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Dumbo and the new forum

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I am guessing somebody will it's obvious just do this!


When I want to leave the forum how do I get back to Alamy home page.Previously I used to click on the Alamy logo, top left of the page. But now it just takes me to the forum homepage.

Many thanks

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It does seem odd to have ALAMY go to the forums since you can click Forums to go to the forums. I have Alamy on my favorites bar in Safari and have been in the habit of using that so nothing really changes for me but I can see that it should be possible to do it from within the forum.



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1 hour ago, Avpics said:

I set Chrome to open six of my most visited pages on start up, including Alamy and the forum. Saves a lot of time.


I do the same.  The two Alamy pages I open are My Dashboard and the forum.



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9 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

So "Dumbo" is what? . . . the young flying elephant? An area of Brooklyn? A person of less than superior intellect? 

Well, there were doubts but after reading these replies I am now certain it is number 3. I already have Alamy as a favourite so why not the forum duh!

Thanks all for your replies.

7 hours ago, Foreign Export said:

or just leave it as it was - because it worked

Er yes.

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10 hours ago, JeffGreenberg said:

Annoying*, but 2 steps:


a. click "Contact Us" bottom of page

b. click on "Alamy" upper left


*first ever use of 72pt font in Alamy's own forum???


Thanks. Brilliant discovery. Now that's real progress.

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Don't be too negative - this can happen by accident. As has been noted before, it can be easy to click a red/green arrow in error, especially when using certain hardware devices.  Funnily enough, I'm sure that I clicked a red arrow in error the other day, but then was still able to click a green arrow for the same post in order to correct my error. Is that possible? Never seen it before! One 'vote' has always (correctly) removed the option to vote again. 


EDIT: feel free to test this on my post here - no grudges will be held if it's not possible to reverse a red light against me!!! 

I'd be interested to know the results.

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Dear Alamy, can the main Alamy link be changed to direct us back to the main Alamy site and not the forum.

this would help. thank you. Adrian 

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2 hours ago, Ace said:

Dear Alamy, can the main Alamy link be changed to direct us back to the main Alamy site and not the forum.

this would help. thank you. Adrian 


Under Suggestions and Ideas there is a topic section for the forum. Alamy looks at the posts in that Suggestions and Ideas area more regularly than they look here.



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There have been so many posts regarding these ridiculous red and green buttons. I do not suppose for one minute that Alamy will remove them but I really wish they would.

Are we all so needy that we seek confirmation to our posts by the number of green arrows we receive?

I personally never look to see if I have received any red or green thingy's, as I truly don't give a damn.

This is a very helpful and polite forum (generally) so let's not get overly concerned if some a...hole keeps giving reds. The world is full of idiots, fortunately, not many of them reside here. 

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21 minutes ago, arterra said:


True, but it gives a funny feeling knowing that someone here hates your guts and you dunno why. I do realize I stepped on many - especially newbies' - toes because I say things as they are (which is probably not always what some like to hear :mellow:).

Ah well, would be much better if only green ones could be handed out. I regard them as little tokens of gratitude when you helped a fellow contributor. If I strongly disagree with someone, I rather say so instead of giving a cowardly red one -_-




Yes I understand almost like somebody is stalking you:angry:


I understand the feeling of gratitude and that is when the greenies are useful. Whenever I have received help etc, I have always tried to post a thank you. A little more effort, yes, but shows more appreciation I think.         Don't mind me anyway I am just a grumpy old git.


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6 hours ago, Trevor Chriss said:

There have been so many posts regarding these ridiculous red and green buttons. I do not suppose for one minute that Alamy will remove them but I really wish they would.

Are we all so needy that we seek confirmation to our posts by the number of green arrows we receive?

I personally never look to see if I have received any red or green thingy's, as I truly don't give a damn.

This is a very helpful and polite forum (generally) so let's not get overly concerned if some a...hole keeps giving reds. The world is full of idiots, fortunately, not many of them reside here. 

Hey! I've just given you a greenie for that! ??

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On 6/24/2017 at 13:25, arterra said:


Lately, I received loads of red ones by one coward. On my request, Alamy has identified that mollusk and given him/her (Alamy didn't tell me the name) a warning. So, there are indeed scurvy morons out there, too cowardly to tell what the problem is. 

Would be great to see again under each thread who's online, watching that particular thread (and see being given green or reds in real time).





Maybe it's visible here: http://discussion.alamy.com/index.php?/online/ ?



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I've got bookmarks for each, easiest way especially if you want to check your stats or something to reply to a question in the forum. 


I find the new forum itself very annoying to use. When I click on new content I get it in order of comments rather than seeing each discussion - it seems disorganized to me but getting used to it.


Between having my image use parameters - e.g. editorial only set the wrong way - some set so they can't be licensed at all - odd keywords clumped together - triples from phrases - weird choices sometimes for supertags - I'm feeling curmudgeonly about all these changes - they're ok for adding new stuff but the fact that I need to go back through 9 years of photos to check and revise - after many other times having done this - adding quotes around phrases, then deleting them, etc. With about 950 images it seems like a royal pain - how you all can mange with thousands I can't imagine. 

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1 minute ago, arterra said:


Very simple. I don't bother <_< I only have two hands and there are only 24 hours in a day. I just concentrate on new stuff. No time to look back.





Makes sense. Better to get new stuff online. I just hated finding photos that couldn't be licensed because the wrong things were ticked but you're right, so much else to do, revising old stuff seems like it should be at the bottom of the priority list. 

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