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Well, that looks like a wrap for 2017.  A step down from 2016 for me.

Here are my number of sales since 2006.  I could be forgiven for thinking in 2012 when I retired that stock sales would help my retirement income considerably.  Didn't work out that way and since 2012 the exponential growth in sales numbers, or steady growth in sales amounts vanished.

Here is the trend for sales numbers:





And gross income:



2017 was my worst year since starting in 2006.


Anyone else seeing the same picture?

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I had 33 sales for a gross total of $1,773 for 2017. Last year, I had 43 sales for $2200 .. but before that, my yearly sales were around 12.


I add around 100-200 photos a year .. but with the last two years, it's really motivating to upload more.

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Those figures make depressing reading Reimar, you obviously benefited greatly during the good years, but, as prices have fallen, seen a hit.


I was not fortunate enough to have a sizeable collection then, and have only substantially grown my port in the last 5 or so years. As a result, I am still seeing growth in sales numbers and gross revenue, but there is considerable variance from month to month and I am very aware that my improving income has been the result of a limited number of high value leases than may or may not transpire next year.  Up until this month my sales volume was down on last year and looked to be remaining that way, but December has been kind to me.


The annual figures; sales volume 215 up by 7.5%, gross revenue up by 19%. 


So something to celebrate today, but who knows what will happen next year.....


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Not quite a wrap here, but as it stands 2017 will be my best year volume-wise with 136 sales. compared to 119 in 2016. However, my 2017 gross income is slightly lower than 2016's and over 30% less than my best year's (2014).


For me, the biggest culprit has been the steady decline in the number of $100+ licenses.


Still, I'm a happy camper. Thanks again, Alamy.





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My charts, with an average return per download chart added. As in another thread, it's not telling the whole story, as this year's 92 includes 21 unreported DM group uses back as far as 2011, but billed at last this year for much lower than they would have been back then. I really can't face putting these back into the correct years, so this is as it stands:



I note from other threads that most others have much bigger RPDs than me, and Alamy claims $50 (gross) average (mine is half that this year). Are those with higher RPDs opted out of the UKNS?

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2016    3 sales for a gross of $104.97        3 RM & 1 RF sale


2017    3 sales for a gross of $89.53          1 RM & 2 RF sale


Nothing can be concluded from my stats other than I need to get better at this craft and produce high quality editorial content, not just quantity for quantity sake.


Happy New Year everyone,




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# of Alamy stock sales

2014 = 57

2015 = 63

2016 = 57

2017 = 64


# of iPhone sales

2014 to 2017 = 64 

Update: Make that 65 iPhone sales, had one more today!


Very consistent numbers. 


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10 hours ago, AlbertSnapper said:

Too early to comment yet.


Just had a sale pop up in the Net Revenue Sales Report (Friday evening 21.00 GMT).


Two more days to go. 2017 isn't finished yet !

I had two small ones appear in Net Revenue Sales  this morning.

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6 hours ago, ReeRay said:

2017 has been my best year since joining Alamy in 2008. Both sales and revenue up 70%. I'm happy the way things are looking. 


A 70% increase in one year is huge for someone who has been contributing for nearly 10 years. Did you change your strategy in recent years?


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A good year for me. I only really got serious with stock two years ago and during that time I’ve uploaded about 1000 images. Having attended one of Keith’s excellent seminars (Red Snapper, I actually touched his Stock Photography bible!), putting into practice what I picked up there, and then joining and scouring this forum (which is full of brilliant advice) I’ve seen a big increase in sales this year. I’m still updating my back catalogue with stronger captioning, better keywording and thinning out similars but the target is to get 2000 images online by this time next year. 


A big thank you and prosperous new year to everyone at Alamy and to all the regular contributors in these forums. So...


2017 - 33 sales for $1522 which works at out $46 per sale


compared to:


2016 - 12 sales for $338 which works out at $28 per sale

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16 minutes ago, Southpole said:

Some people seem to do well with small portfolios and other with large portfolios are struggling I struggle with my 4409 images will try and to to 6000 images in 2018


Most of these small portfolios with impressive sales numbers are from contributors that have been on Alamy for a long time and use a very tightly edited strategy. For example it might take them 10 years to add 2000 images. So they've gone for extreme quality over quantity. At the other end you get the 5000 to 10,000 a year contributors.


I think it is debatable which approach produces that best sales totals. 

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