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Older images...do yours sell?

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Just curious.  I mentioned in another thread that perhaps a portion of my portfolio taken and uploaded years ago would probably not pass QC by today's standards.


My last two sales are from 2007 and 2009.  Somebody dug deep for those.  One had been zoomed a few times but never sold, but one had never been zoomed or sold.


Looking at your last handful of sales, how many are from 5 years or beyond old?  



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Pretty well all my sales in last 2 years are from 2007 or earlier, a fair few much earlier and from film. Most exceptions were from 2009. Prior to that I did have some images from 2011/12 sell. That is partly because I went a bit quiet until 2013.


It will be interesting to see if the new efforts I have been making in last year or so will pay off.

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I only started in 2009, but my best year for this year's sales is 2012 (half of sales) followed by last year(about a third). I've yet to sell an image taken this year, but this may have something to do with 6 months in the sinbin.

I'm sure it depends on the content. I have very few DT searches and barely 5% of sales were in the year the image was taken.

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In the past three months, including November, half my sales were from images captured in the past 1.5 years and the other half dates back to my first two years. It's interesting that the best prices Alamy arranged were $180 (taken in 2007) and $235 (taken in 2006). 


I don't think 'somebody dug deep,' Betty. More likely, your keywording was good and led them to your pics. I would never delete an image because of its age. 

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I have the same problem, no sales from 15 months ago. I think the idea for mantain possibilities of sell something is upload some "fresh meat" every 3 months at most, but the problem is how the search algorithm work. and when I upload some pics with another poind of view of some location NEVER before seen, fast, very fast, I see a lot of similars from anothers guys, AMAZING :)


this is an exemple:



and another:


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These replies are proving a point.  And guys, remember, these are images taken with older gear, usually, and developed with software that doesn't compare with what we have now! 


A lot of my older images had noise in the sky or shadows, and I routinely had to use selective noise reduction on them.  I had noise software for that.(what was that, Noise Ninja?)


Now LR and PS takes care of it, besides the fact that most of us now have cameras that handle noise 10 times better than the older cameras.  Plus with the older gear, I often had to do color correction, and seldom have to do that now.


On a promising note, I did have zooms today of new (last couple of months) images. 

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Looking for images that the newspapers have used I often see those with an Alamy reference starting with A, so from the early days I guess.


Personally, I have sold a few shots, dating back to the 1970s, of things long gone, wish I had  been more active with the camera then!

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Of the sales so far this mth:


2008 - 1

2009 - 3

2010 - 1

2011 - 1

2012 - 3

2013 - 3

2014 - 3


to be honest, unusual not to have sold anything from 2004-2007


member since 2004



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I've been on Alamy for just a year and a half so I have a question for contributors with more experience.


Does it take time for a portfolio to "age" and begin producing regular sales?  In other words, will 2000 images all posted within the last year produce as many sales as the same 2000 images posted say 5 years ago?


Also, it sounds like I should start going through my thousands of old slides and negatives from the past 60-70 years (some from my parents and grandparents).  I even have some that are probably 100 years old.  And what about all the old videos from the 50's and 60's?  "I'm thinking there might be gold in them thar boxes!" 

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I license or do hundreds of print sales in various outlets including my  own sites every year of older images.


Today we sold 2 prints and 9 licenses for images for 1978,1981,1990 images.



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I've been on Alamy for just a year and a half so I have a question for contributors with more experience.


Does it take time for a portfolio to "age" and begin producing regular sales?  In other words, will 2000 images all posted within the last year produce as many sales as the same 2000 images posted say 5 years ago?


Also, it sounds like I should start going through my thousands of old slides and negatives from the past 60-70 years (some from my parents and grandparents).  I even have some that are probably 100 years old.  And what about all the old videos from the 50's and 60's?  "I'm thinking there might be gold in them thar boxes!" 


Tough question to answer because it depends on the subject matter and whether or not there is a demand for it. When I started uploading to Alamy in 2007, I literally began making sales right away; and they increased steadily as I added more images. If I were beginning today, I'm sure it would be a much different story due to increased competition (an understatement). Having said that, it does seem to take some images a while to "age." Can't think of a rational explanation for this phenomenon, though. The marketplace works in mysterious ways.


P.S. I too am planning to submit a lot more oldies but goodies (hopefully) this winter, assuming that my geriatric scanner doesn't decide to give up the ghost.

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Last two months I've licensed images taken on....


September 21, 2014 (fastest I've ever licensed an image)

April 22, 2014

October 23, 2011

July 9, 2012

March 11, 2007


Oldest licensed image that has been licensed this year was taken on October 7, 2006

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Out of my last 10 sales, half were shot prior to 2002, including one from 1987. My oldest Alamy sale is from 1979 but these older images were only uploaded in the past few years. I presume these older images sold, mostly, because they're old and there's an historic factor.



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