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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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9 minutes ago, Dave Richards said:

There is a 20 mph speed limit at a school in our town centre. Had an idiot two feet off my tail flashing his headlights and blasting his horn. He decided to pass me and in doing so went the wrong side of a traffic island and keep left bollard. I followed him and he was doing the same thing to another car in front. I followed further and he twigged I was doing so and he then started ducking down side roads in an attempt to shake me off. I could tell he was getting rattled. He eventually ran down a cul-de-sac.

I left him to it. Since then I have decided to get front and rear dash cams fitted. The next b*****d that does something like that may find themselves having a difficult conversation with a policeman.


They are useful. I fitted front and rear dash cams some years ago. Sometimes when another driver is tailgating me they seem to see the rear dash cam in a few seconds and drop back to a more reasonable distance.  Still get the odd one like a couple of days ago who stuck to my tail for a couple of miles. He was either not very observant or just plain stupid. He/she was in a vehicle and maybe could not see the dash cam.  I have an estate car and the dash cam is, of necessity, fitted to the top edge of the opening.




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1 hour ago, Allan Bell said:


They are useful. I fitted front and rear dash cams some years ago. Sometimes when another driver is tailgating me they seem to see the rear dash cam in a few seconds and drop back to a more reasonable distance.  Still get the odd one like a couple of days ago who stuck to my tail for a couple of miles. He was either not very observant or just plain stupid. He/she was in a vehicle and maybe could not see the dash cam.  I have an estate car and the dash cam is, of necessity, fitted to the top edge of the opening.




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edit: Amazon too:


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4 hours ago, spacecadet said:

That's odd because the government figures show a very small reduction on 2020 and a reduction of 22% from the 2017-19 average.



Perhaps it would be helpful to include sources when making this sort of comment, particularly when drawing conclusions.

BBC web news, relating to a Panorama program. Can't find the original now but I assume referring to this programme.

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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


  Still get the odd one like a couple of days ago who stuck to my tail for a couple of miles. He was either not very observant or just plain stupid.





 Stupid, on both counts !

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11 minutes ago, Bryan said:

BBC web news, relating to a Panorama program.

 Difficult to decide before the show is even transmitted, and to be fair to you you did say rate rather than number of deaths, but an increase in the fatality rate (fatalities per mile driven) could surely be due simply to a reduction in short journeys in the pandemic. Rate is an arithmetical calculation- it may have nothing to do with the reduced number of journeys.

Without seeing the evidence on accident causes and so on, how can you draw conclusions?

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32 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

Let's tip our hats to the British woman who gave her life on the remote island of Tonga to try to save her dogs. Risking your life to save lesser creatures is a noble deed. 




Noble yes but foolish according to the Fire Brigades.   Apparently the number of times members of the public have tried to rescue animals/pets from a situation and have been trapped themselves and lost their lives while the animal they tried to rescue freed itself shortly after and was unharmed.  It seems to happen most with thin ice on deep water.




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Really minor, but...


Spent the entire day getting the family up and on the mountain, skiing, and all I did was to walk across the parking lot.

Never once clicked into my skis.  Bad day, but I've had worse......racing next weekend......,



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2 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


Joke and yoke and foreign folk from way way out of town? Sorry 'bout this rhyming thing--I'm acting like a clown. 🤪


Don't stop!

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Woke up this morning and found our 3 beautiful black and gold koi fish all dead in our pond😟 We've had them for maybe 15 years or more from when they were very small and they had beautiful markings on them.  Very strange that all 3 should go to fish heaven on the same day.  We will now drain the pond and decide what to do with it next.  I am thinking no more fishes just lots of plants for wildlife - well that will be another project, the pond is quite deep about 4ft so will need to decide on how best to proceed.  RIP fish....



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1 hour ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Woke up this morning and found our 3 beautiful black and gold koi fish all dead in our pond😟 We've had them for maybe 15 years or more from when they were very small and they had beautiful markings on them.  Very strange that all 3 should go to fish heaven on the same day.  We will now drain the pond and decide what to do with it next.  I am thinking no more fishes just lots of plants for wildlife - well that will be another project, the pond is quite deep about 4ft so will need to decide on how best to proceed.  RIP fish....



That's devastating.........I'd be thinking about an external cause. No way do they die naturally on the same day.

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26 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

That's devastating.........I'd be thinking about an external cause. No way do they die naturally on the same day.

Yes it's very strange, slight update O/H has put the last one in a large bin filled with water as he's just about alive but alas I don't think he's going to make it either.  Not sure what external cause could be as our pond has always had mesh over it to stop the Herons, could be something contaminated the water though not sure what as in the winter they don't have hardly any food.  There is always a pump going full-time also so yes it's a bit of a mystery for sure☹️  The pond was dug especially for them as well as they outgrew the original one but l.......


I'm now thinking of making the pond just for lots and lots of plants but it will need some sort of reconstruction as I think it's a bit deep at the moment....



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59 minutes ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

Yes it's very strange, slight update O/H has put the last one in a large bin filled with water as he's just about alive but alas I don't think he's going to make it either.  Not sure what external cause could be as our pond has always had mesh over it to stop the Herons, could be something contaminated the water though not sure what as in the winter they don't have hardly any food.  There is always a pump going full-time also so yes it's a bit of a mystery for sure☹️  The pond was dug especially for them as well as they outgrew the original one but l.......


I'm now thinking of making the pond just for lots and lots of plants but it will need some sort of reconstruction as I think it's a bit deep at the moment....




Oh dear, Sad story !


We used to have Golden Orfe in our garden pond, but, over the years the, presumably, herons took them all.  It's now inhabited by very cautious frogs and various plants, although a few newts would be very welcome. Our friend down the road has newts in his pond, but they appear unwilling to make the journey a few hundred yards further north.

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I half-way fell for phishing emails purportedly from Apple this morning. I say half-way because I was aware I should not call the phone number provided but I did click a link and put in my Apple ID and password. Oh nonononoo. The encouraging thing is that when I tried to log in to my Apple account a few minutes later to change my password it would not accept that old password so they apparently already knew about those criminals and were invalidating keywords on their site. I'd had my password for decades and am sorry to lose it but grateful that nothing worse happened. I hadn't had my coffee but I guess that's not really a good excuse.



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21 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I half-way fell for phishing emails purportedly from Apple this morning. I say half-way because I was aware I should not call the phone number provided but I did click a link and put in my Apple ID and password. Oh nonononoo. The encouraging thing is that when I tried to log in to my Apple account a few minutes later to change my password it would not accept that old password so they apparently already knew about those criminals and were invalidating keywords on their site. I'd had my password for decades and am sorry to lose it but grateful that nothing worse happened. I hadn't had my coffee but I guess that's not really a good excuse.



Do you need to turn up your spam filters to 11? I get vanishingly little from Gmail and Thunderbird bags the, mostly harmless, rest. It rarely makes a mistake.

It's a treat to watch them vanishing from my iphone email.

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