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Ed Rooney


In 2024 I find myself living in the inner city of Liverpool. It is smaller than my neighborhood in NYC. I don't intend to move and travel to capture new subjects is not an option. That's much too expensive with these $ fees. So I find myself revisiting the same subjects again and again. 


I wonder what savvy forum folks think about revisiting and unloading similar subjects. 


I am not asking about similar images captured at the same time, that is several frames captured at the same time and all uploaded to Alamy -- I don't do that. Let me show you what I'm asking about. ???






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I do it all the time, different lighting , seasons , weather , events . I have over 1000 images on here of walking the Camino Spain, 90% off the key words the same but all very different shots, and taken over 10 years. 

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I have uploaded similars but all had a different slant. As Nick above suggests.




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The proof is in the sales licenses.

And in the order in which they appear in searches. Maybe include some filters, like with people; with or without release.

For this particular one, you may have to wait until next winter and the trees are bare again.



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Jeff, you mean leave the inner city? Hmm. I am right next door to a train station and I have a free bus pass. Someone suggested to go down to Strawberry Fields. But I've never seen a decent photo of Strawberry Fields

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14 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

In 2024 I find myself living in the inner city of Liverpool. It is smaller than my neighborhood in NYC. I don't intend to move and travel to capture new subjects is not an option. That's much too expensive with these $ fees. So I find myself revisiting the same subjects again and again. 


I wonder what savvy forum folks think about revisiting and unloading similar subjects. 


I am not asking about similar images captured at the same time, that is several frames captured at the same time and all uploaded to Alamy -- I don't do that. Let me show you what I'm asking about. ???








One of my mottos is "keep doing it until you get it right and there is no "Right.""  All the best and have fun with the stone Fab Four...



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Edo, it's a famous (worldwide) city and a tourist destination. I wouldn't worry about 'similars', own the inner city. More chances that any image licensed of the city is yours.

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Some of the live news shooters upload multiple similars, some so similar I have great difficulty telling them apart, but they continue to sell.  Take, for example, Bank of England shots, there are more of them that you can shake a stick at and they continue to be uploaded in quantity - but always with a text relating the shot to the current date and economic situation.


However, when I look at my measures, I occasionally see an image appear that isn't the best in my collection, and regret not deleting it. As has been suggested, seasonal variation is probably important, particular months, blue sky, dull grey or rain etc.


Should the sun ever shine again, take a trip to Birkenhead park a pleasant jaunt even if you fail to find any worthwhile shots.



Edited by Bryan
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14 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

But I've never seen a decent photo of Strawberry Fields

Sounds like a challenge, Ed. Or, in your case, a walk in the park.

I try not to compete with myself, but if there's a new angle or a better light, I'll have it.


The small print- I think one of these has licensed, for not much. And these aren't really similars, and the light's the same because we always go in September. Ah well. Gallic shrug.

Edited by spacecadet
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15 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Jeff, you mean leave the inner city? Hmm. I am right next door to a train station and I have a free bus pass. Someone suggested to go down to Strawberry Fields. But I've never seen a decent photo of Strawberry Fields


So you will be the one to take a really good photo of Strawberry Fields.



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Posted (edited)


Cat Woman, Strawberry Fields is a cemetery. It's closed to the public. If you do a search you'll see just one image; the sign at the gate. 


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On 22/04/2024 at 10:04, Ed Rooney said:


You always have good advice, Steve. But the other Steve makes those tasty-looking cakes. 😉


But my fried pineapple rice is mighty good....


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I've never seen the Beatles statues in L'pool, but a I spent hours just a bit further back from the Mersey watching the Bucket Fountain in the late 60's. (Students need to fill their time). Have you photographed that? I didn't have a good enough camera back then. 😢

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Have you taken a look at the book 'Secret Liverpool an unusual guide' by Mike Keating Edo?  May be some quirky subjects in there that you haven't captured yet?  Might be a project to work through it?

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On 22/04/2024 at 10:20, Ed Rooney said:


Cat Woman, Strawberry Fields is a cemetery. It's closed to the public. If you do a search you'll see just one image; the sign at the gate. 



I guess that's why it is Strawberry Fields Forever. The Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn is fabulous and they encourage visitors. A nice place to spend some time even if not forever.



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Maybe start doing an editorial style of caption for these additional images, anyone searching might want a specific year etc. Could add value to each image. Also monitor the local news and photograph places making the news, new store openings etc.

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People waiting for the bus, people getting on the bus, the bus pulling out. Same for the train. Pictures close up of the bus/train schedule.
The market storefront, people entering the market, people leaving the market with purchases, inside the market, someone with an item in their hand looking at it, people in the checkout lane, someone using the self-checkout.

Find a bench, sit for a while with camera handy & snap people doing things. If it’s raining, find a place with cover you can shoot people walking by dealing with the rain, umbrellas, newspaper over head, human interest.

Your Sony RX100VII is a spy camera, you know. And you take great images!

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I also often find myself taking the same subjects again and again as I tend to photograph scenes and subjects because I am there rather than going 'there' to photograph something new. Things do change over time though be it the light, the season, scenes outside show their age and change.

If nothing else, it feeds the machine, keeps the alamy algorithms happy that you are uploading new content so that your images remain visible in search results.

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