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Mods - I cannot report a PM


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Dear Alamy team


Until today I was not even aware that you have a discussion forum.   I received a PM from an individual who insisted I only contact them on a hotmail account.   To me this is very obvious spam but it seems that the report button on the messages does not work (possibly because this is my first and possibly only post to the forum).


Would appreciate if you can look into this





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Dear Alamy team


Until today I was not even aware that you have a discussion forum.   I received a PM from an individual who insisted I only contact them on a hotmail account.   To me this is very obvious spam but it seems that the report button on the messages does not work (possibly because this is my first and possibly only post to the forum).


Would appreciate if you can look into this







Received the same myself.


Looks like they just want to chat with others. Maybe kicked off most social network sites.






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Must be working alphabetically through the forum member list. All reports are from members whose names begin with a,b or c so far. I've not received mine yet. It will be Monday before anybody at Alamy reads the reports I assume.

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She (assuming she's a she) is at least as far as CLSI.


from: Alamy <memberservices@alamy.com> date: Sat, May 14, 2016 at 2:25 PM subject: rosin started a new personal conversation with you mailed-by: cic08.aws.ipslink.com encryption: Standard (TLS)

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Gee, I thought she was only interested in me . . . because of my good looks and sunny personality.  :rolleyes:


Would you like to buy my unicorn?




You have a unicorn? Wow! Can I trade you for my percentage in the ownership of the Brooklyn Bridge? 

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Googling the email address, RosineSmith23@hotmail.com, it appears she sends the same thing to all sorts of folks. As you say, obviously data farming. That, or one very lonely girl.

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