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i think is just a rightful acknowledgement of the innate genius of each of you and the beneficial influence of living in Cambridge and the Lake District respectively, of which I am deeply jealous in both cases.


My mother was a Lancashire lass. Although I have only passed through on occasions I believe it is a photogenic part of our blessed isle.



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Think it is reserved for people with over 500 posts.


Thanks for that.


You don't have far to go yourself then. :)  Then you will be one of the elite too. ;)



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I believe we all went back the to rank of 'Nobody Important' when this new forum started.  All the previous medals weren't carried over so it was a fresh start. 


Most forums that I am on seem base their ranking on new topics started and number of replies etc.



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There's something terribly wrong here, Allen. I too am an Advanced Member, yet David K, who is about 467.6% more useful to this forum than either of us, is just a Member. In your case, it might be the Cambridge connection. Perhaps Alamy is afraid you might somehow be connected with Kim Philby. I on the other hand have an Oxford connection. I didn't actually attend anything at Oxford, unless pub lunches count, but I stayed with a grad student in Summertown for a year and lived in Woodstock for a time.

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It is NOT a reflection of any of your physical attributes......and before the preening gets out of hand it is the quantity - not the quality (this is a light hearted attempt at humour - not a dig at anyone with a thin skin !!


:)  :)


Two words with secondary meanings like that would not wait long in the Danish language without getting more dirty remarks... 

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Ooer! Those red eyes are a bit scary David.



As a fairly modest (limited) poster, both  myself and the 'Dog of Death' have noticed that the previous Avatar seemed to attract a large number of instances where the slash of the 'Blue Pencil' swiftly followed - either by our summary dismissal, or worse still the dreaded 'Poster Padlock'........


Just to avoid the charge of drifting Off Topic I would point out that this posting is to progress my journey towards Advanced Membership - and I really am trying to avoid mentioning the Scheming Newspapers Arrangements - honestly !

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