last month     :     0.55  (from my own data)
Sales (Licenses): 22


01-Jan-2019 - 18-Jan-2019
Total Views for wim wiskerke     :     4,074
Total Zooms for wim wiskerke     :     43
Average CTR for wim wiskerke     :     1.77
Total CTR for wim wiskerke     :     1.06
Average CTR on Alamy for last month     :     0.55
Sales (Licenses): 17


This month my zooms have been as high as they used to be 2 years ago. But they have been a lot lower over the last couple of days.



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