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All much the same for me, i cannot see any changes,  the corporate agencies still seem to be running within the 1st 10 images on the first page,  even though some of their keywords are irrelevant to the given images, kinda makes me wonder how the ranking system works,  i have a sneaky suspicion it is more to do with quantity of sales than perfect key wording to get into the top 10.

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Sorry for the question, but, how do you know your ranking or your psedonyms ranking?

By using the BHZ game?


Put BHZ at the start of the essential keywords in ONE image per pseudonym. After tomorrow's update find your image by searching BHZ with page set to 100.  It only gives you an idea of where you are ranked and is most useful if you have more than one pseudo so you can see how they compare. 

Alamy doesn't really approve of the BHZ game and many will say it's a waste of time compared to doing real searches but many others find it useful, myself included.



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Sorry for the question, but, how do you know your ranking or your psedonyms ranking?

By using the BHZ game?


Put BHZ at the start of the essential keywords in ONE image per pseudonym. After tomorrow's update find your image by searching BHZ with page set to 100.  It only gives you an idea of where you are ranked and is most useful if you have more than one pseudo so you can see how they compare. 

Alamy doesn't really approve of the BHZ game and many will say it's a waste of time compared to doing real searches but many others find it useful, myself included.




Thank you Pearl,

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My worst pseudonym is now my best ... and vice versa. 


Oh, my brain hurts. 


Same here, Very strange... :angry:  :(  :huh:





Very strange indeed. Dropped from page two to ................... bloody nine  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Contacted MS. Doesn't look right at all. The drop is certainly not in accordance to my sales / daily uploads / steady CTR.



Philippe (NOT amused!)



I know that on at least 1 previous occasion they got the ranking wrong and re did it. 


Will be interesting to hear MS response....



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All much the same for me, i cannot see any changes,  the corporate agencies still seem to be running within the 1st 10 images on the first page,  even though some of their keywords are irrelevant to the given images, kinda makes me wonder how the ranking system works,  i have a sneaky suspicion it is more to do with quantity of sales than perfect key wording to get into the top 10.


Where do you see agencies in 1-10?

I don't even see those under the Creative tab.


There are some agencies that have bhz for a couple of their contributors, but not a whole lot.

There are some individual contributors that have agency status. Some by coincidence (things were not that clear at the start) some because they have images from assistants; wives or children (David Kilpatrick comes to mind).

And then there are a couple of individual contributors that look like an agency. Either by producing huge amounts of images or by having a huge amount of pseudo's. Or by having a agency-like name, like artpartner-images.com or eye35.pix. Both just individual photographers AFAIK and easily identifiable with only minor googling.


Now why some are overtaking others, that is the million dollar question.

People with more than one pseudo, where the worst pseudo overtakes the best, are in a very good position to find out why that has happened. May they share their knowledge with us.


People with BME or even BYE, are being overtaken by others that have done even better. I see some of those, who are not present in BHZ, overtake me in real searches. And very quickly too. I've noticed two of those come from the micro's and are taking Alamy by storm. If you watch the monthly Found Images threads closely, you will have probably seen a couple more already.


Now for the hard part: can we/I do something about it?

Why are they selling better and coming up higher on my best subjects? Simple answer: clients like their images more.

Now that's a very big OOOOOPS.




edit: disclaimer I have no idea if David has agency status. He does have a wife and children who are also photographers or have been at some point.

You probably know the feeling: my wife standing next to me with her phone makes a better image then I do. Or at the end of the day, has far more interesting images to show. Oops again.

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People with more than one pseudo, where the worst pseudo overtakes the best, are in a very good position to find out why that has happened. May they share their knowledge with us.




Happened to me, but I have absolutely no idea why/how...Just doesn't make sense.  :blink:



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People with more than one pseudo, where the worst pseudo overtakes the best, are in a very good position to find out why that has happened. May they share their knowledge with us.




Happened to me, but I have absolutely no idea why/how...Just doesn't make sense.  :blink:





A simple proxy is the amount of views divided by sales (of one pseudo).

It's not perfect, but a good number that you have easily access to and can check on a monthly basis. Even daily, if you sell enough.

Think of it as CTR for sales ;-)

It's definitely not one on one with rank though. But it will show your progress very easily and quite accurately.

With Pseudonym Summary, you can even plot the numbers for each month or week for the past year.




edit: Err.. not just progress...


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People with more than one pseudo, where the worst pseudo overtakes the best, are in a very good position to find out why that has happened. May they share their knowledge with us.




Happened to me, but I have absolutely no idea why/how...Just doesn't make sense.  :blink:





A simple proxy is the amount of views divided by sales (of one pseudo).

It's not perfect, but a good number that you have easily access to and can check on a monthly basis. Even daily, if you sell enough.

Think of it as CTR for sales ;-)

It's definitely not one on one with rank though. But it will show your progress very easily and quite accurately.

With Pseudonym Summary, you can even plot the numbers for each month or week for the past year.




edit: Err.. not just progress...




OK, With figures from 1/7/2015 to date:


Number 1 Psuedo: Views/Sales = 1557.37

Number 2 Pseudo: Views/Sales = 5119


Still don't see the How/Why of reversal of Pseudo position....



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My worst pseudonym is now my best ... and vice versa. 


Oh, my brain hurts. 


Same here, Very strange... :angry:  :(  :huh:





Very strange indeed. Dropped from page two to ................... bloody nine  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Contacted MS. Doesn't look right at all. The drop is certainly not in accordance to my sales / daily uploads / steady CTR.



Philippe (NOT amused!)



I know that on at least 1 previous occasion they got the ranking wrong and re did it. 


Will be interesting to hear MS response....





Got an answer from MS. Sit down 'cause you ain't gonna believe it: I should keyword better  :blink:


"The key to success on Alamy is to have a well edited and well keyworded collection to make sure the right images are appearing in front of the right customer."


I N C R E D I B L E !!!!!

They sure know how to demotivate people.





Sounds like major avoidance of looking at the problem and just giving out stock answer.... :ph34r:


Not good....



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If I do the BHZ, I have dropped from page 5 to 9 and there are 3155.  Yet if I do a search for CN tower, the first one I noticed of mine was on page 5 and there are almost 5,000 images of the tower.  So how does that make any sense?



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