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This falls into the general positivity category. Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US of A. I wonder how many pies Betty is making. Yum. I just want to say I am thankful for an agency that lets me put up images that are MY choice. And thankful for a community of photographers who are very generous in giving help and advice.


Happy Thanksgiving,



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Hi Paulette, Philippe...


I'm home, thanks to a cold (there's a family member in particular I super don't want to pass these germs onto) - but I'm looking forward to when food's dropped off, including (I hope) some of my daughter's gluten-free pie! 


Happy Thanksgiving - Ann

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I do wish all concerned a most happy holiday . . . including you, wim, since many of the Pilgrims at Plymouth were Dutch.


I don't eat turkey anymore myself, but the first November my wife and I lived in Rome we got a Trastevere baker to cook the bird for us. It was too large to fit into our flat's oven. I remember they charged us 150 lire, 25 cent US at the time.  :)



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Is this topic remotely connected to 'Let's talk about pics' ?


I don't see any posts this year saying 'Happy St. George's Day'

Yes it is . . . this part of the forum is for a few things, including "general positivity" (as pointed out by the OP).


I see only one post that does not meet that criterion.



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Is this topic remotely connected to 'Let's talk about pics' ?


I don't see any posts this year saying 'Happy St. George's Day'

Yes it is . . . this part of the forum is for a few things, including "general positivity" (as pointed out by the OP).


I see only one post that does not meet that criterion.




OK. Can I start a post here then about my general positivity on Chelsea's form these days???? Point is why would I bother.

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Is this topic remotely connected to 'Let's talk about pics' ?


I don't see any posts this year saying 'Happy St. George's Day'

Yes it is . . . this part of the forum is for a few things, including "general positivity" (as pointed out by the OP).


I see only one post that does not meet that criterion.




OK. Can I start a post here then about my general positivity on Chelsea's form these days???? Point is why would I bother.



. . . and then there were two . . .



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Is this topic remotely connected to 'Let's talk about pics' ?


I don't see any posts this year saying 'Happy St. George's Day'

Yes it is . . . this part of the forum is for a few things, including "general positivity" (as pointed out by the OP).


I see only one post that does not meet that criterion.





OK. Can I start a post here then about my general positivity on Chelsea's form these days???? Point is why would I bother.



Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning .....?  :wacko: 





Ah no I didn't. I got one of my pix on Alamy's front page and I got a licence for +$150 this morning thanks.

i just don't see why this is relevant .

Do you see people posting things like 'Happy Ramadan'?

Just the usual American overkill really .........as if we really need to know.

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OK. Can I start a post here then about my general positivity on Chelsea's form these days???? Point is why would I bother.



No... that would fall under specific positivity, as Chelsea's form has general negativity for all of those of us who follow other teams. ;)


And what about those who follow other countries?


This is allowing selective Nationalism a free run in a forum designed to talk about photography NOT about nationalistic cheerleading. Would you be happy if an Afghan wanted to post and salute about some Afghanistan/Islamic holiday? I guess not. That would be shut down pretty quick. 


This is why the world is in such a poor state. You allow Americanism but deny others the same freedom to voice their opinions. 


Let's face it -the truth that is -USA has killed more innocents in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan etc etc etc. Than any other country in the world.


Freedom - yeah ?





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You need't have explained, Master ManWay; your Anti-Americanism was obvious from your first sentence.


It was a bad idea to target Paulette, one of our nicest and most popular long-time forum members. All she said was "Happy Thanksgiving" to all. No one else of any nationality or cultural seemed to have found that offensive . . . except you. So you are looking for trouble, eh? You got it. I will be sending the screen shoot I just captured to Member Services, toot sweet. :)


Just curious, but what kind of name is ManWay? Some kind of macho-biker handle left over from an old AOL chatroom?  


We'll be needing a sincere apology to Paulette and all the Yanks and others in here. And no more rants against anyone, please.


And if we don't see you in April, have a great St. George's Day.



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Just curious, but what kind of name is ManWay? Some kind of macho-biker handle left over from an old AOL chatroom?  




Happy thanksgiving to all from me too. I find it quite disturbing and sad that such an innocent post can be turned into something so bilious. I thought it was politics and religion that were out of bounds here not simple gestures of goodwill. 


ManWay is clearly a reference to Man Ray and a reversal of the syllables in ManWay's surname. In a similar manner, Ed could call himself NeyRoo  :). This could catch on.

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Is this topic remotely connected to  'Let's talk about pics'  ?


I don't see any posts this year saying 'Happy St. George's Day'


This is a free forum and if you don't like certain post's you don't have to read them and you don't have to join in the conversation. This is ALAMY'S train set and if they don't like the post they will lock it.

I hope they remove your post's and allow the topic to continue in the spirit the OP intended.


Happy thanksgiving.




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From downunder where we do not have any celebration wishing you all the best up there 

I think we actually need a family based holiday at this time of year to sort out the "Who's parents do we see at Christmas " thing 

Christmas day is always a nightmare and then most of our public holidays fall in the first quarter of the new year.

Cheers anyway !!!

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Never experienced a thanksgiving celebration but it must be a great family occasion. My abiding memory of St. David's days at school (albeit a very rough sec. mod.) was the overpowering smell of leeks. We would buy (or steal) a huge one from the greengrocers on the way to school, pin them to our chests and nibble them raw all the way through the morning eisteddfod, while singing and reciting poems, (in Welsh). We would then get a half day off and the remnants of the leek probably ended up in my Mother's cawl cennin.

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Maybe we need a thread on photos of national celebrations the world over.


As for Thanksgiving being a great family occasion, it is. But then again, the late Johnny Carson said, "Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often."

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