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How Do I Close My Account?



I want to close my account with Alamy but it is so frustrating trying to get through to support, who just keep sending out an automated message that does not help.

I can no longer upload to Alamy as their site is just so very slow.  It takes hours and hours to upload just a few images.  I've done all the suggestions on the dreaded automated messages and nothing works to improve the upload speed.  I feel they may have slowed down my account to get rid of me - maybe my images don't suit their buyers anymore.  

I don't have the time for this ineptitude so want to close my account but don't know how.  Can anyone help me with this please?

Thank you

Michele Jackson

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17 answers to this question

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Alamy's terms are quite clear and my experience during the last 10+ years

is that Alamy sticks to their terms, which you agreed to before you uploaded

to Alamy.


I hope the door hits you hard on your exit.....


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You're right, Chuck -- Alamy is one of the best companies I've ever done business with. And they've been extra kind to me during this last hard year.


Jackson is just upset and sounding off. Let's give him a little space.



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Michele, I understand what you’re going through. Take it from me, Alamy doesn’t use underhanded methods to get rid of contributors. 

I have had trouble off and on uploading for a couple of years. Sometimes the first image gets hung up after 30% or so. I’ve just shut everything down and tried again later. 

Sometimes it’s taken 2 hours to upload 10 images, other times they go at about 30 seconds per image.

I’m not technical, so I can’t explain why.  I will say this, though. The other day while on the Internet, when I clicked a link,  the bar stuck again. I unplugged my modem, waited a minute, plugged all the wires back in and my problem was solved. Rebooted.

 I don’t know your ISP provider and whether it is common to have problems. I do know that my neighborhood has intermittent drops in service. Maybe you are trying to upload during high-traffic times.  In your own service area, try to avoid uploading after everyone gets home from school or work. Typical high-traffic times. Set your alarm for midnight and try then! If it goes, then you’ll know that is a low-traffic time.

There are tests you can run to find out what your upload speeds are. Others here can tell you more, see above: “I’m not technical! “


And yes, sometimes I think the snail’s pace is on Alamy’s end, but not always. As far as FTP goes, if you can figure it out, try it. I never quite got how to do it. See above quote again! 😁

I have an idea you posted after a particularly stressful period trying to upload. Referring back to old cartoons of Donald Duck, I say that I’m having a “Donald Duck fit” during those similar angry times.


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Click all your photos and press delete, your account may not be closed but all your photos will be gone, though it will take up to 6 months.

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Today FTP uploaded 166.5 MB at average speed 68.8 KB/S in approximately 40 minutes using a cable modem and Fetch software from Toronto.

Usually upload a 2 or 3 of times a month, and never have a problem. FTP is the way to go

Maybe the problem is at Michele's end.

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On 05/05/2019 at 22:11, JacksonStock said:

I feel they may have slowed down my account to get rid of me

Way too paranoid. If you read on the forum a bit you will see that lots of people have problems with upload speed - me included. Try FTP instead - its super fast.

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48 minutes ago, Matt Ashmore said:

Silly question... what harm does it do leaving the images you did manage to upload on Alamy unless you really need them to be exclusive elsewhere?.. you might get a small passive income.


It was just a question.. shutting the account takes effort. Leaving it there and potentially collecting a small passive income doesn't... apparently this kind of question/thinking upset someone though!

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Hi JacksonStock


It's been bank holiday weekend here in the UK, but our Contributor Relations team are now back in the office and will get back to you as soon as possible. 






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