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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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12 hours ago, aphperspective said:

Last month had a filling in a tooth cavity which made the problem worse, finally gave in today went back to the dentist and had the thing pulled, never trust an ivory poacher. 😒 I recon he just wanted the metal back.    


They are beyond expensive, but the implants are great. I have one on each side and hope they are the last I'll need. Just like a "real" tooth.



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9 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

You probably could have saved it with a root canal, but you’d need to sell a kidney to finance it. Oh, maybe not your country, just mine if I had no insurance. I have had it done and the copay is still high. I sold a toe.

The tooth butcher said a root canal might or might not work, the fee would pay of a small African Nations debt!!!. Its back a bit in the mouth so not showing anyway.

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Having repaired our garden bench I filled some cracks and holes in the wood and gave it a coat of varnish. Then the temperature plummeted, looks like it's going to be in single figures (degC) for the foreseeable future, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish the job. There is no minimum temperature limit on the tin, but it's generally 10 degC for most paint finishes. I did contemplate carrying the bench into the kitchen, but I don't want the house to be filled with the smell of paint.


And while I'm here, my second computer monitor packed up last night. I've no idea if it is the monitor (which is getting on a bit) or the video card. Further, Google Chrome appears to be locked into the second monitor, so I can't use my favourite browser. Presumably there is a software fix for this.....


Finally we've been working our way through our tax returns, and struggling to find the requisite information on  my wife's work pension. In the past they would send a piece of paper with an annual statement but now you have to register with a web site and search for the information. After much hassle we registered but then couldn't access the site. Couldn't get past the Forgotten Password stage. I've mailed them asking for the necessary information, but suspect that this will be a forlorn hope.


Edit - switched the computer on this morning and both monitors working, no idea why one of them went off last night.




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5 hours ago, Bryan said:

Edit - switched the computer on this morning and both monitors working, no idea why one of them went off last night.


You were working it too hard and it fancied a bit of time off.






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All issues near resolution or resolved.


Varnished bench, it was warm enough in our south facing garage. Another coat should finish the job.


Gremlins appear to be lurking within the plug or socket supplying power to the monitor. I'll take the plug apart today, and check the socket extension.


Received an e-mail from my wife's pension provider with an annual statement for tax purposes. Reading the small print you can request an annual printed statement, rather than rely upon their web site. Just as well as we've still not been able to access it.


Gas fitter agreed to take a look at our boiler on Wednesday.


Took a photo of the full moon yesterday morning, incredibly bright in a blue sky. Using a 300 mm lens (450 equivalent), not good enough to upload here, but got an interested response on social media. I've also got a 500 mm mirror lens, but experience has shown that better results are to be had from the telephoto.


Finally made a scrumptious fish pie with embedded spinach leaves from the allotment. I first started to grow spinach a couple of years ago and had never previously eaten it, just wondering how many more food innovations I've time for before signing off for good !





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4 hours ago, Bryan said:

Gremlins appear to be lurking within the plug or socket supplying power to the monitor. I'll take the plug apart today, and check the socket extension.

Bryan, my Dell monitor has regularly stopped working for years if the power cable is in the wrong position.  Currently solved by pulling the cable towards the centre arm of the stand and holding in place with a piece of string. 

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7 hours ago, Bryan said:

I've also got a 500 mm mirror lens, but experience has shown that better results are to be had from the telephoto.


I tried a mirror lens years ago and agree with you telephoto is better.




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When I would go on an assignment to a location where a long lens was needed, I used to take the Nikon 500mm mirror lens. The circles in this image are what happens when it's out of focus. That mirror lens was very light compared to a quality 400mm tele. This pic is a sandwich. 



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3 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


When I would go on an assignment to a location where a long lens was needed, I used to take the Nikon 500mm mirror lens. The circles in this image are what happens when it's out of focus. That mirror lens was very light compared to a quality 400mm tele. This pic is a sandwich. 




MMmmm! Don't recognise the flavour but nice.




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9 hours ago, Sue Norwood said:

Bryan, my Dell monitor has regularly stopped working for years if the power cable is in the wrong position.  Currently solved by pulling the cable towards the centre arm of the stand and holding in place with a piece of string. 


Thanks Sue, I think that the problem lies where the cable plug enters the monitor, it's an old Acer but still working fine as a second monitor. My main monitor is an old  Dell, but that has never given any cable trouble.  Both monitors were inherited from previous PC setups - waste not want not.  I've used 2 monitors for years now, and would hate to go back to having only one. 

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23 hours ago, Sue Norwood said:

Currently solved by pulling the cable towards the centre arm of the stand and holding in place with a piece of string. 

Assuming it's mains voltage and not a transformer, arcing may be degrading the contacts and it will probably get more and more intermittent until it packs up completely. Maybe time to have a look and get the soldering iron out.

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12 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Assuming it's mains voltage and not a transformer, arcing may be degrading the contacts and it will probably get more and more intermittent until it packs up completely. Maybe time to have a look and get the soldering iron out.

It's been like it for over 4 years now, so long as I don't touch/move the cable to the mains it's fine.  

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17 hours ago, Sue Norwood said:

It's been like it for over 4 years now, so long as I don't touch/move the cable to the mains it's fine.  


In time - smoulder - BANG - Fire.




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Speaking of wires .


Oh almost (if I didn’t read forum posts.. so absent minded at times ( cautionary note before commencing DIY drilling.. check wall for wiring ) .


It sure could have been.. ‘post a bad thing in my life today ‘ that would have been a case of and zap to me. 



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Didn't happen today but found out later and it really hurts! 


Last week, we were camped out in the Bush by a salt lake, waaaay out off the beaten track. No bitumen roads, no comms. 

We're sitting outside under our awning sipping cool white wine. A spectacular red moon rose on the horizon over the salt pan just in front of us. We joked 'what is it about, has there been a nuclear strike? We wouldn't know about it'. I took a few shots.


Back within signal range a few days later, to my utmost dismay, I read in the news that it was a partial eclipse, the longest since the 15th century. Perfect environment for it, no light pollution, no human anything, clear sky, no hindrance. Crushed!!!!




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19 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


You're doing wonderfully, Gen. But perfection with all things is not possible. There are alway mishaps and bumps in the road.


You are such a sweetie Edo. Thank you. 

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On 25/11/2021 at 16:10, Allan Bell said:


In time - smoulder - BANG - Fire.




It probably won't do that, but it may well get a bit warmer than it should because the poor contact increases the resistance, and no fuse or circuit breaker will detect that. Sue may well not notice if it's out of sight, but it certainly isn't improving with age.

Bit of a hobby-horse of mine as you can see but then I do have three soldering irons.

Lecky a good servant, bad master and all that.

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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:

It probably won't do that, but it may well get a bit warmer than it should because the poor contact increases the resistance, and no fuse or circuit breaker will detect that. Sue may well not notice if it's out of sight, but it certainly isn't improving with age.

Bit of a hobby-horse of mine as you can see but then I do have three soldering irons.

Lecky a good servant, bad master and all that.


Only three?




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