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Gone for awhile...maybe

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You all warm my heart.

Here is my traveling companion, Echo, she warms my heart, too. We've been together 25 years.  Her red tail doesn't show, here. Just us two rattling around together. I still have 3 days before leaving.  I'm trying hard not to pack every stitch I own. For a woman, that's a very hard decision. 😉




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12 hours ago, NYCat said:

Now you have me worried about Bogie.



I re-homed Bogie with Bob’s permission before he passed. I had too much on my plate, and Bob was not caring for Bogie anymore. He has an excellent home and I check in periodically. He’s very happy in his new home. Echo has adjusted well. I miss him, though. 😢

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15 hours ago, cbimages said:

Betty, I've been travelling and just logged on to read this. My heart and love goes out to you and your family. xxxx

Thank you. A new development. My ailing back went out on me Sunday, and I’m standing crooked from the muscle spasms. I’m hoping it rights itself enough to leave Weds as planned. I need to be there.

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I feel for you guys. I've had a tricky back since my early 20's when I wrecked it pushing a car out of a Montreal snowdrift. Strangely enough, my back doesn't bother me as much as it used to when I was younger. Stress seems to be the main culprit. Heavy camera bags don't help either, which is why I don't lug them around any longer.

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I can’t believe this! Backs going out like popcorn popping! I texted my son about my condition and told him it was iffy if I could leave on time and he told me his back went out Friday while unfolding his ill wife’s wheelchair!

He’s been lifting her out of bed for a few weeks, so he was primed. Lordy, lordy.

I’m doing better this afternoon. I’m off to the bedroom now to start packing.


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6 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

My goodness, Betty. You are having more than your share of hard times. Echo looks like a sweet-natured bird to me. 


Be extra careful on the drive.



Thank you, Edo. Yes, it’s been a hard few years. But I feel things will get better down the road. It surely can’t go on like this forever!  You’ve had hard times, too, and just look at you, making the best of things! 

2 hours ago, MariaJ said:

So sorry to hear about all you're going through Betty.  I have my share of back issues too.  Hope yours is feeling better soon.



Thank you, Maria. I think our backs are the first body parts to wear out. Hmm, I’ve had shoulder surgery, knee surgery..... but those parts are like new!  Just scrape around a bit with some tiny buzz saws in the joints and voila! That won’t fix my back, though.

I’m much better today and the trip is on.  


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9 hours ago, John Mitchell said:

I feel for you guys. I've had a tricky back since my early 20's when I wrecked it pushing a car out of a Montreal snowdrift. Strangely enough, my back doesn't bother me as much as it used to when I was younger. Stress seems to be the main culprit. Heavy camera bags don't help either, which is why I don't lug them around any longer.

The last time I lugged a bag (for any distance) was 10 years ago at the San Diego zoo. A swing bag that I kept shifting from one side to another. The weight compressed my spine to the point I could hardly breathe from the pain, so I only got to see about 30 minutes of that amazing zoo. Shortly after, I got a Pelican rolling bag.

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I made it to Tennessee yesterday. The drive through Memphis and Nashville were horrendously traffic clogged. I nearly bought the farm after leaving Nashville. I was doing 74 mph while passing two slow-moving semi trucks.  Speed limit is 70 but they just wink at you at 74.

I rounded a curve and came upon two or three miles of dead-stopped traffic. I screeched to a stop about 5 feet from hitting a vehicle. 

Why in God’s name the highway patrol hadn’t set up warnings before that curve, I’ll never know. It wasn’t a fresh wreck ahead, the mangled car was already on a flatbed. There was time to set up warnings.


About my reason for being here, it won’t be long. A week or two.  Or anytime.  

I’m doing what I can.

The dogwoods are in bloom and I have pictures!


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The winds were very high from the south. I traveled east. Gusts blew me all over the place. Three gusts hit so hard it felt like another car hit me. I almost screamed. It’s raining here today so I was just ahead of it.  You don’t want to be on I-40 when it’s raining. There are hundreds of semis on the road and they will box you in. With rain, they throw dirty water on you to the point you are driving blind. Wipers won’t work. I’ve been there before and it’s very frightening.

Hopefully, whenever time comes, the trip home will be better. 

I will grab shots of the local flora when I have a down moment.

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It’s over as of yesterday.  I’ll probably go home in about one week. Very sad. I’m doing what I can to help everyone.


Tennessee is a beautiful place. Maybe I can get some shots of the great Smokey mountains on my way back. Not that there isn’t a million images already on Alamy. I need to look at them and see if I can do a few shots differently. If not, they’ll make wall art.


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