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Covid 19 -------- The lighter side

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Rather than intersperse humorous posts among more serious ones and as a lot of us will be spending more time at home I thought it might be a good idea  to have a thread to try and cheer us all up a bit.

Humorous, funny or downright hilarious posts only please, the only exception being inspirational.  

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4 minutes ago, John Morrison said:

Even better value...


Private Eye Magazine


Similarly, to address any future shortage of toilet rolls we had considered subscribing to Murdoch's Australian newspaper, but as I pointed out to my better half, it'd be no use as it's already covered in shite . . .


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The following quote is from a woman lining up outside a liquor store in Vancouver after fears spread that government-run liquor stores might be closing (they aren't, at least not yet): "If I'm going to get COVID-19, the last thing I want is to die sober." 

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In Germany they are preparing for a potential lockdown situation by stockpiling sausages inside large pieces of luggage.


It’s really a wurst case scenario.....


(@DadJokeMan on Twitter)

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When I first went in to isolation I was concerned I would have to talk to the wife*.

I needn't have worried, turns out she's** quite a nice person when you get to know her***


* Insert wife/husband

** Insert she's/ he's

*** insert her/him

Where appropriate. 

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