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On 6/24/2017 at 13:25, arterra said:


Lately, I received loads of red ones by one coward. On my request, Alamy has identified that mollusk and given him/her (Alamy didn't tell me the name) a warning. So, there are indeed scurvy morons out there, too cowardly to tell what the problem is. 

Would be great to see again under each thread who's online, watching that particular thread (and see being given green or reds in real time).





Where can you see red ones?



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5 minutes ago, arterra said:


I got red ones in even old posts from months ago, got red ones for posts where I already got greens (so they lessen by one), and lots of recent reds have been "cancelled" by good people on this forum. Even got reds in the "Favourite images" threads :rolleyes: but those are also cancelled. Alamy could see that this lunatic gave me 9 reds. My guess is at least 20. 

Ah well, he/she had her little fun :rolleyes:





But can you actually see one? And where?

With the old forum skin or theme on your profile page you would just click the reputation box, I seem to remember. Now I only see the green ones as a tiny green +1 in the list with the (15?) recent posts.

Or further back in the list that you get when clicking on the See my activity button.

That list goes back to April 2013.

(Where my first post was simply: +1 and I even got a greenie for that.)


I do get it that a red would first remove a greenie. And that it will probably show if there has not been a greenie to begin with. So this one contributor must have given you 9 or 20 reds on different posts, which had no greenie.

Afaik there is a max to the amount of reds and greens one is allowed per day.

Contrary to most I do think that if we have greens we also should have reds. And I have used them as well. Probably 5 or 6 in all those years. Reds that is.

And I think they should be visible next to the greens.

The reputation box that was clickable was quite elegant.


So where do you see those reds at the moment? Do you have to scan all your posts?



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So to see how many reds you have, you have to scan all your old posts?


Btw Jeff is exactly half way to 666 I noticed.


> If you’re seeing this number often, the universe is sending energy your way.




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3 hours ago, arterra said:

Love you, Jeff :wub:



Sanders from Flanders

Where's mine? I gave you a greenie, too. 

On that note, Philippe, yes, you are blunt. Sometimes you deliver your advice with a ball bat rather than with a velvet glove. But you tell it like it is, and I usually have no quarrel with what you say. 

Just don't swing that bat at me!! 

Hell hath no fury like a woman.....BATTED! :angry:


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"It seems that Alamy photographers are far more worried about whether they get 'red' votes or not than whether agencies are stripping them of their rights to be regarded as Rights Holders and be paid for secondary uses of their images - see my thread about ISBN numbers. 


We are all facing losing out on our DACs payments and to me that is far more important than if somebody wants to vote me down in the forum.


Just saying.....:("


Hi Ian,


I don't remember seeing this thread on ISSN/DACS but always prepared to discuss this subject as I have more to loose than most.- and its far more interesting than how many red spots one has accrued deserved or not!



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The above link will find you the ISSN of magazines. The ISSN is the same every month so you just find it once.


I used this link to find all uk mags. It takes time but with about 15000 uses in about 150 different magazines I did not expect it to be easy. I assumed that if the title is not listed on CLA site then it does not count. Also you need to match the ISBN on the CLA site exactly -a bar code or even that printed on a copy mag may not be valid. I managed to track down about 90% of uses fairly easily.


Books is a different matter and I found a lot of modern books by renowned authors were not listed on the site.


Hope this helps for next year!





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We're closing this thread as it has been severely de-railed onto other subjects. 


For the reputation "agree" / "disagree" arrows we've been over this many many times - we firmly believe it helps maintain a professional dialogue and they will be staying.


For DACS / Picsel issues, keep this to it's own thread.


For the Alamy link at the top of the forum not going to the Alamy homepage (the actual point of this thread!), we've now fixed this.





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