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Just emailed the good folk at Member Services to see what's going on. It's been 3 years since I last failed a QC.

This QC failure looks smaller than that one because it's further away, Dougal.

They will at least tell you if you're in the bin, though not why.

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Interestingly I had an image go through on 28 December but only just got the email telling me about it... Has been on sale for a few days, so clearly Alamy's automatic email system has been having a longer holiday then their QC staff.

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My submission took a couple of days for approval. I was sweating it because I had two images with creative processing which I had no sense of how they would go over with QC. Some have, one didn't.

Thanks to this forum and a thread a few months ago that give me the courage to try it.

Now to get busy this weekend and prep them for sale.


It's kind of a shame that the penalty for trying something new can be so harshly penalized if QC doesn't "get it". It makes me think long (many months) and hard before attempting something.

Sorry. I shouldn't beat that dead horse again.

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Uploaded a batch on 5th Jan did not pass till late on the 8th.


Usually pass within 24 hours so started to be a bit jumpy but should not have worried as my Nikon D750 pulled me through again.



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I uploaded some pics yesterday and I'm still waiting for them to be passed. I normally have to wait no longer than 24 hours.

QC doesn't work on weekends. They'll pass Monday.



Ah, makes sense. Thanks, Philippe.

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