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It's official- 50% for exclusive - (JW response video to commission change)

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On 23/12/2018 at 19:57, John Mitchell said:


Regardless if the credits are a mess or accurate, I would think that a buyer who has licensed an "exclusive" image through Alamy would be unhappy to find the same image available at another agency that happens to be an Alamy distribution partner. In the end, it is Alamy, not contributors, that has the power to make an image truly exclusive. Our checking a box in AIM is meaningless as far as I can see.

It's not uncommon in the business.

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I feel sympathy for everybody, exclusive and non-exclusive.. Unfortunately, it does not matter to this contributor.


50% or 40% of a very small (and declining in time) amount does not make much difference.


Last image shot specifically for Alamy was in 2010-2011.. Last outtake available for upload to Alamy was in 2014...


There are much greener pastures out there...





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7 hours ago, giphotostock said:

There are much greener pastures out there...






My new year's resolution is to diversify away from Alamy. Currently 68% of my net income from stock comes from Alamy, as calculated from my 2018 earnings That's way too much. I need to find these greener pastures.


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On 12/26/2018 at 20:37, giphotostock said:

I feel sympathy for everybody, exclusive and non-exclusive.. Unfortunately, it does not matter to this contributor.


50% or 40% of a very small (and declining in time) amount does not make much difference.


Last image shot specifically for Alamy was in 2010-2011.. Last outtake available for upload to Alamy was in 2014...


There are much greener pastures out there...





"There are much greener pastures out there..."     .....   "I need to find these greener pastures. "

We all do.  Let us know what you find.  Perhaps you mean "other than stock photography"?  I've been looking....

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20 minutes ago, Ollie said:

"There are much greener pastures out there..."     .....   "I need to find these greener pastures. "

We all do.  Let us know what you find.  Perhaps you mean "other than stock photography"?  I've been looking....


Not a secret. Specialize. Shoot for the market. Research.


An example given 10-15 years ago on the old AlamyPro forum by Geoff Kidd (if I remember correctly):

"If you are shooting in a garden, do not shoot flowers, shoot garden pests." Something like that.



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16 hours ago, giphotostock said:


Not a secret. Specialize. Shoot for the market. Research.


An example given 10-15 years ago on the old AlamyPro forum by Geoff Kidd (if I remember correctly):

"If you are shooting in a garden, do not shoot flowers, shoot garden pests." Something like that.



 That was then when gardening pics made 50 dollars plus now Alamy give 5year licences,any size ,anywhere to the UK gardening press for about 8 dollars.-complete waste of time!



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13 hours ago, regen said:

 That was then when gardening pics made 50 dollars plus now Alamy give 5year licences,any size ,anywhere to the UK gardening press for about 8 dollars.-complete waste of time!



I totally agree - and don't get me started on the National Newspapers selling millions of copies.


I reckon that these "greener pastures" are myth.  Besides, many of us have spent several years and hundreds of hours building our portfolios on Alamy.  So that, combined with all the extra time and work it would take IF we could find another library to post to leaves us with few, if any options.  Alamy know this and are taking advantage.


So here we are today.  The "exclusive" gang are all smiles, but what about the rest of us?  We haven't yet reached a happy solution! :wacko:  Seems like many of you have lost the plot.......

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I'm "exclusive" but not all smiles and I bet a lot of us feel the same. I am relieved that I may be able to keep 50% but not at all happy that the most "professional" people are going to be hurt. That can't be good for Alamy and if it's not good for Alamy is it really good for us "hobbyists"? This is a pretty unhappy situation for us all I think.



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On 12/18/2018 at 11:14, amycicconi said:


I was wondering the same.  James mentioned being able to sell your own prints, but I'd like specific information regarding that.  For example, is selling prints via a print on demand site such as Fine**ta****** allowed or not?  

I would like clarification on this as well.

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1 minute ago, Paul J said:


I made £4 from a photo in The Times, I typically get £90 for a live news image of the same size syndicated direct, but it was a stock image. 


Exclusive or not, 50% or 40%, it doesn't mean much when your getting penny sales. They need to restructure the pricing more than anything else. 


Yes they should start hiring photographers paying a serious salary; health insurance (does not apply to the UK yet); a good pension; paid holidays; maternity leave; in short a career.


Somehow that boat has sailed.

Maybe that internet thingy has something to do with it. Or the fall of the Berlin Wall? Who knows. It all happened so quickly while I looked away only briefly. Probably just checking my phone.


In short: They won. We lost. It's not coming back. Let's get over it.

The alternative: Photographers of the world unite and strike. Holland is going to do it on January 25: the news photographers will go on strike. That'll teach them.



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14 minutes ago, wiskerke said:

Holland is going to do it on January 25: the news photographers will go on strike. That'll teach them.


A lot of good that will do. I don't think.:(





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1 hour ago, JeffGreenberg said:

If this movement gains gravitas,

I'd consider blocking my Jan 25 licensing in support.

How to do?  Batch change on Jan 24 to turn off

on Jan 25 system refresh. Then batch change again

Jan 25 to turn on with Jan 26 refresh.


But Jan 25 = Friday, may have to support

on Jan 24 to avoid entire weekend turn-off...?

You’ve lost me again Jeff! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

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On 12/23/2018 at 20:39, KevinS said:

Exclusivity is losing it's meaning if over 80 agencies have the image. 


I hope there is a clear definition in the new contract as to the Alamy meaning of "exclusive to Alamy", or "only available at Alamy".

What kind of exclusivity are we granting?

For instance if I copy a well known, out of copyright historic painting, and upload the digital file to Alamy, can my particular upload be exclusive to Alamy when other legitimate copies by other photographers are at other stock photo agencies?

How about taking identical peak action images with a crowd of photographers all uploading to different agencies? I have been in photographer crowds when shutters sounded like machine gun fire.

This shot for instance from a crowd of about 60 professional photographers there to photograph a called off surfing competition because of too high waves. The conversation between machine gunning waves was all round which stock agencies were the best.

Record high 35 foot surf due to El Nino on north shore of island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii USAStock Photo

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2 hours ago, Avpics said:

Hang on, who would cover the story? 'No pictures or it didn't happen!'


Maybe the video people don't strike. Or the phone people. Now if those would strike..



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9 hours ago, fotosiong said:

Anyone knows do we enjoy better ranking for images for going exclusive?

The terms of the exclusivity haven’t been released yet. We should all be getting an email about this in due course. No one here knows better than you.

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We've made some changes

The Alamy contract has been updated and we're writing to give you notice of these changes.


The new contract is here and the key changes are listed here. The changes will come into place on 21st February 2019.


We don't need anything from you but we recommend you keep a copy of the contract for your records once you've read it through.

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Thanks for this. I did it much more awkwardly in the thread Commission Change announced in email. Perhaps we should all try to stay on this thread. I did email Alamy about Fine Art America and will let you know what they said.



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5 minutes ago, NYCat said:

Thanks for this. I did it much more awkwardly in the thread Commission Change announced in email. Perhaps we should all try to stay on this thread. I did email Alamy about Fine Art America and will let you know what they said.




The way I read it, the definition of "exclusive" excludes images on the contributors own website or prints sales.  Images on FAA for print sales but not licensing should be OK.



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42 minutes ago, CHP said:


The way I read it, the definition of "exclusive" excludes images on the contributors own website or prints sales.  Images on FAA for print sales but not licensing should be OK.




I agree but I emailed them just to be absolutely certain. 



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47 minutes ago, CHP said:


The way I read it, the definition of "exclusive" excludes images on the contributors own website or prints sales.  Images on FAA for print sales but not licensing should be OK.




I agree.

that's certainly how I interpret it . . . well, that's what it says after all :) . . . although I have asked Alamy to verify that interpretation, just in case :ph34r:

EDIT: oops, I should have added NYCat's post above to my response . . . sorry Paulette ;)


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